Best Sci-Fi Visual Novels For Beginners

Best Sci-Fi Visual Novels For Beginners
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Although the many films, books, video games, roleplaying games, and TV shows under the sci-fi umbrella are often dismissed as “pop-fiction” with little to say, science fiction has, for decades now, constantly been on the forefront of questioning where humanity has come from – and where it is headed. Even the less philosophical sub-genres of sci-fi, that might use the genre to tell grand stories of adventure, still have deep, highly engrossing worlds that are worth exploring.


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Sci-fi video games come in all shapes and sizes, and its no surprise that some of the most iconic video game franchises of all time, such as Mass Effect or Halo, fall under this category. However, while many sci-fi video games have fantastic action, they usually also have some fantastic settings and stories. What about games that dispense with the more involved video game mechanics to give players an excellent, focused narrative? There’s a world of excellent sci-fi visual novels out there, and for those new to the genre, here are a few good titles to start with.


I Was A Teenage Exocolonist

An Excellent, Subversive Sci-Fi VN


Indie Games






August 25, 2022



This beautifully realized visual novel uses watercolor illustrations to tell a story of humanity’s first venture to an extra-solar planet, all from the eyes of someone who spends their childhood onwards in this burgeoning colony. There’s a lot of mechanics on display here besides simple visual novel navigation, but the game never overloads players with intricate systems to keep track of.

This visual novel has just about everything that a fan of roleplaying games could be after. There’s a huge array of choices to be made that can take the story in a myriad of directions. Players can find love, find purpose, work in harmony with the planet, or burn it all to the ground. The characters are well-realized and mature, and the planet of Vertumna has a vitality like few other sci-fi settings.


Citizen Sleeper

A Gritty Cyberpunk Masterwork


May 5, 2022


Jump Over the Age


Fellow Traveller

With the recent sequel making waves for its engaging story and fantastic gameplay, Citizen Sleeper is now an exceptional duo of titles. Those looking to get into this world should absolutely start with the first game, which sets an excellent tone in a grim, abandoned space station.

Navigating the ruins and castoffs of an intergalactic hegemony has never been so immersive or compelling, and the tabletop style mechanics that pepper this visual novel only make the game more engrossing. Players that are fans of tabletop RPGs will fall in love with both this game and its sequel.



An Intimate, Dystopic Cyberpunk VN

With an excellent protagonist and a wistful, if somewhat depressing setting, Synergia is a great introduction into the world of VNs, with a more traditional style that focuses purely on the words on the screen and the choices the protagonist makes. The story here is incredibly focused, and incredibly emotional, while still providing players with a setting that is brilliantly constructed.

Synergia is a smaller game, but its focus on an incredibly human, incredibly moving queer relationship will make the experience incredibly worth it. Watching this romance persist against a callous cyberpunk world – or turn into a tragedy – based on player choice is a highly cathartic experience.


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An Incredible Post-Apocalyptic Adventure



Visual Novel




May 9, 2024


Sunset Visitor


Fellow Traveller

A post-apocalyptic, intergalactic story with a huge level of variety based on the player’s choice, 1000xResist takes space-faring sci-fi in a direction that few titles have before.

Players take control of the last human in the galaxy following a cataclysmic plague brought about by godlike aliens. These aliens, too large and eldritch to care for humans one way or the other, didn’t intend to bring about their end, but through a non-linear, highly detailed story, we learn about the one human left who was immune to their plague.


Neo Cab

Perfect For Fans Of Cyberpunk Or Disco Elysium


May 10, 2019


Chance Agency


Fellow Traveller

If the neon-doused labyrinth of Cyberpunk 2077 or the brilliantly written characters of Disco Elysium kept you playing into the wee hours of the morning, then Neo Cab is the perfect game to keep scratching that itch.

Players operate a hover cab flying through a troubled, futuristic city. Make small talk, pick up and drop customers off, but don’t get too invested in their stories, for not everyone in this city is who they say they are.


Va-11 Hall-A

Tend Bar And Serve Cyborgs Drinks

VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action


August 16, 2014


Sukeban Games, Wolfgame

This is a hilarious, subversive take on both dystopic settings and on sci-fi visual novels. The world is an oppressive, corporate oligarchy where people are continually put under the boot, but this isn’t a game where you save them. In this city, players’ only job is to help citizens drown their sorrows in VA-11 HALL-A, a cyberpunk bar filled with cat girls and cyborgs.

There’s a dark level of humor here, and a cast of incredibly witty, sardonic characters, each trying to persist against the cruel world around them in their own way.


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If recent rumors are to be believed, then the release of Avowed is only the start of an exciting year for Xbox and RPG fans.

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