Every New Weapon In Destiny 2: Heresy

Every New Weapon In Destiny 2: Heresy

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Heresy marks the final episode of Destiny 2’s
Light and Dark saga, wrapping up loose ends related to the Hive pantheon. While you’re exploring Oryx’s derelict Dreadnaught and defeating minions of the Darkness, you’ll be expanding your arsenal of weapons with some downright heretical additions.


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Wield a Strand Support AR that Unravels allies, unleash lightning strikes with an Area Denial Grenade Launcher, or farm for a reprised variant of the iconic Fatebringer. There is no shortage of good weapons this season. Today, we’ll be giving an overview of every new weapon you can expect to find in Heresy, including every new Exotic weapon and playlist reward.

New Exotics

Destiny 2 Lodestar

Episode: Heresy has four new Exotics to chase, two of which are currently obtainable. Lodestar is Destiny’s first Trace Rifle to use Primary ammo, building up Arc energy as you damage targets. Once charged, hold the reload key to infuse this weapon with Jolt ammo. You can find this weapon in the Season Pass reward track.

Finality’s Augur is a Linear Fusion Rifle that can deploy Ruinscribe Turrets. Each turret will paint targets with a laser before unleashing a barrage of powerful munitions. You can get this weapon from the new Sundered Doctrine dungeon.

Two more Exotics are up for grabs later this season: the Barrow-Dyad SMG and an unknown Exotic. Barrow-Dyad is a Strand SMG that passively regenerates ammunition while in use. Dealing damage escalates a blight meter that, when charged, unleashes Blight Seekers at targets. This should be obtainable through Act 3’s Exotic mission. The last Exotic is currently unknown.


Destiny 2 Lodestar-1


Weapon Archetype

Trace Rifle (Primary)



Exotic Perk

Starlight Beam: This weapon fires a low-intensity Arc beam with enhanced stability and accuracy.

Uses Primary ammo.


Arc Alignment: Dealing Arc damage from any source charges the battery’s coils.

When charged, hold reload to inflict Jolt on hit for a short time. ADS slows down the battery drain.

Finality’s Augur

Finality’s Auger

Weapon Archetype

Linear Fusion Rifle (Heavy)



Exotic Perk

Ruinscribe’s Forge: Hold reload to fire a special projectile that deploys a Ruinscribe Turret.

Aim the projectile skyward to provide the clearest sight lines for the turret, which will automatically shoot at nearby targets.


Ruinscribe’s Beacon: While a Ruinscribe Turret is deployed, this weapon can paint targets with its laser projectiles.

Turrets prioritize painted targets; this weapon fires more powerful munitions against painted targets.

Seasonal Weapons

Destiny 2 Heresy Seasonal Weapons

Ten weapons can be found through Heresy’s new seasonal content, notably the Nether activity aboard the Dreadnaught. Six of the ten weapons are currently available. The remaining weapons will be slowly released over the next two Acts.

Willing Vessel Origin Trait

Dealing damage or defeating targets with this weapon gradually grants increased stability, handling, reload speed, and charge rate. This effect gradually decays over time, but it is gained more quickly while near allies.

Heresy’s seasonal weapons can also roll with the Runneth Over origin trait from King’s Fall, allowing you to overflow the magazine by reloading near allies.

Heresy Weapons



Destiny 2 Abyssal Edge Icon

Abyssal Edge

Type: Sword

Frame: Wave Sword Frame (Heavy attack unleashes a shockwave)

Damage: Strand

Destiny 2 Adamantite Icon


Type: Auto Rifle

Frame: Support Frame (600 RPM; hipfire releases healing projectiles)

Damage: Strand

Destiny 2 Afterlight Icon


Type: Fusion Rifle

Frame: Adaptive Frame (660 Charge Time)

Damage: Void

Destiny 2 Anamnesis Icon


Type: Bow

Frame: Lightweight Frame (580 Draw Time)

Damage: Void

Destiny 2 Division Icon


Type: Sidearm

Frame: Heavy Burst (325 RPM; two-round burst)

