Best Level 3 Spells In Baldur’s Gate 3

Best Level 3 Spells In Baldur's Gate 3
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  • Baldur’s Gate 3 offers diverse classes with unique spells, like Daylight and Hypnotic Pattern.
  • These level 3 spells have powerful effects, such as dealing damage or manipulating the battlefield.
  • Spells like Revivify and Mass Healing Word are crucial for party survival and should be utilized strategically.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has proven itself to be one of the best CRPGs to be released not only in 2023 but also in recent years. With many of its mechanics being directly pulled from Dungeons and Dragons, there have been plenty of interesting classes for players to try.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Things To Do Before Going To Act 3

Act two of Baldur’s Gate 3 raises the stakes from the first act. These missable encounters are worth experiencing before the third and final act.

Some of these classes rely directly on melee abilities, while others have dabbled into the wonders of magic. These spells help a player control the battlefield or deal an intense amount of damage to a foe. As players level up, they will unlock even better spells, with some of the greatest requiring level three spell slots. These are by far the best level 3 spells in the game.

Updated on February 5th, 2025, by Megan Smith: With patch 8 for Baldur’s Gate 3 currently undergoing stress tests to make sure that it is ready to be released to the rest of the player base for Baldur’s Gate 3, there is plenty of a reason to start Baldur’s Gate 3 again, especially due to new subclasses that will likely make BG3 feel like a fresh new experience. These subclasses will make the most of the magic that is already in the game, with plenty of great spells to choose from. Those who are preparing their next character may be interested in knowing what the best level 3 spells are in Baldur’s Gate 3 to help them create a strong character from as soon as level five.



Dispel The Darkness

Daylight Spell in Baldur’s Gate 3
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Paladin
  • Ranger
  • Sorcerer

At first, a player may assume that Daylight
is just a light spell that requires the player to use a level three spell slot to cast it. However, players will be enlightened to know that this spell does more than light up an area.

When facing Cazador, this spell is incredibly useful as it is considered pure sunlight, which will damage this boss for 20 radiant damage a turn. Since it will remain as an orb or on a weapon until a long rest, this makes it perfect for this situation.






Enchant an item or summon an orb of sunlight that dispels darkness until a long rest

Does it require concentration?



Hypnotic Pattern

Can’t Be Attacked If They See The Pattern

Hypnotic Pattern in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Bard
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock
  • Wizard
  • Druid (Circle of Land – Desert)

One of the best level 3 Sorcerer spells in BG3 may surprise some players, especially as it’s a spell that doesn’t do any damage but instead works best defensively. Hypnotic Pattern
is a spell that some players may not consider very useful. However, since a player is likely to use their cantrips to deal damage as a Sorcerer to avoid wasting spell slots, Hypnotic Pattern can be used to prevent any damage being done to the player.

When cast, any creature that finds itself within the 9m radius of the pattern must succeed in a Wisdom saving throw, or they can no longer react. This then lasts for turns to allow the player to make their escape, unless concentration is broken. Sorcerers aren’t the only spellcasting class that can make the most of this spell, making it just as valuable to a Warlock or a Wizard.






Creatures that fail a Wisdom saving throw within the range of the Hypnotic Pattern can no longer attack the caster, move, or act.

Does it require concentration?



Grant Flight

Fly Over Too Hard To Reach Places


Although many level-three spells are usually used when in combat, others have multiple uses, even outside of battle, Grant Flight is one of those options. When using this spell, a player is now able to fly instead of walking using their movement.


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As Baldur’s Gate 3 has a packed HUD, these hotkeys can make the game more accessible.

This allows them to fly to hard-to-reach places or step away from danger if needed. Depending on the difficulty the player decides to choose, it can also allow them to tactfully place their spell casters in positions that make them unreachable to melee units.






It allows the player or an ally of their choice to fly. This lasts for 10 turns unless the caster loses concentration.

Does it require concentration?



