Tifa’s Best Knuckle Abilities In FF7 Rebirth

Tifa's Best Knuckle Abilities In FF7 Rebirth

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Tifa in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is kind of like the Monk of the group. She uses gloves as her weapons to augment her fists which she honed as a child studying under the mighty Zangan. Every glove, of the seven that she can acquire in the game, will have an accompanying ability attached to it.


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Using these abilities in battle will unlock them to use with other gloves down the line. It’s a good way to build Tifa’s ability list in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, so let’s go through them all and decide which among them reigns king. There will be spoilers for locations, but the story won’t have many mentions.

Updated on February 2, 2025 by Joshua Leeds: There are multiple abilities available for Tifa, who is arguably one of the best party members in the game. This article has been updated to further clarify where each weapon can be obtained and a general idea of what the ability does in combat along with its ATB cost.


Overpower (Kaiser Knuckles)

Under Pressure

Kaiser Knuckles weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • More efficiently pressure enemies with your basic attacks or other abilities.
  • ATB – 1
  • Location: In Chapter 5 aboard the Shinra-8 while following Barret you’ll reach Cargo Hold 1F; you’ll enter a small clearing where a scene will show and a hooded man get attacked by one of the mysterious enemies. After defeating the enemies, look along the left side of the room to a small platform you can climb up to find a purple chest with the knuckles within.

There is a big story change in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth after Junon as the cargo ship from the original was changed to a cruise liner. It’s called The Shinra-8 and this is where players can obtain Tifa’s Kaiser Knuckles. It’s just in a chest and not tied to the Queen’s Blood tournament that is being held onboard.

Kaiser Knuckle can unlock the Overpower ability for Tifa which is more of a charge than an attack. It’s not her best move but it will help put enemies in a Pressured state. Getting Pressured in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth means that it will go into a Staggered state more easily, which will immobilize an enemy and weaken its defenses.


Divekick (Leather Gloves)

Bring Flying Enemies Down

Leather Gloves weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Jump up before launching down onto an enemy.
  • ATB – 1
  • Location: The Leather Gloves are Tifa’s starting weapon.

The Leather Gloves are Tifa’s default weapon, so players don’t have to go far to find them. They can unlock the Divekick ability which should not be confused with the fighting game of the same name. Tifa will hop up into the air and then bring her foot down on an enemy.



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This is a good attack to use on flying enemies because if timed right, Tifa can bring them down. It can deal some damage but it’s more of a strategic ability than anything else.


Reverse Gale (Sylph Gloves)

Get Over Here!

Sylph Gloves weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Knocks enemies up into the air or down to the ground.
  • ATB – 1
  • Location: in the Mythril Mines during Chapter 3 when controlling Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith. Climb down the stairs to reach the excavation site right after getting separated to find the gloves in a purple chest along the back wall of the excavation site.

The Sylph Gloves can be obtained in the Mythril Mine during Chapter 3 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Tifa can learn the Reverse Gale ability from them which will conjure gusts of wind on the battlefield. This can be beneficial in three ways if players get their aiming down.

They can launch enemies into the air if they are hit by it, which will leave them vulnerable. Reverse Gale can also bring flying enemies down like Divekick. Finally, a gust of wind from this attack can bring an enemy toward Tifa as if she were Scorpion yelling, “Get Over Here!” in the Mortal Kombat games.


Chi Trap (Tiger Fangs)

Trapping The Battlefield

Tiger Fangs weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Creates an orb of Chi that damages any enemy it touches.
  • ATB – 1
  • Location: During Chapter 9 when you head to the Gongaga Reactor when playing as Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie. In Reactor B3 will be a flooded tunnel, swim to the far end of the tunnel before looking back to find a grappling spot, followed by another one in the same direction higher up. After the second grapple, turn around to see a purple chest on the next section up that can also be grappled to, with the Tiger Fangs inside.

Most unique moves in the game power up characters, or attack enemies directly. There are a few moves from characters that can place traps on the battlefield though. Tifa is one of those characters and her Chi Trap can be learned through the Tiger Fangs.

Tiger Fangs can be obtained in the Gongaga Reactor during Tifa’s segment of Chapter 9 in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Tifa will channel a big orb when using Chi Trap in front of her. If an enemy runs into it, they will be dealt a massive blow but sometimes the AI is good about avoiding traps like these.



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Starshower (Dragon Claws)

Become An Unblinking Star

Dragon Claws weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Starshower is a great attack tied to one of the hardest weapons for Tifa to obtain in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the Dragon Claws. These gloves are hidden in the Dustbowl region of Corel which used to be called the Corel Prison in the original game. Cloud can participate in a mini-game down there called Desert Rush.

It’s kind of like the box-breaking Moogle mini-game from Final Fantasy 7 Remake except with special electrical boxes thrown in to make it more challenging. Obtainment method aside, Starshower starts with a pause as if Tifa is psyching herself up. Then she proceeds to dart around an enemy in an unblinking motion of attacks. It hits multiple times and makes her invincible during the animation thus making the trial of this mini-game in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth worth it.


Unfettered Fury (Crystal Gloves)

Stagger Enemies Into Dust

Crystal Gloves weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Adds non-elemental magic to your basic attacks.
  • ATB – 1
  • Location: On your way north out of Nibelheim on your way to the reactor, you’ll cross a bridge with a building just on the other side with a truck parked out front. The Crystal Gloves around found to the left of the building in a purple chest.

Tifa will begin the game with a power-up ability called Unbridled Strength. This will raise her attack power on normal attacks and raise her Chi level too. Tifa has two Chi levels and they change what the triangle button does on the PS5 controller. If players use Unbridled Strength once, they can use Omnistrike and if they do it twice in a row, Rise and Fall will appear.



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Unfettered Fury is a move that can be learned through the Crystal Gloves and they can be found in the Nibel Region aka Tifa’s home turf. Unfettered Fury is like a more powerful version of Unbridled Strength and it will raise those Chi levels as well. Players can combo these two power-ups together to create some devastating results.


True Strike (Jarngreipr)

Summon Up The Power Of The God Hand

Jarngreipr weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Delivers a powerful close-range attack.
  • ATB – 1
  • Location: In Chapter 13 in The Temple Of The Ancients in the Hall Of Life – Second Tier. You’ll initially find this place during the story when playing as Cloud, Tifa, and Barret, after defeating the riot troopers and jumping over the fallen pillar. Off to the left from the direction the gust of lifestream comes from will be a purple chest, just time your interaction with it between gusts.

True Strike is not only Tifa’s strongest attack but it is one of the strongest character abilities in the game. It’s attached to the hard-to-pronounce gloves called Jarngreipr. It is hidden in the Temple of the Ancients which is the last dungeon in the game.

Tifa will focus her energy into one punch and then deal a deadly blow to her opponent with True Strike. If powered up with Unbridled Strength or Unfettered Fury, this move will be even deadlier. It would be interesting to see how True Strike would stand against a normal punch from One Punch Man which is a crossover fight fans of the anime and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth would probably love to see.

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February 29, 2024


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