There are 7 Kill Challenges to complete in Sniper Elite: Resistance. Kill Challenges such as these have been present in past Sniper Elite games, and it is one of the optional activities that make them all such amazing games to replay at different difficulties.
Some Kill Challenges are very straightforward, such as killing Eloi Coste with an LMG. Others will involve multiple steps and exercise a great deal of stealthy repositioning. Aldo Riese is surrounded by other soldiers, and if any of them see you, it could jeopardize this challenge. There are several steps to ensure you remain undetected to the very end.

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Best Starting Location For Aldo Riese Kill Challange
Players will want to start at the Windmill starting location. This will be the closest location to start the mission, giving players the best chances of completely avoiding detection. There are a lot of enemies surrounding the target, including 2 snipers that can see players.
It is best to start by taking both of these snipers out first. The best part about starting at the Windmill is that one of these snipers is right upstairs, and the second can be shot from this same sniper’s nest.
Where to Find the Poison in Mission 7
Make your way up to the top of the Derelict Barn and melee the sniper. Then take out the sniper to the east.
Head back down the stairs and deal with the 2 guards surrounding the barn. Players can pick up some skills to increase their focus ability to make detecting these enemies easier. East of the barn will be a road with a wall on the other side. If players try to go around the wall to the left, they risk being seen. It is best to scale the wall using the vines.
Make sure to check there are no soldiers driving down the road. Use cover and make your move once it’s safe to do so.
Head south towards the first structure. When you approach the door frame, you will hear 2 soldiers speaking to one another. It is best to make a save here; just encase your cover is blown. After you’ve made a save, players can make use of a good weapon designed for stealth to take out the guards. Look to the left of the door frame to find a table with the poison you’ll need for the Kill Challenge.

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Kill Aldo Riese using Poison in Sniper Elite: Resistance
Walk past the 2 soldiers you killed and stay crouching. Cross the walkway into the other house through an open white door. Head straight, and you will see a glass of water on the table you can interact with. Poison this water, and then ring the dinner bell on the other table. Walk through the door opposite the one you used to enter this building and hide in this room until Aldo drinks the poisoned water and collapses. The game will then inform you of their demise.
After dealing with Aldo, players can follow the road they crossed south to grab one of the game’s workbenches. It is inside a house with a water wheel.
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