Fisch Ethereal Abyss Bestiary Guide

Fisch Ethereal Abyss Bestiary Guide
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The developers are trying very hard on Fisch, so each update brings not only new fish and locations but also new mechanics, puzzles, and much more. For example, the Atlantis update offers players a huge location to explore. It has five sub-locations, each of which has unique catches. So, in this guide, we will tell you about the Ethereal Abyss bestiary in Fisch.

It is worth noting that all the fish from this sub-location are part of the Atlantis bestiary. However, you will have to spend quite a lot of time in this Roblox fishing RPG just to catch all the fish in one sub-location.


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How to Reach Ethereal Abyss Pool

Fisch Ethereal Abyss

Although there is a large amount of water in the Atlantis location, players can’t fish everywhere. They need to get to certain pools to catch unique fish species and complete the bestiary. And in the case of the Ethereal Abyss bestiary, you will first have to complete a trial in Fisch.

To do this, you need to jump into the water next to the Atlantis lobby. You can easily recognize the desired pool by the huge statue of an anglerfish. Next, you must swim forward to a huge door that can only be opened by completing a trial.

It requires you to cooperate with another player and simultaneously solve puzzles in the rooms on either side of the door. Fortunately, the puzzles are quite simple, so you can quickly cope with them. But it is worth noting that you will be underwater for quite a long time, so you should use Advances Diving Gear or Water Bubble.

After that, swim through the open door and emerge in a small cave. This way, you will get to the Ethereal Abyss pool and can start completing its bestiary in Fisch.


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Fisch Ethereal Abyss Bestiary

Fisch Ethereal Abyss
Fish Rarity Bait Time Season Weather
Neptune’s Nibbler Common Seaweed Day Summer or Spring Clear
Atlantean Sardine Common Any Day Any Any
Aqua Scribe Common Seaweed Day Any Clear
Column Crawler Common Worm Any Any Any
Mosaic Swimmer Uncommon Coral Any Spring Any
Temple Drifter Uncommon Coral Day Any Clear
Echo Fisher Uncommon Shrimp Night Any Foggy
Chronos Deep Swimmer Unusual Truffle Worm Any Any Any
Tentacle Eel Unusual Fish Head Night Any Any
Oracle’s Eye Unusual Night Shrimp Night Winter Foggy
Voidscale Guppy Rare Shrimp Night Winter Clear
Starlit Weaver Rare Coral NIght Any Clear
Mage Marlin Legendary Fish Head Night Any Clear
King Jellyfish Mythical Worm Night Winter Clear
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September 1, 2006


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