Upgrading your skills in Sniper Elite: Resistance is essential if you want to be able to survive later missions, Axis Invasions, or any of the multiplayer game modes. Skill upgrades include things like holding more ammo, increased health, or longer focus duration. But with so many to choose from in the beginning, which ones are the best to get first?

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While all the skills available can benefit your gameplay, there are some that we would recommend unlocking before others. If you need some guidance on which ones to go with first, we’ve got you covered with this handy dandy list below.
Back In The Fight
Back In The Fight, the center skill under the Combat tier, is the very first skill I would recommend upgrading when you get your first set of skill points. Whenever you die and bleed out, the mission is failed and you have to restart the mission over from the beginning. With this skill, however, as long as you have a Med Kit in your inventory, you get a second chance.
With this skill equipped, when your health drops too low and you begin to bleed out, it’ll prompt you to revive using your Med Kit. Just use the same input that you would use to heal normally, and hold it down till your health is fully restored.
The ability to revive doesn’t eliminate any immediate danger, so once you’re back in the fight, I suggest getting somewhere safe as fast as possible so you can regroup and strategize.
Maintain Focus
The next skill I would recommend getting is called Maintain Focus, the center skill in the Body tier. Focus helps you to see outlines of enemies through walls so you know where they are, but when you go out of focus mode the outlines fade quickly.
However, with maintain focus, the longer you remain in focus mode, the longer the effects last when you go out of focus mode. Being able to see your enemy’s outline for a longer period of time will allow you to move easily around corners and sneak up on them unaware.
Scavenge Weapon Ammo
The third skill you should get is under the Equipment tier. Just like the previous two, it’s the center skill under this tier. During the course of these missions, you will go through a lot of ammo. While you can loot ammo from dead or unconscious enemies, or find ammo boxes around the map, any additional way you can replenish your ammo can mean all the difference in the fight.

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The gnomes stand against the Nazis in Sniper Elite: Resistance.
The Scavenge Weapon Ammo skill allows you to empty weapons you find or weapons dropped by enemies you’ve killed or knocked unconscious. To do this, pick up the weapon you find, then press the same button you use to reload (X for Xbox, R for PC). You’ll get the ammo and the weapon will automatically drop.
Speedy Recovery
When you get shot by an enemy and your health goes down a little, if you get safely away soon enough, your health will eventually regenerate without the need of using a Bandage or Med Kit. Sometimes, though, waiting for regeneration to kick in can take a while, especially if you’re surrounded by enemies attacking you.
With the Speedy Recovery skill, regeneration begins a lot sooner, which is extremely useful. With this skill equipped, you won’t need to use any of your healing items until your health gets super low or you become incapacitated.
Some of the tougher enemies’ weapons will cause bleeding, prohibiting automatic health regeneration. Instead, your health will steadily decrease until you use a healing item or you die.
Steady Hand
Aiming down your sights can difficult enough without enemies shooting you from every possible corner and angle. When you’re taking damage, it shakes your ability to control your weapon. With this Combat skill, however, the scope shake you get from taking damage is reduced, making it easier to give back what your enemies are dishing out.
Honestly, though, the best thing about unlocking the Steady Hand skill is that it opens up the chance to get the skill below it, which is the next skill on our list.
Swift Hands
Looting bodies takes precious time away from completing your objectives, finding your collectibles, or getting as many kills as possible in a mission. Additionally, if you’re in the middle of a firefight, you don’t have the time to constantly loot bodies if you’re out of bandages or ammo.

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Swift Hands allows you to automatically loot any enemies you kill or render unconscious during a takedown. This includes sneaking up behind them or attacking when they turn a corner and don’t see you.
Unlike the first few skills on this list, Swift Hands costs two skill points, so you may have to wait till you have earned enough skill points to equip it.
Health Boost 1
As you progress through the missions, running around with only four segments on your health bar, especially when you begin engaging with Elite enemies who can cause more damage with their weapons. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had more health available?
When you unlock the Health Boost 1 skill under the Body tier, you’ll get just that. This will add an extra segment to your health bar, giving you a total of five.
Health Boost 2 is not on this list, but I do recommend unlocking it as soon as you’re able to afford it. This will increase your health bar to six segments, which is the maximum amount of health you can have.
The loadout slots that the game gives you are items that you can bring in with you at the start of each mission. By default, you get four slots, to which you can assign any item you want: med kit, bandages, shu mines, etc. When you assign a piece of equipment to a loadout slot, you’ll start each mission with one of each.
When you unlock this Equipment skill, you get an additional item slot, allowing you to start each mission with one additional piece of equipment.
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