Episode: Heresy Weapon God Rolls

Every New Weapon In Destiny 2: Heresy

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Ten seasonal weapons have been added with Destiny 2’s
Heresy episode, all of which can be obtained through The Nether activity and Tome of Want. None of these weapons are craftable, but their perk combinations and potential synergies more than compensate.


Destiny 2: Every New Weapon In Episode: Heresy

From Palindrome to Fatebringer, here is every new and returning weapon in Episode: Heresy.

Wield a Machine Gun that unleashes lightning, fire Volatile arrows, or turn your Fusion Rifle into a temporary Primary weapon. And thanks to the plethora of loot drops this season, getting your desired roll shouldn’t be too difficult. There are some amazing seasonal weapons up for grabs in Heresy, and today, we’ll be looking at the best rolls you can get for each of them.

Abyssal Edge

Destiny 2 Abyssal Edge

Abyssal Edge is the second Wave Frame Sword we’ve seen in Destiny 2 thus far—third if you include Ergo Sum
. Heavy attacks from this weapon launch a wave of Strand energy that deals immense damage to fodder units and majors. This frame usually struggles against bosses, but Abyssal Edge has some great DPS perks to compensate.

Elemental Honing is the real standout here, granting an escalating damage buff for each unique elemental damage type you inflict. This caps out at 35% for elemental weapons, requiring five unique damage types inflicted on the target. That sounds like a high bar on paper, but when you consider Prismatic and multi-element Exotics like Conditional Finality
, this is easier to stack than you might expect.

Supporting Elemental Honing is an array of ammo economy perks, including reliable options like Relentless Strikes and Tireless Blade. But what we recommend you use is Slice. Targets struck by this weapon will be Severed, reducing their damage output by 40%. That’s invaluable for a weapon archetype that forces you to get up close.

This weapon cannot roll Eager Edge, making it a suboptimal pick for Crucible players. Use Half-Truths or The Other Half instead.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Jagged Edge

Swordmaster’s Guard


Elemental Honing


PvP Roll

Do Not Use


Destiny 2 Adamantite

Bungie added another Support Frame AR to the game with Episode: Heresy, this time dealing Strand damage. Adamantite grants your allies Cure and debuffs them with Unravel, causing them to spread Unravel projectiles whenever they receive damage. Your allies don’t take extra damage from this, so it’s strictly a benefit.

If you’re using a Support AR, chances are you’re looking for perks that enhance the medic playstyle. Reciprocity is fantastic for this, healing you for a small amount whenever you heal allies. This will trigger Circle of Life’s 25% damage buff, giving you a solid workhorse Primary that doubles as a healing tool. Just don’t use it in PvP; Support Frames have awful hit registration inside the Crucible.

Attrition Orbs is also a good option in the second trait column. Healing allies can trigger Attrition Orbs on this archetype, giving you easy orb generation in group content.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Accurized Rounds


Circle of Life OR Attrition Orbs


PvP Roll

Do Not Use


Destiny 2 Afterlight

At first glance, Afterlight might seem underwhelming for a Fusion Rifle. It lacks Controlled Burst for PvE DPS and is up against stiff competition for PvP players. Fortunately, this weapon has one trick up its sleeve: Discord. Only one other Fusion Rifle can roll with this perk, and that weapon is only obtainable during

Iron Banner

Getting a kill with another weapon will cause Afterlight to refund ammunition on kill for seven seconds, effectively giving you infinite ammo if you can keep killing enemies. You can use the recently-buffed Destabilizing Rounds to give Afterlight Volatile Rounds or Successful Warm-Up for significantly shorter charge times. Do not sleep on this weapon.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Projection Fuse


Destabilizing Rounds


PvP Roll


Projection Fuse


Successful Warm-Up



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Destiny 2 Anamnesis

We haven’t seen a new Void Bow since Lethophobia from Season of the Wish, but that weapon had some frankly terrible perks for PvE players. That’s not the case here. Thanks to a recent buff to Destabilizing Rounds, you can effectively turn Anamnesis into a pocket Graviton Lance
by landing a kill. Nearby enemies will be tagged with Volatile and grant this weapon Volatile Rounds for five seconds. Keep the kills going, and Volatile Rounds never expire.

You can pair Destabilizing Rounds with Dragonfly for even more explosive action or Repulsor Brace for free Overshields.

As for PvP, your selection of perks becomes far more limited. Due to the low damage profile of Lightweights, you aren’t getting much mileage out of Adagio or Sword Logic, so you’ll want to spec for neutral game perks. Hip-Fire Grip is heavily underrated on Bows in PvP and makes them significantly easier to use up close. You can pair this with Impulse Amplifier for near-instant reloads.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Polymer String

Fiberglass Arrow Shaft


Destabilizing Rounds OR Sword Logic

Draw Time

PvP Roll

Polymer String

Fiberglass Arrow Shaft

Hip-Fire Grip

Impulse Amplifier

Draw Time


Destiny 2 Division

Division’s claim to fame is its ability to roll Sword Logic in the second trait column, the first Sidearm in Destiny history to get this perk. Kills with this weapon will grant a damage buff based on the toughest enemy you’ve killed. The tougher the foe, the stronger the buff will be. Subsequent kills will refresh the buff—damage values aren’t overwritten.

