The early hours of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 are pretty overwhelming. There are a lot of mechanics to learn and side quests to complete. One of those side quests sees you try to get Mutt, your trusty dog sidekick, back.
When Does Kingdom Come: Deliverance Take Place?
Ever wonder exactly when and where Kingdom Come Deliverance takes place? Here’s what you want to know.
Along the way, you meet a shepherd in the region who’s having issues with wolves and wild dogs attacking his fleet. To investigate, he lets you use Ignatius the ram as bait to bring the wolves out of hiding, letting you see if Mutt is part of the pack. However, finding Ignatius the ram and leading him up the hill to his potential slaughter is tricky.
Where To Find Ignatius The Ram
Ingatius looks like any other ram in the shepherd’s fleet and you’re not told where he is. You’ll be searching for ages if you just check every sheep in the area.
To find Ignatius, you need to head to the pen near the Shepherd’s hut. Head around the right hand side of it towards the gate into the pen. Around there, either in the pen or just outside of it, you’ll spot a ram that looks just like any other. If you get close to him, it will say Ignatius in the bottom right of the screen, instead of just ram or sheep.
All you need to do is interact with him and he’ll be tied to you, thanks to the carrot you’re carrying. Anywhere you go, he’ll follow you.
You’ll have been given a carrot by the shepherd. Don’t eat it or use it elsewhere.
How To Lead Him Up The Hill
Once Ignatius is following you, you need to head up the hill away from the pen to a Y-shaped tree. Do not just sprint up there and hope Ignatius will follow you. Instead, walk forward ten to 20 yards then turn around and look back at your new ram friend. He should run towards you, stop for a second, and wait for you to move again.
You need to keep doing that until you reach the tree. If you lose Ignatius, run back to him and he’ll start following you again. Once you’re both in front of the tree, open up your inventory and find the carrot the shepherd gave you. Then, drop it on the ground and exit the inventory. Ignatius will then eat it and you’ll be prompted to go and hide in the bushes and wait for the wolves to attack.
You’ll then have the choice between going back to the shepherd or fighting off the wolves to save Ignatius. The shepherd will be annoyed if the ram dies, but it’s not the end of the world. Unfortunately, Mutt isn’t part of that pack of dogs, so Ignatius may have died for nothing.
19 Games To Play If You Liked Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an entertaining game. Here are some other titles that are similar if you’re looking for something else to play.
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