Remove Curse

Remove All Hexes And Curses On An Object Or Person

Remove Curse in Baldur’s Gate 3
  • Cleric
  • Warlock
  • Paladin (Oath of Devotion)

Remove Curse
is a spell that is likely to be used commonly outside of combat rather than in it. Therefore, players who are Paladins or Clerics don’t need to worry about always having this spell in their spell book.

While adventuring, players are likely to interact with objects that curse them, be this angering a person or touching something they shouldn’t. While a long rest may fix some of these curses, a player might not want to wait and that’s when casting Remove Curse comes in handy.






Touch a person to remove all curses and hexes from them.

Does it require concentration?



Sleet Storm

Disrupts Spellcasters

sleet storm spell baldur's gate 3

The Sleet Storm
spell may not be the first conjuration spell a player thinks of when considering BG3‘s best level 3 spells. However, it has great potential when a mage is facing another spellcaster. This ability lasts for ten turns and completely covers the ground in ice.

Not only does this make the ground difficult to walk across, but it also disrupts the concentration of any spellcaster found within it. Sometimes, there are simply too many concentration spells being used at once, and focusing on a group of enemies will surely put an end to them.






A player calls a sleet storm to disrupt the concentration of spell casters unless they succeed a constitution saving throw. It lasts for 10 turns unless they lose concentration themselves.

Does it require concentration?



Protection From Energy

Make An Ally Take Less Damage From An Element

The Protection from Energy spell in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Ranger
  • Sorcerer
  • Wizard
  • Paladin (Oath of the Ancients & Vengeance)

There is more to magic than simply dealing damage or giving an opponent a disadvantage on any of their rolls. Spells like Protection from Energy directly aid the player or an affected party member, so they can continue standing during intense fights.


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The enemies can use a wide range of elemental attacks. This can include fire spells, lighting, cold, etc. Thankfully, by casting Protection from Energy
, the player is granted resistance to either Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage. With resistance, the player only takes half the amount of damage done by an opponent that hits with that damage type.






Touch a person to grant them resistance to acid, cold, lightning, or fire damage.

Does it require concentration?



Plant Growth

Halve Movement In An Area

The Plant Growth spell in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Bard
  • Druid
  • Ranger
  • Warlock (Archfey)
  • Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)

Alternatively, a player may wish to prevent a group of opponents from advancing onto their location. Thankfully, multiple spells use a level 3 spell slot to do this. One such great example of this is Plant Growth
, a spell that can be done by Druids, Rangers, Archfey Warlocks, Bards, and Oath of the Ancients Paladins.

While Plant Growth doesn’t deal any damage, it does turn the ground beneath enemies or allies into thick weeds. This therefore transforms the ground, making it difficult terrain that quarters the movement speed of those that find themselves within it.






Make a 6m circle radius covered in weeds that reduces the movement of those within it for 10 turns.

Does it require concentration?




Bring Someone Back From Death Without A Scroll

The Revivify spell in Baldur's Gate 3

Once a Cleric or Paladin has finally unlocked their level 3 spell slots, they are at the point of having one of the most crucial spells for any adventuring party. Revivify
is something a player may have already been using before from the expensive scrolls that help them bring back dead party members without having to talk to Withers.

Now players can spend a level 3 spell slot to bring their friends back. A player will always want to save at least one level 3 spell slot for this sort of occasion, as it’s better to keep the pricey scrolls for emergencies.






Brings an ally back from the dead with 1 hit point.

Does it require concentration?



Bestow Curse

Become An Enemy’s Worst Nightmare With A Curse

The Bestow Curse spell in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Bard
  • Cleric (Light, Life, and Trickery Domain)
  • Paladin (Oathbreaker)
  • Wizard
  • Warlock

Bestow Curse
is a spell that can be used by a wide variety of spellcaster classes in Baldur’s Gate 3. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have the spell on at least one of them that’s a regular to the adventuring party. Players can touch an enemy to bestow a curse on them for ten turns if they fail a wisdom-saving throw.


