Fisch: Sunstone Bestiary Guide

Fisch: Sunstone Bestiary Guide

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Each new island added to Fisch offers players different challenges that must be completed to reach the pools and complete new bestiaries. But this does not mean that the main islands are an easier task. Therefore, in this guide, we will tell you how to complete the Sunstone bestiary in Fisch.

This island is one of the first that you will visit at the beginning of your journey in this Roblox fishing sim. Like others, it contains different NPCs and even a hidden totem. But the real challenge is to get all the catches.


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How to Complete Fisch Sunstone Bestiary

Fisch player

Since Sunstone is one of the base islands in Fisch, you can get to it simply by using a boat. You need to sail northwest from Moosewood to get to the island. There, you will find both familiar NPCs, such as Merchant, Angler, and Shipwright, and unique ones, namely Merlin.

Merlin sells Enchant Relics and also temporarily buffs your luck by 30%. The latter can help you complete the Sunstone Bestiary faster. Luckily, there are no separate bodies of water on this island, so players can catch all the fish simply by fishing on the shore.

But we still recommend that you fish in different areas to increase the chance of getting different fish. Fish Radar, which shows where certain fish are abundant, can help you with this. Also, it is worth noting that some Sunstone catches require certain conditions in Fisch, namely suitable weather and a fishing rod.


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All Sunstone Fish

Fisch Sunstone Bestiary

If you want to complete the Sunstone Bestiary in Fisch as soon as possible, we recommend that you use our table. In it, you will find all the fish, as well as some information on how to increase the chance of catching them.

However, it only slightly increases the chance of spawning. In other words, if you choose a rod with a high Luck stat and equip a bait that boosts the same stat, you will be able to catch fish even in unsuitable weather or time of year.

Fish Rarity Bait Time Season Weather
Sweetfish Common Worm Any Autumn Clear
Glassfish Common Flakes Any Any Clear
Red Tang Uncommon Flakes Any Summer or Spring Any
Longtail Bass Uncommon Shrimp Any Summer or Spring Foggy
Chinfish Uncommon Shrimp Any Winter or Autumn Rainy
Trumpetfish Unusual Shrimp Day Summer or Autumn Any
Napoleonfish Rare Any Day Summer Windy
Mahi Mahi Rare Any Any Spring Windy or Clear
Wiifish Legendary Any Any Autumn Any
Sunfish Legendary Any Day Summer Clear
Voltfish Mythical Super Flakes Night Any Rainy
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September 1, 2006


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