How To Get The Wing-Wing Situation Medal In Sniper Elite: Resistance

How To Get The Wing-Wing Situation Medal In Sniper Elite: Resistance
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Each level of Sniper Elite: Resistance is rammed full of optional objectives and collectibles, and nabbing them will reward you with medals. One such medal is Wing-Wing Situation, awarded for finding and shooting up to ten cardboard pigeons.


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Is it perhaps a waste of Harry Hawker’s time when there are Nazis that need popping instead? Maybe. But a medal is a medal, so those cardboard pigeons have it coming to them.

How To Get The Wing-Wing Medal

Unlocking the Wing-Wing Situation medal in Sniper Elite: Resistance.

The Wing-Wing medal is one of the optional mission medals found in the third mission, Sonderzuge Sabotage. By tracking down and destroying the cardboard pigeons, you can unlock the medals:

  • Bronze medal: One pigeon.
  • Silver medal: Five pigeons.
  • Gold medal: Ten pigeons.

These medals only contribute to your completion percentage, and don’t unlock any further upgrades or weapons. You’ll only be wanting to hunt down pigeons if you’re going for a 100 percent completion.

The cardboard pigeons look annoyingly similar to the stone eagles, especially from a distance in the darkness of the level. The pigeons tend to be closer to the ground, while eagles are on higher rooftops.

Every Cardboard Pigeon In Sonderzuge Sabotage

Cardboard pigeon map in Sniper Elite Resistance.

There are a total of ten cardboard pigeons in Sonderzuge Sabotage. They’re all outside, but some will require you to progress a fair way through the level to get to them.

Pigeon Number




From the default starting location, go to the small building to your left that is guarded by a single soldier. The pigeon is on one of the pillars of the stone wall surrounding it.

A cardboard pigeon on a stone pillar in Sniper Elite Resistance.


On the roof of the wooden patio of the large building opposite the default starting position, where two gestapo agents are talking.

A cardboard pigeon on a patio covering in Sniper Elite Resistance


Near the kill list objective, on the corner of a small, square building.

A cardboard pigeon on a roof in Sniper Elite Resistance


On the wharf where the kill list objective can be found, on a wooden perch of the building that has a workbench inside.

A cardboard pigeon on a wooden perch in Sniper Elite Resistance


On the corner of the roof of the hotel. At some angles this can be incredibly difficult to see, but is best shot from almost directly below it.

A cardboard pigeon on the hotel roof in Sniper Elite Resistance


In the top left of the map, near the blue optional objective. It is on the roof of a well-lit news kiosk.

A cardboard pigeon on a news kiosk in Sniper Elite Resistance


Just below the previous pigeon, on the roof of the wooden sniper’s tower.

A cardboard pigeon on a sniper tower in Sniper Elite Resistance


On a stone pillar on the left side of the hotel garden, close to the building.

A cardboard pigeon on a pillar in Sniper Elite Resistance


From the side of the river closest to the hotel, look back across to the dock building. The pigeon is on a ledge, above a life ring and two crossed oars.

A cardboard pigeon on a dock roof n Sniper Elite Resistance


At the train station, on a wooden covering on the smaller building with green wallpaper inside. This is the same building where you will find a workbench.

A cardboard pigeon on a wooden ledge in Sniper Elite Resistance


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