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Players can decide on how they wish to curse an enemy before attempting to see if they succeed, and there are multiple curses to choose from; cause the enemy to take more damage, force them to have a disadvantage on their attack rolls, or simply force the foe to skip their turn. There is plenty to experiment with.






Curse a person touched with disadvantage on skill checks, saving throws, or attacks for 10 turns unless they succeed a wisdom saving throw.

Does it require concentration?



Glyph Of Warding

When Stepped On It Causes A Magical Effect

Glyph of Warding: Lightning in Baldur's Gate 3

Some BG3 level 3 spells for Wizards are among the most undervalued spells available. Many players have likely not even considered learning Glyph of Warding
, though when combined with other spells, this has the potential to be incredibly lethal.

Since Glyph of Warding can do several different magical effects, from not only all the elements but also allowing the player to sleep whoever steps on it, the spell can be used on multiple occasions. One of the most powerful ways to use this spell is by creating water and then using a Glyph of Warding: Lightning to electrocute all that step into the water for maximum damage.






Place a glyph on the ground that does one of many magical effects that, when stepped on, activates. This lasts until stepped on or until a long rest.

Does it require concentration?



Vampiric Touch

Damage For 5d6 Necrotic And Get Half It Back In HP

The Vampiric Touch spell in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Warlock
  • Wizard
  • Druid (Circle of the Land)
  • Bard (Magical Secrets)

In some battles, a player may wish to not only do damage but also heal themselves. Thankfully, with the Vampiric Touch
spell, a player can do exactly that at once. A player touches an enemy to siphon their life force. On a successful hit, a player will deal 5d6 of necrotic damage and then receive half the hit points of the damage done.

What makes this spell even better is that the player can then continue to use this spell for another ten turns without spending another level 3 spell slot. However, it does require concentration, and if this breaks before the ten turns are over, the player will have to cast it again.






Players deal 3d6 necrotic damage to an enemy and take half the damage as health. They can then continue to use Vampiric Touch for free for 10 turns unless they lose concentration.

Does it require concentration?



Speak With Dead

Learn Secrets From Conversing With The Dead

The Speak With Dead spell in Baldur's Gate 3

While spells are commonly used in battle, there are occasions for even those that require level 3 spell slots to be used outside of combat. Speak with Dead
allows a player to stir a corpse from its rest to ask them a couple of questions if they weren’t the reason for its demise.


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Unlike other spells, this is a ritual cast, and therefore a player can cast it once and then use it until their next long rest. This spell is incredibly useful for finding answers, especially when the living aren’t willing to cooperate.






Players are able to speak to corpses until a long rest.

Does it require concentration?



Call Lightning

3d10 Lightning Damage That Can Be Cast For 10 Turns

Call Lightning
  • Druid
  • Sorcerer
  • Cleric (Tempest Domain)
  • Warlock (Pact of the Tome)

Call Lightning
is another promising level 3 spell that players will want to use at every chance they get. Once one spell slot has been used to cast it, players who remain concentrated on the spell can cast it as an action again for ten more turns.

This spell becomes incredibly powerful for Tempest Domain Clerics, who can use a channel divinity to cast the spell at maximum damage guaranteed. Combining this with a water puddle can also make the ground electrocuted for added damage after the spell.






Deal 3d10 lighting damage unless they succeed a dexterity saving throw, then they take half the damage. Players can use it for free for 10 more turns unless they lose concentration.

Does it require concentration?



Mass Healing Word

Heal The Whole Party For 1d4 In One Bonus Action

The Mass Healing Word spell in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Cleric
  • Bard (Magical Secrets)

Healing spells continue to be vital as players level up further in their adventure of Baldur’s Gate 3. Healing Word is an incredible spell, but Mass Healing Word
is even better as a player can heal multiple allies at once.

When casting Mass Healing Word with a level 3 spell slot, up to six allies can receive 1d4 of healing plus the caster’s spell-casting proficiency. What makes this even greater is a Cleric only must use a bonus action to cast this spell which still leaves them their action to damage a foe.


