How To Get The Best Ending In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

How To Get The Best Ending In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 gives you multiple decisions to make throughout the game, with some being less obvious than others, and a good few of them will directly affect the game’s ending.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Best Skills To Unlock First

Pick a skill, any skill. But maybe these ones specifically.

If you want to ensure you get the best ending possible, then knowing what and when to choose in these missions will matter. Here are all of the important choices you can make, and how to get each ending in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

WARNING: This guide contains heavy spoilers for choices, plot points, twists, characters, and the endings of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Every Important Decision In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

KCD2 Suchdol Siege At The Beginning of the Game

As you make your way through Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2’s story, you’ll often have decisions to make. Sometimes this will be an obvious moment, a dialogue outcome, or might be something you don’t quite realise.

Should You Save Semine And Maleshov In KCD2?

Without diving too far into specific plotlines, you’ll have choices throughout the game to save the Semine estate or not, and to save the village of Maleshov or not.

You’ll approach Semine with a company from Trosky Castle on behalf of Von Bergow, and the conflict will break out. You’ll have the choice to stick with Hashek, or swap and side with the Semines to save them from slaughter.

Side With Hashek

You’ll wipe out the Semines and burn down the estate, returning to Trosky Castle after.

Side With Semine

You’ll protect the Semines and kill Hashek, but will still have to convince the Semines to leave and burn down the estate to cover up the betrayal to Von Bergow.

If you want to lean towards the better ending of the game, then saving Semine should be your priority.

As for Maleshov, you’ll be approaching the village with a company led by Dry Devil, and upon arrival, he’ll talk of burning the village down and not letting any peasants stand in his way. You can go along with this, or decide to stand against Dry Devil to save the village.

Burn Maleshov

You’ll join in burning the village and killing peasants, mainly then fighting a group of soldiers from the castle, meaning there are less to deal with during the actual siege.

Stand Against Dry Devil

Doing this, you’ll have to brawl with the Devil. Winning will make him submit, and you’ll all head straight to the others at the castle and leave the village be.

The choice for the better ending here will be to save Maleshov, and stand against Dry Devil – this won’t affect your long-term relationship with the Devil, but will mean a bigger fight at the castle during this mission. The Devil and Zizka might be angry at Henry at points for putting the men in more danger during the siege, but it remains the better choice.

Should You Kill Brabant And Markvart Von Aulitz?

During one of the final missions, Reckoning, you’ll have the choices to kill or spare Brabant, and a few choices in how to deal with Von Aulitz.

When confronting Brabant after finding Samuel, you’ll have to defeat him in combat. He’ll then surrender, trying to plead his case and convince you to spare him.

Kill Brabant

Henry will cut Brabant down and be done with it, moving on to talk with Samuel.

Spare Brabant

Henry will let Brabant go, but as soon as he leaves the barn, he will call for help and alert the others. You can kill him then, but even if no nearby guards are there to hear it, the camp will now be alert and see through your disguise.

To aim towards the better ending, you’ll want to avoid killing Brabant. It’s not nearly as satisfying and will make the escape harder, but it keeps Henry’s honour higher.

As for Von Aulitz, you have a few choices in how you deal with his fate.

Leave Von Aulitz

The first and quickest choice will be to not bother finding Von Aulitz, as this is an optional objective. Instead, just head straight for the horses and leave.

Spare Von Aulitz

Once you find Von Aulitz and speak with him, you can choose to leave him there. He’ll still die from his wounds overnight, but not by Henry’s hand.

Kill Von Aulitz Dishonorably

After speaking with Von Aulitz, you can decide to stab him in his chair, ending his life with no honour.

Kill Von Aulitz Honorably

Alternatively, you can help him stand and stab him in an honorable moment, and then allow him to sit and take his final moments.

For the better ending, you’ll want to avoid killing Von Aulitz directly, to keep Henry’s honour higher. However, it’s definitely worth seeking him out to have the conversation with him, as this is an excellent scene for viewing and for Henry, but will not affect the choice to spare him.

Should You Take Samuel With You To Get Help?

During this same quest, Reckoning, after finding Samuel and dealing with Brabant, you’ll have to find the horses. Once you do, you have the choice to leave on your own, or get Samuel and take him with you. This affects the ending in a separate but significant way to the other choices, as follows.

Leave With Samuel

To leave with Samuel, you’ll have to carry him out of the camp and to the horses. If you’re not wearing a disguise or spared Brabant, then this will be harder as you need to avoid detection or fight. If you’re still inconspicuous, however, then you can walk out, and if asked, can say you’re disposing of a body. Leaving with Samuel will mean that the journey to get help will be slower, which means that by the time Henry returns with the army, the Praguers managed to take the silver from Suchdol. However, Samuel will be alive.

Leave Alone

Leaving Samuel behind will be what he insists, and you’ll not have to worry about carrying him out. Henry will have a quicker journey on the horse alone, meaning by the time he arrives with the army, the Praguers have not yet managed to take the silver from Suchdol. However, after the battle you will be informed that the Praguers hung Samuel outside of Suchdol, and you’ll have to go and take him down and deal with the body before ending the game.

This decision does not directly affect the ending regarding Henry’s honour, but just the fate of Samuel and the silver. Whichever choice you prefer will come down to your own intentions – leaving Samuel behind is not seen as the bad choice, as he insists, and is more of a tragic moment than a selfish decision.

Does Being A Thief Affect Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2’s Ending?

Aside from these more direct choices, how you play the game will affect the ending too – namely, how much of a bandit you act. Stealing things and robbing others, even as part of quest solutions, will add to this, and the more you dive into it, the more it will become definitive.

If you want to keep Henry’s honour and reputation completely clean, you’ll need to be aware of how you deal with certain quests, avoiding needless killing, robbing, and theft where possible, looking for other solutions, or avoiding the situation altogether.

Every Outcome With Henry’s Parents And Redemption

KCD2 Henry Looking At His Parents Leaving

In the final moments of the game, Henry is visited by his parents once more in a dream, where they speak with him about the events of the game and Henry’s journey.

The biggest difference here will be whether or not they’ll be proud, as the decisions will tip the scales. Essentially, the more good deeds you do, and the higher your honour in comparison, the better the outcome will be.

Henry’s Parents Are Proud If you succeeded in more good deeds than bad, then Henry’s parents will ultimately be proud of him, giving him praise for the man he’s become and how he didn’t let dark paths consume him. You don’t have to make every good choice, but the majority to tip the scales.
Henry’s Parents Are Disappointed If you lean towards more dishonorable actions or killing those Henry sought revenge on, then you may end up having Henry’s parents being disappointed in him. It’s a heartbreaking scene that sees his blacksmith father compare Henry to Istvan, and leave with a cold farewell.

In my personal playthrough, I saved Semine and Maleshov, Killed Brabant and Von Aulitz, and stole enough to be considered dishonourable in that regard. As a result, Henry’s parents were disappointed in him.

What Is The Best Ending In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

KCD2 Sir Radzig's Sword Leaning Against A Tree In A Field

Which ending you think is best may come down to how you want Henry’s story to play out. On paper, the ‘best’ would be the higher honour direction, having Henry redeem himself and defy the darker paths, with his parents proud of him in the end. However, if you want to see a more complicated and bitter ending for Henry, where his actions are uncertain and he may be filled with regret after losing control, then chasing the revenge might be better for you.



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