Where to Get Fugitive Heads in Diablo 4: Season of Witchcraft

Where to Get Fugitive Heads in Diablo 4: Season of Witchcraft

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Fugitive Heads are a type of crafting material introduced in the seventh season of Diablo 4. These may seem useless at first, but once you hit the endgame with a seasonal character, they become crucial to improving your overall power.

There’s a lot of luck involved in getting Fugitive Heads, and you likely won’t get them until you enter Diablo 4’s Torment levels. If you’re wondering what it is you need to do to get Fugitive Heads, here’s what you need to know.


Diablo 4: How to Farm Legendary Runes

Complete your endgame Diablo 4 builds by farming Legendary Runes that enable some of the craziest interactions in the game.

Diablo 4: How to Get Fugitive Heads

A Fugitive Head boss in Diablo 4

Fugitive Heads are dropped by the aptly-named Fugitive Head Headrotten enemies that rarely spawn during Headhunt events. These are boss-level monsters that can take a ton of punishment — thankfully, if you or other players defeat these enemies in the open world, they’re guaranteed to drop Fugitive Heads for later use.

Alternatively, you can encounter Fugitive Head bosses while farming Roothold Dungeons in Diablo 4 Season 7. These dungeons are relatively small and very easy to complete, but to enter them, you need to get hold off Whispering Wood Sigils, which act much like Nightmare Sigils or Nightmare Dungeons. You can find Whispering Wood Sigils randomly by completing events and opening Silent Chests in Headhunt zones, or by opening Whisper Caches from the Tree of Whispers.

Fugitive Head enemies have 4% chance of spawning in Headhunt zones once you reach Torment I, and this chance increases by 2% for every Torment level (capping at 10% in Torment IV).

What are Fugitive Heads For?

diablo 4 occult gems

Fugitive Heads are one of the ingredients used for Occult Gems, which are imbued with special effects that synergize with Witch Powers in Diablo 4 Season 7. Apart from providing a hefty amount of bonus Armor and Elemental Resistance, Occult Gems can improve the strength of Witch Powers or grant you powerful bonuses that are on par with some Legendary Aspects. These Legendary Occult Gems include:

  • Dust Stone: Enemies take x2.5% more damage for every Aura and Hex affecting them.
  • Friend of the Bog: Gain bonus Primary Core Stat, Max Life, and Unhindered.
  • Moonlight Ward: Gain bonus Damage Reduction and Max Resistance to All Elements for every rank of your Unique Witch Power.
  • Mind Wreath: Gain bonus Cooldown Reduction for Defensive, Macabre, and Trap skills.
  • Voice of the Stars: Ultimate skills deal x10% bonus damage and are treated as Witch Powers.
  • Witching Hour: Every 1 second, your next Core skill is treated as an Eldritch Witch Power.

These gems come with varying pre-requisites. Some might require you to equip a certain combination of Witch Powers, while others simply need enemies to be affected by Hexes, Auras, or both. Players can equip multiple Occult Gems at a time, but they can only be used on rings and amulets. Also, you cannot equip multiple copies of the same gem.

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