Damage: Arc

Destiny 2 Eyes Unveiled Icon

Eyes Unveiled

Type: Linear Fusion Rifle

Frame: Precision Frame (533 Charge Time)

Damage: Void

Destiny 2 Mirror Image Icon

Mirror Image

Type: Submachine Gun

Frame: Adaptive Frame (900 RPM)

Damage: Strand

Destiny 2 Psychopomp Icon


Type: Grenade Launcher (Special)

Frame: Area Denial Frame (Burst Fire)

Damage: Arc

Destiny 2 Refusal Of The Call Icon

Refusal Of The Call

Type: Glaive

Frame: Adaptive Frame (55 RPM)

Damage: Strand

Destiny 2 Watchful Eye Icon

Watchful Eye

Type: Machine Gun

Frame: Aggressive Frame (600 RPM)

Damage: Arc

Season Of Arrivals Reissue

Destiny 2 Heresy Arrivals Reissue

The Drifter has reissued his arsenal of apocalyptic weapons from Season of Arrivals in this latest Episode, complete with refreshed perk pools and a new origin trait. Excluding False Promises—which was recategorized as a Stasis AR—each weapon’s base properties remain the same as before.

Paracasual Fluid Origin Trait

Gain bonus handling and mobility when damaging targets with this weapon. Swords gain increased charge rate while this perk is active.

Arrivals Reissue Weapons



Destiny 2 Cold Denial Icon

Cold Denial

Type: Pulse Rifle

Frame: High-Impact Frame (340 RPM)

Damage: Kinetic

Destiny 2 False Promises Icon

False Promises

Type: Auto Rifle

Frame: High-Impact Frame (360 RPM)

Damage: Stasis

Destiny 2 Hollow Words Icon

Hollow Words

Type: Fusion Rifle

Frame: Precision Frame (780 Charge Rate)

Damage: Arc

Destiny 2 Temptation's Hook Icon

Temptation’s Hook

Type: Sword

Frame: Caster Frame (Projectile Heavy Attack)

Damage: Arc

Destiny 2 Whispering Slab Icon

Whispering Slab

Type: Bow

Frame: Lightweight Frame (580 Draw Time)

Damage: Kinetic

Sundered Doctrine Dungeon Weapons


Sundered Doctrine is a new dungeon that will become available to Dungeon Key holders on Friday, February 7. Players will delve into the depths of Rhulk’s derelict ship to uncover some ancient secrets and rewards, including four new Legendary weapons and an Exotic. We’ll update this section with all new dungeon weapons once they become obtainable later this week.

Coming Soon

Vault Of Glass Reissue

Destiny 2 Heresy VoG Weapon Reissue

Vault of Glass
is the first raid to be reprised in Destiny 2, dating itself back to Season of the Splicer from Year 4. The sandbox has seen some major changes since then, but thanks to a recent perk refresh, the Vault of Glass weapons can now hang with Destiny 2’s meta choices. All VoG weapons were reissued with new perk pools, crafting patterns, and an exclusive origin trait. No weapons had their damage types or base frames changed.

Timelost Magazine Origin Trait

Final blows with this weapon grant bonus Super energy. When your Super expires, this weapon’s magazine size is doubled for a long duration and reloads from reserves.

VoG Reissue Weapons



Destiny 2 Corrective Measure Icon

Corrective Measure

Type: Machine Gun

Frame: Adaptive Frame (600 RPM)

Damage: Void

Destiny 2 Fatebringer Icon


Type: Hand Cannon

Frame: Adaptive Frame (140 RPM)

Damage: Kinetic

Destiny 2 Found Verdict Icon

Found Verdict

Type: Shotgun

Frame: Aggressive Frame (55 RPM)

Damage: Arc

Destiny 2 Hezen Vengeance Icon

Hezen Vengeance

Type: Rocket Launcher

Frame: Aggressive Frame (25 RPM)

Damage: Solar

Destiny 2 Praedyth's Revenge Icon

Praedyth’s Revenge

Type: Sniper Rifle

Frame: Rapid-Fire Frame (140 RPM)

Damage: Kinetic

Destiny 2 Vision of Confluence Icon

Vision Of Confluence

Type: Scout Rifle

Frame: Precision Frame (180 RPM)

Damage: Solar


Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them Do

Some of Destiny 2’s Exotics can be made better with Exotic Catalysts. Here’s what all of them do.

