Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 has slow and methodical combat and is a strong pivot away from other first-person hack-and-slash games. It heavily rewards you for playing reactively and attacking enemies where they are weakest instead of charging forward using all your stamina swinging away with your weapon.
The biggest focus in the combat tutorial is how to parry and riposte, though there is no mention of dodging. While it may not be mentioned in the tutorial, you can dodge and it can be very useful when used correctly; here’s how to do it.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Where to Repair Weapons & Armor
Weapons and armor can lose their quality over time, degrading their overall worth and effectiveness. Here’s how players can repair them.
How To Dodge In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
When you enter combat with an enemy, your central icon will change shape indicating the different directions you can hold your sword when attacking or defending. This icon indicates that you’re in combat, and when this happens, some controls slightly change. When in combat, the jump button will instead dodge when done in the right situation. This is done with the following controls:
This does mean you can’t jump in combat, though a dodge is much more useful. Depending on which way you last moved or are currently moving, Henry will dodge in that direction. Dodging is basically just a small jump in one direction, and will cost a good bit of stamina. When your opponent isn’t swinging, you can dodge whenever you want. Whenever an enemy is about to swing at you, you must time your dodge with the green shield icon, the same way you’d time a perfect block.
Failing this timing will fail the dodge and leave you getting hit without any protection. Landing a perfect dodge can also have you jump around the sides of an enemy to line up a quick attack before they have time to respond, much like a riposte. The best part about a dodge is that it can also be used to dodge other enemies whenever you are fighting multiple at once.
Make sure you also dodge away from the swing of an attack, as dodging into a strike will also have you get hit.
Dodging or Parrying?
Both options leave your enemy open for an attack, though dodges have the advantage of repositioning you. Dodging does take more stamina, and if you dodge in the wrong direction you can also end up with your back turned to another enemy who will take advantage of that opening. While a healthy mix of both makes for the best combat, focus on learning how to parry and riposte first as that will more consistently leave enemies open to an easy counterattack.
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