Bonus Action




Players can heal up to 6 allies for 1d4+ Wisdom modifier of health.

Does it require concentration?




Stop A Spell From Being Cast

Counterspell in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock
  • Wizard
  • Bard (Magical Secrets)

There are few Reaction spells available in Baldur’s Gate 3, but the ones that players can cast are incredibly powerful. One such example of this available as a level three spell is Counterspell
. As the name suggests, this spell that can be wielded by a wide range of spellcasters allows the player to counteract a spell being cast by an enemy.



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When an enemy is casting a spell, the player is given the option to null this spell. If the spell is a lower level than the Counterspell being cast, then it will automatically succeed; otherwise, the player must succeed in a spellcasting ability check.






A player can interrupt another creatures’ spellcasting attempt to stop the spell.

Does it require concentration?



Hunger Of Hadar

Do 2d6 Cold and 2d6 Acid Damage While Also Slowing And Blinding Foes

The Hunger Of Hadar spell in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Warlock
  • Bard (Magical Secrets)

As a spell that can only be used by Warlocks, Hunger of Hadar
is one of the best spells a player using a Warlock should get. Unlocking this when they finally receive their level 3 spells, Hunger of Hadar combines difficult terrain with an intense amount of damage.

Requiring concentration, a player casts a circle of Hunger of Hadar which will surround a group of enemies in darkness. Then there are the tentacles that cause the foes to struggle to escape the spell. When the players are unable to escape, they are hit by both Acid and Cold damage.






Players create a blinding sphere of darkness in a 6m radius. At the start of an enemy’s turn in it they take 2d6 cold damage and an additional 2d6 acid damage if they end their turn in it when failing a dexterity saving throw.

Does it require concentration?




Allow An Ally To Use Two Actions

  • Sorcerer
  • Wizard
  • Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
  • Warlock (Pact of the Tome)
  • Druid (Circle of the Land)
  • Bard (Magical Secrets)

Players who have been living off potions of speed will no longer need to worry about having the ingredients available since they have unlocked the level 3 spell slots.

allows players to grant themselves two actions for 10 turns, it also allows them to move further and be harder to hit. Players can either grant this hastened effect to themselves or an ally to give them the benefits of it.






Either the caster or an ally becomes hastened for 10 turns unless the caster loses concentration.

Does it require concentration?




A Fierce Ball Of 8d6 Fire Damage

The Fireball spell in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Sorcerer
  • Wizard
  • Warlock
  • Cleric (Light Domain)

Another staple spell of Baldur’s Gate 3 that players are likely to use for the rest of their playthrough once unlocking it is Fireball
. Not only does this giant ball of fire do 8d6 of fire damage, but it can also hit multiple targets at once.



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Even when using level 3 spell slots, Fireball is sure to deal a decent chunk of damage. Even if an enemy succeeds on their dexterity saving throw, they still must take half the amount of damage dealt. This therefore makes Fireball a must for any party.






Players shoot a ball of fire that deals 8d6 fire damage. Enemies that succeed in a dexterity saving throw take half damage.

Does it require concentration?



Spirit Guardians

Surrounded By Necrotic Or Radiant Damage For Ten Turns

The Spirit Guardians spell in Baldur's Gate 3

Out of all the level 3 spells available in Baldur’s Gate 3, one that any party should have on their Cleric must be Spirit Guardians
. Players can choose between the spell doing Radiant or Necrotic damage, and then they are surrounded by these spirits for ten turns.

Any foe that walks into this radius or finds themselves trapped in it during their next turn will take 3d8 of that damage. It is, however, a concentration spell, so if the player is hit, they may lose the concentration and, therefore, also the spell.






Players surround themselves in a 3m radius with either 3d8 radiant or necrotic damage and have their movement speed halved. Enemies that succeed in a wisdom saving throw take half damage.

Does it require concentration?


Baldur's Gate 3 Tag Page Cover Art



August 3, 2023


M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Violence

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