Loot Pool Additions

Destiny 2 Iron Banner Weapons Added In Heresy

Over a dozen weapons have been added to the overall loot pool in Heresy, split between the game’s ritual activities and rotating events like

Trials of Osiris
. There are four new world drops, three ritual weapons, two weapons per endgame activity, and a new Competitive PvP reward.

World Pool

World Pool Weapons



Destiny 2 Admetus-D Icon


Type: Scout Rifle

Frame: High-Impact Frame (150 RPM)

Damage: Void

Destiny 2 Boondoggle Mk. 55 Icon

Boondoggle Mk. 55

Type: Submachine Gun

Frame: Aggressive Frame (720 RPM)

Damage: Kinetic

Destiny 2 Cruoris FR4 Icon

Cruoris FR4

Type: Fusion Rifle

Frame: Aggressive Frame (660 RPM; fires in bursts)

Damage: Arc

Destiny 2 Qua Furor V Icon

Qua Furor V

Type: Machine Gun

Frame: Aggressive Frame (600 RPM)

Damage: Stasis

New Playlist Loot

Playlist Weapons



Destiny 2 Cynosure Icon



Type: Rocket Launcher

Frame: Adaptive Frame (20 RPM)

Damage: Strand

Destiny 2 Joxer's Longsword Iocn

Joxer’s Longsword


Type: Pulse Rifle

Frame: Heavy Burst (324 RPM; two-round burst)

Damage: Void

Destiny 2 Backfang Icon



Type: Glaive

Frame: Rapid-Fire Frame (580 RPM)

Damage: Arc

New Nightfall Loot

Nightfall Weapons



Destiny 2 Lotus Eater Icon

Lotus Eater

Type: Sidearm (Special)

Frame: Rocket-Assisted Frame (100 RPM)

Damage: Void

Destiny 2 The Palindrome Icon

The Palindrome

Type: Hand Cannon

Frame: Adaptive Frame (140 RPM)

Damage: Arc

New Trials Of Osiris Loot

Trials Of Osiris Weapons



Destiny 2 Exalted Truth Icon

Exalted Truth

Type: Hand Cannon

Frame: Adaptive Frame (140 RPM)

Damage: Void

Destiny 2 Keen Thistle Icon

Keen Thistle

Type: Sniper Rifle

Frame: Aggressive Frame (72 RPM)

Damage: Solar

New Iron Banner Loot

Iron Banner Weapons



Destiny 2 Peacebond Icon


Type: Sidearm

Frame: Adaptive Frame (490 RPM; three-round burst)

Damage: Stasis

Destiny 2 Warlord's Spear Icon

Warlord’s Spear

Type: Trace Rifle

Frame: Adaptive Frame (1,000 RPM)

Damage: Arc

Competitive PvP Loot

Competitive PvP Weapon



Destiny 2 Redrix's Estoc Icon

Redrix’s Estoc

Type: Pulse Rifle

Frame: Legacy PR-55 Frame (450RPM; excellent hipfire accuracy)

Damage: Stasis

Heresy Ritual Weapon

Destiny 2 Resounding Ritual Weapon-1

This season’s ritual weapon is Resounding, a Strand Fusion Rifle that’s categorized as an Aggressive Frame. Bungie changed Aggressives this season to fire in three-round bursts, similar to how Bastion
works. Projectiles are spread horizontally on this weapon, so you’ll want to be up close to get the most out of it.


Weapon Archetype

Fusion Rifle

Aggressive Frame (660 Charge Time; fires in bursts)



Perk Column One



Perk Column Two


Reservoir Burst


Destiny 2: The Best Rolls For All Iron Banner Weapons

Farming Iron Banner? Keep your eyes peeled for these rolls.

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