Fisch Sunken Depths Bestiary Guide

Fisch Sunken Depths Bestiary Guide

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Along with the Atlantis update, a new huge location appeared in Fisch. In it, players can find five sub-locations, each of which is locked by a puzzle and has unique catches. So, next, we will tell you how to complete the Sunken Depths bestiary in Fisch.

Sunken Depths has one of the most confusing puzzles, although it can be solved solo. You will probably want to catch all the fish in this location, as they are necessary for completing the Atlantis bestiary in this Roblox experience.


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How to Reach Sunken Depths Pool

Fisch Sunken Depths

Like other sub-locations in Atlantis, you can’t just fish in the waters there. Instead, players must reach the center of the location and fish in a specific pool. So, before you can try to complete the Sunken Depths bestiary in Fisch, you’ll need to complete the Sunken Trials.

Although the puzzle tells you to work in a team with another player, you can do it solo, though it will take a little longer. For convenience, we recommend following these steps:

  1. Screenshot the symbols on the stone pedestal at the beginning of the Sunken Depths location in Fisch.
  2. Jump into the water in front of the door and find a room in the maze with the same symbols arranged in a circle on the wall.
  3. Press each symbol in a random order. You’ll want to press them in the same order as the symbols on the pedestal to make things easier.
  4. Go back to the pedestal and click on the symbols in the same order as you did before.

After completing all these steps, you will solve the Sunken Trials in Fisch and will be able to go to the pool. There are many different fish in it, including Legendary and Mythical. You should stock up on various baits and totems to catch them all. Also, we recommend using the table below to make your life easier.


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Fisch Sunken Depths Bestiary

Fisch Sunken Depths pool
Fish Rarity Bait Time Season Weather
Oracle Minnow Common Flakes Day Any Clear
Poseidon’s Perch Common Insect Day Spring Clear
Atlantean Anchovy Common Flakes Day Any Rainy
Sunken Silverscale Common Shrimp Day Summer Clear
Crystal Chorus Uncommon Shrimp Night Winter Clear
Marble Maiden Uncommon Worm Any Summer or Spring Any
Helios Ray Unusual Fish Head Day Summer Clear
Atlantean Guardian Unusual Fish Head Any Any Any
Philosopher’s Fish Unusual Coral Day Any Clear
Twilight Glowfish Rare Shrimp Night Any Clear
Atlantean Alchemist Rare Fish Head Night Any Clear
Triton’s Herald Rare Coral Night Any Any
Deep Crownfish Legendary Any Day Any Clear
Celestial Koi Mythical Truffle Worm Night Winter Rainy
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September 1, 2006


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