This has some serious potential for PvP. A single kill gives this weapon an absurd 0.47s TTK that lasts for eight seconds. Throw on Encore, and you have a Sidearm that bends the rules of what’s possible for this archetype. PvE players typically don’t run Sidearms due to their poor range, but if you don’t mind getting up close and personal, throw on Eddy Current for some free reload speed. Or consider Grave Robber if you’re using a melee build.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Steady Rounds

Eddy Current

Sword Logic


PvP Roll


Steady Rounds


Sword Logic


Eyes Unveiled

Destiny 2 Eyes Unveiled

You read the perk table correctly; that’s not a typo. This is the first Heavy weapon to get Discord, which will refund ammo directly to the weapon’s magazine on kills. You’ll need to get a kill with another weapon first before Discord activates, but once this perk is online, you now have an LFR that refunds ammo with each kill.

This major-slaying niche continues with the rest of its perk options. Overflow with Reservoir Burst doubles as a strong anti-Champion tool and a great workhorse for PvE content. Eyes Unveiled can even get Chain Reaction if you want to make everything violently explode. Guardians chasing DPS numbers are better off looking somewhere else, though. Cataclysmic and Doomed Petitioner are strictly better for boss DPS.

If you’re a New Light who needs a decent Linear Fusion Rifle for DPS, this weapon can get Triple Tap and Frenzy. It’s nowhere near as good as meta LFRs, but this should tide you over until you can get a better Heavy.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Ionized Battery


Reservoir Burst

Charge Time

PvP Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Accelerated Coils

Perfect Float


Charge Time

Mirror Imago

Destiny 2 Mirror Imago

Mirror Imago is a Strand variant of The Recluse, firing at a blistering 900 RPM with virtually no recoil. PvE players should keep their eyes peeled for Overflow and Sword Logic. Overflow fixes the small magazine sizes that most SMGs suffer from, while Sword Logic gives you a monstrous damage bonus if you can kill a major or miniboss with your SMG.

Crucible players should only farm Mirror Imago if they love 900 RPM SMGs.

It’s not a meta archetype
by any stretch, but they’re fun to use and fairly easy to land headshots with. Once again, Sword Logic stands out here, lowering your TTK to a brisk 0.6s at all Resilience levels. Throw on To the Pain for even more forgiveness.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Accurized Rounds


Sword Logic


PvP Roll


Accurized Rounds

To The Pain

Sword Logic



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Destiny 2 Psychopomp

Area Denial GLs are some of the strongest workhorse weapons in the game, provided you can generate Special ammo somehow. Psychopomp might not be as wild as Velocity Baton with Attrition Orbs, but this weapon can pump out some incredible damage through Rolling Storm.

This perk grants Bolt Charge on kills, a new keyword for Arc that builds up charge with hits. At max stacks, your next instance of ability damage will spawn a lightning bolt on the target, dealing roughly as much damage as an Ignition. You can pair this with Ambitious Assassin to spam projectiles everywhere or Sympathetic Arsenal for a smooth hotswap DPS rotation.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Quick Launch

High-Velocity Rounds

Sympathetic Arsenal

Rolling Storm


PvP Roll

Do Not Use (Bad PvP Archetype)

Refusal Of The Call

Destiny 2 Refusal Of The Call

Another season, another Glaive. Refusal of the Call is the first Strand Glaive in Destiny 2, so if you’re a fan of this weapon type and want an alternative to Rake Angle, this isn’t a bad pick. That said, most of the perks that roll on here can’t compete with the tried-and-true trait combo of Replenishing Aegis and Unstoppable Force. No other synergy comes close to being this effective. It’s a good weapon, if a bit boring.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Auxiliary Reserves

Accurized Rounds

Replenishing Aegis

Unstoppable Force

Shield Duration

PvP Roll

Watchful Eye

Destiny 2 Watchful Eye

Watchful Eye is the love child of Thunderlord
and Hammerhead. It’s a 600 RPM LMG that can get Rolling Storm, a new perk that grants Bolt Charge on kill. Once you get this buff, sustained damage will build up additional Bolt Charge, At ten stacks, your next ability cast will unleash a lightning bolt at the target’s location. If you want the weapon itself to fire lightning rounds, then look no further than Jolting Feedback.

You can pair either perk with Overflow to dramatically increase your magazine capacity and bypass reloading entirely. Alternatively, run Field Prep for a bigger reserve or even Eddy Current for fast reloads. You can even use this in PvP with great effect, utilizing Mulligan and Killing Tally for easy eliminations.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Ricochet Rounds


Rolling Storm


PvP Roll


Ricochet Rounds


Killing Tally



Destiny 2: Heresy – The Nether Activity Guide

Learn how to overcome The Nether’s unique roguelite mechanics with this in-depth guide.

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