- Blackbeard in One Piece is a cunning and crafty villain with careful plans.
- Blackbeard utilizes the Dark-Dark Fruit to cancel Devil Fruit abilities.
- Blackbeard strategically chooses battles against Devil Fruit users, avoiding strong Haki users.
Blackbeard, as many fans already know, is gearing up to be one of the main final battles in One Piece. Being both mysterious and cruel, as well as utilizing two of the strongest Devil Fruits in One Piece, Blackbeard may be one of the greatest threats to the landscape of the series. So far, the battle between Luffy and Blackbeard is going to be one of the greatest fights the future of the series has to offer.
Although the character is strong, what makes him such a threat to the world of One Piece is his cunning and crafty plans. Blackbeard, despite not seeming very intelligent, has created a careful plan on how to become the most powerful person in One Piece, utilizing the strengths and covering for the weaknesses of his unique abilities. Due to this, many fans have started to notice that Blackbeard may be avoiding fights with certain kinds of enemies, giving him the best advantage based on his abilities.
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The true origin of the D clan is still a mystery in One Piece. Oda leaves hints for fans.
Blackbeard Is A Cunning And Crafty Villain In One Piece
His Dark-Dark Fruit Gives Him Many Strengths And Weaknesses
Blackbeard in One Piece utilizes one of the series’ most mysterious Devil Fruits the audience has seen so far; the Dark-Dark Fruit. This power allows Blackbeard to manipulate the effects of gravity, turning him into a living blackhole. However, more importantly, this ability allows Blackbeard to cancel Devil Fruit abilities when he comes into contact with Devil Fruit users. Besides this, Blackbeard also utilizes the Quake-Quake Fruit, which shouldn’t be possible as One Piece characters can only possess one Devil Fruit, which allows him to cause massive shockwaves and tremors.
A man’s dream will never die! – Blackbeard
As for Blackbeard’s plan in One Piece, the mysterious pirate seems to have expertly picked which battles he will fight, and which battles he will stay out of. So far, many of Blackbeard’s opponents have followed a specific trend. Between his battles with Ace, Luffy in One Piece’s Impel Down, Whitebeard, Marco, Law, and more, after receiving his Dark-Dark Fruit, it seems that Blackbeard has only picked fights against Devil Fruit users.
Blackbeard May Be Choosing Fights To Give Him The Best Advantage
He May Be Avoiding Strong Haki Users
- Blackbeard Is Smart Enough To Bolster His Strengths And Cover His Weaknesses
- Haki May Be A Huge Weakness For Him
In the grand scheme of Blackbeard’s plans, it makes sense that the One Piece Emperor would want to utilize his power to its greatest potential. While Blackbeard is strong on his own, his ability gives him a specific advantage over Devil Fruit users, allowing him to cancel their abilities. Additionally, since many Devil Fruit users are extremely reliant on their powers, using the Dark-Dark Fruit to take them away leaves his opponents incredibly weak and flustered, assuring him victory.
One Piece: The Third World, Explained
One Piece’s Third World is the one the story takes place in. Luffy is the central character here.
At the same time, strong characters in One Piece that don’t possess a Devil Fruit tend to utilize incredibly high levels of Haki. Opponents like Garp or Shanks, although Blackbeard did fight the Emperor in the distant past, would be able to counter Blackbeard’s crafty fighting style with the straightforward power of Haki. Plus, with the Dark-Dark Fruit’s weakness, Blackbeard experiences much more pain than usual from each attack, making Haki something that could potentially knock him out of commission extremely fast.
Blackbeard Only Fights Characters He Knows He Can Beat
Haki Users May Be Too Much For Blackbeard Right Now
Due to this, it seems fairly obvious as to why Blackbeard avoids strong Haki users in One Piece, instead focusing on characters that rely heavily on their Devil Fruits. Although some of these characters have used Haki in the past, characters that Blackbeard has targeted, like Boa Hancock and Law, tend to use their extremely powerful Devil Fruits more than Haki itself. From here, although they could have the power to counter Blackbeard’s Devil Fruit, it seems less likely that they would take full advantage of it.
Fate has chosen me to conquer the world! – Blackbeard
In the end, so far in the series, it seems like Blackbeard has been specifically targeting Devil Fruit users, not only to obtain more powerful Devil Fruits, but to also take advantage of his abilities. The Dark-Dark Fruit in One Piece has a major advantage over Devil Fruit users, completely canceling their abilities, giving Blackbeard an easy victory if he utilizes it correctly. Even an extremely strong character like Luffy, without the power of One Piece’s Sun God Nika fruit, may struggle to face an opponent like Blackbeard.

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