- Demons rely on Blood Demon Art, not Breathing Techniques, for power.
- Upper Moon Demons can use Breathing Techniques due to their human past.
- Demons do not require breathing to survive, relying on Blood Demon Art instead.
Breathing Techniques are the basis of power when it comes to Demon Slayers, and they rely on this to defeat powerful demons. Demons however, do not need to utilize or develop their own Breathing Techniques as they already possess an ability known as Blood Demon Art.
Since all Demons were technically created with Muzan’s blood, each time they eat a human, they become stronger and are able to develop supernatural abilities of their own. Similar to Breathing Techniques, Blood Demon Art gives demons multiple abilities and forms of attack which they are able to use based on their skill or level of power.

Sony Expects Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle To Exceed Mugen Train’s Box Office
The sequel to the Demon Slayer anime is premiering this year, and Sony has very high expectations for it!
Are Demons Capable Of Breathing Techniques?
Is The Concept Of Air Something Demons Even Think Of?
While demons are able to breathe, they do not completely rely on breathing to survive and, since demons use Blood Demon Art to regenerate, the foundation of Breathing Techniques would not apply to them. The alternative for Breathing Techniques for demons is their Blood Demon Art. Since demons do not control their breathing as the Demon Slayers do, they tap into their demonic blood to regenerate their body parts, heal injuries or execute powerful moves. Also, since demons do not function the same way a human does, they technically do not need to breathe, eat or sleep except when it comes to devouring humans to keep themselves alive. This makes Breathing Techniques redundant for them.
You misunderstand, Tanjiro. I only despise the weak. I only spit on weaklings. Yes. Weaklings make me sick. It is the law of nature that they be weeded out. – Akaza
An upper moon demon’s Blood Demon Art gives them abilities which are on par with the Hashira’s Breathing Technique, which is why Hashiras and Upper Moon Demons are able to keep up with each other’s attacks during a battle. Fueled by Muzan’s blood, demons are able to use their Blood Demon Art to manipulate their bodies or event elements, giving them a competitive edge over the Demon Slayers. To completely say a demon relies on breathing is also speculative, as demons are known to hate the smell of wisteria, as it poisons them if they come in contact with it in any way or form, even if their lungs were destroyed, they are easily able to regenerate. Also, some demons are shown to continue fighting even after their heads are cut off, proving that breathing is not a necessity for them.
The Only Exceptions? Kokushibo And Kaigaku
Moon Breathing and Surpassed Thunder Breathing Is A Form Of Breathing?
Upper Moon 1 demon, Kokushibo as well as Upper Moon 6 demon, Kaigaku are the only known demons seen to technically use Breathing Techniques as demons. Kokushibo used to be a powerful demon slayer before he was transformed into a demon, and so was Kaigaku. Even after transforming into a demon, these two upper moons held onto their breathing techniques( Moon Breathing and Thunder Breathing). However, this theory contradicts the true meaning of breathing techniques, and it is speculated that these two demons are no longer oxygen dependent but instead use their blood demon art to amplify their fighting styles. After transforming into a demon, Kokushibo is seen to use powerful demonic slashes and Kaigaku was able to manipulate actual lightning and electricity, surpassing his thunder breathing.

Demon Slayer: Muzan Kibutsuji’s Impact on The Demon Slayer World
Muzan Kibutsuji isn’t just the villain; he is humanity’s greatest evil, and his impact permeates every corner of the Demon Slayer world.
This shows that these demons, again, do not rely on breathing techniques and that their skills during their time as humans had carried on into their demon form. Demons need not rely on biological breathing but instead use their Blood Demon Art to structure their attacks. While Demon Slayers are seen to be visibly tired and breathing heavily during battles, demons are seen to continuously fight without showing any sign of tiredness or running out of stamina. This shows that demons have transcended the ability to breathe and now rely more on their Blood Demon Art to survive. Humans who have turned into demons are seen to become exceptionally stronger thanks to their Blood Demon Art, and become twice as strong as they were when they were human.
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