“It’s biggest hurdle was that it followed BF1 which was better.”
Although true, it was not its biggest hurdle. That’d be the fanbase.
After the initial trailer was shown, aside from the “women in ww2 and prosthetic arm” discussion, the main pushback was, why not a modern BF. ‘Why after WW1, the fanbase has to play WW2?’ And this push back only grew. For easy referenece, you can just refer jackfrags’ videos from that time period. BF bros didnt want to aim without ACOGs and scopes. Its only after 2042 that the sentiment changed but by that time it was too late. BF5 player count increase after 2042, meant nothing. 2042 was what EA was supporting then.
I was a huge fan of BF5’s roadmap. All the actual WW2 theatres to be unveiled/added in each season in great attention to detail (cant fault Dice here). But gone, all of a sudden. Instead we got a hero shooter BF.
EA CEO Acknowledges Player “Trepidation” Over New Battlefield Game Due to BF2024 & BFV

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RaidenBlack6h ago(Edited 6h ago)
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