Kingdom Hearts 4 Fans Think It’ll Show Up During The Next State Of Play

Kingdom Hearts 4 Fans Think It'll Show Up During The Next State Of Play

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  • Last week, a rumour started spreading that PlayStation is hosting a State of Play next week.
  • Kingdom Hearts fans get their hopes up to see KH4 every time an event comes around, but this time there’s a reason.
  • With the showcase happening during the week of Valentine’s Day, the connection between hearts, love, and Kingdom Hearts is right there.

Kingdom Hearts fans are already getting their hopes up that Kingdom Hearts 4 will appear during next week’s rumoured State of Play, all because it’s close to Valentine’s Day.

While Final Fantasy has given its community endless reasons to get excited over the past few years, Square Enix‘s other giant RPG series, Kingdom Hearts, hasn’t had quite the same luck. Last month, we officially hit the 1,000-day mark for when we last saw Kingdom Hearts 4, and we’ve basically heard nothing major since then.


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For the past two years, it’s basically been one big waiting game to see when Kingdom Hearts 4 would next show up again, just like it was in the many years between KH3’s reveal and release. While fans have had no luck at the last few major events, that hope has come right back around again thanks to a recent rumour.

Kingdom Hearts 4 Probably Won’t Show Up Next Week, But We Can Dream

The rumour in question suggests that PlayStation is planning on hosting a new State of Play showcase next week, which is the week of Valentine’s Day. While Kingdom Hearts fans already get their expectations up during any event (it’s me, I’m the fan), that last bit is key to the theories this time around.

With Heart literally being in the series’ name, many are hoping that Kingdom Hearts 4 might finally make an appearance at the showcase. Over on Twitter, Maxemldr pointed out the connection between hearts, Valentine’s Day, and Kingdom Hearts, which a lot of fans caught onto and started spreading around.

Although it’s true that there is a bit of an obvious link to it all, it’s worth remembering that the State of Play not only hasn’t been confirmed yet, but also isn’t definitely happening on Valentine’s Day, as the rumour said it was during the week of. That, combined with how unlucky we’ve been so far, makes it very unlikely, but a fun thing to dream about for the next week until we’re disappointed again.


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