Space-Time Smackdown Top ex Cards In Pokemon TG Pocket

Space-Time Smackdown Top ex Cards In Pokemon TG Pocket
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Space-Time Smackdown came along with ten new ex monsters to Pokemon Pocket. Unlike Genetic Apex, which featured less impactful Pokemon like Machamp ex, all the ex monsters in Space-Time Smackdown have abilities or attacks with added effects.


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These Pokemon abilities have the potential to change the tide of battle.

The ex monsters in Space-Time Smackdown have significantly strengthened Steel and Dark types, which were underwhelming in Genetic Apex. Additionally, the first ex evolution that evolves from a different type, Gallade, is an interesting inclusion. The ex Pokemon in this set will accelerate the meta compared to the more defense-oriented Mystical Island set.



Rainbow bordered Gallade ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.



Complimentary Cards

Pokemon Communication

Best Attribute

Energy efficient, punishes high energy opponents

In strong competition with Marowak ex for the best Fighting-type ex, Gallade ex stands out in Pokemon Pocket due to its unique evolution line. Kirlia and Ralts are Psychic types, but their typing doesn’t interfere much with Fighting deck synergy. Additionally, the Space-Time Smackdown Kirlia uses Colorless energy, making it an easy fit for Fighting decks.

Similar to Genetic Apex Alakazam, Gallade ex scales off the opponent’s energy. It can effectively take out Pokemon like Arcanine ex and Celebi ex, but its damage falls short against several other problem Pokemon, including Darkrai ex, Exeggutor ex, and Pikachu ex. Fighting lacks the energy generation and search capabilities that made Alakazam viable as a casual deck, so Gallade ex may not see much play until things change.



Pachirisu ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.



Complimentary Cards

Pikachu ex, Giant Cape

Best Attribute

Energy efficient, basic Pokemon

A Basic Pokemon that can deal 80 damage for just two energy is incredibly efficient. However, Pachirisu ex requires a tool to reach its full potential. Space-Time Smackdown offers only two viable tools: Rocky Helmet and Giant Cape, with the latter being the more competitive option. This reliance on an additional card makes Pachirisu ex function more like a Stage 1, as it needs support to be an effective early-game attacker.

The main issue with Pachirisu ex is that when paired with Pikachu ex, the most common Electric-type centerpiece, it struggles to clean up effectively. Ideally, Giant Cape would be used to boost Pikachu ex’s much-needed HP, leaving Pachirisu ex stuck on the bench. Cards like Raichu, Zapdos ex, Luxray, and Electivire all provide strong follow-up damage, but Pachirisu ex doesn’t hit hard enough to be a meta-defining card for Electric decks.


Lickilicky ex

Lickilicky ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.



Complimentary Cards

Genetic Apex Lickitung, Dialga ex

Best Attribute

High HP, colorless energy, good evolutionary line

Perhaps the hardest-hitting normal-type in Pokemon Pocket, Lickilicky ex deals a minimum of 100 damage, even if its effect fails, and has unlimited damage potential if you flip heads. No Pokemon in Pokemon Pocket exceeds 190 HP—210 with Giant Cape—so landing three heads in a row allows Lickilicky ex to one-shot any opponent.

Dialga ex pairs well with Lickilicky ex. One advantage Lickilicky has over other normal-type-ex cards is that Genetic Apex Lickitung is fairly strong on its own. With three energy, Lickitung deals 60 damage and has a 50 percent chance to hit for at least 120 or more. If you’re building up Lickitung on the bench but don’t draw into Lickilicky ex, it can still hold its own in battle.



Infernape ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.



Complimentary Cards

Dawn, Moltres, Pokemon Communication

Best Attribute

High HP, energy efficient, high attack

The only starter line to receive an ex card was Infernape. Infernape ex hits incredibly hard and requires just two energy to attack. Like many Fire-type Pokemon, it loses energy after attacking, but cards like Dawn help mitigate this drawback.


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Infernape ex deals more than enough damage to handle many threats, especially when Moltres ex provides it with extra Fire energy. However, the main concern is whether Infernape ex is overshadowed by Charizard ex. Charizard ex is also a Stage 2 with two strong attacks and can generally maintain its offense despite its higher energy requirements.



The Pokemon Pocket card Mismagius ex by Planeta Igarashi.



Complimentary Cards

Mythical Slab, Mew

Best Attribute

Apply Confused, Energy efficent, psychic typing

Status effects such as Confused and Burn were officially introduced in Space-Time Smackdown. Confused Pokemon must flip a coin to determine if their attack will succeed. A key difference between Confused and Asleep is that Confused Pokemon remain in that state until they are cured, evolved, or knocked out.

While Mismagius ex doesn’t hit particularly hard, Confused gives it a 50 percent chance to neutralize much stronger opponents. Mismagius ex has a low retreat cost of one and requires only two energy, making it possible to attack and then retreat into a stronger Pokemon like Mewtwo ex or Mew ex after inflicting Confused.​​​​​​​



Rainbow bordered Yanmega ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.



Complimentary Cards

Dialga ex, Erika, Giant Cape

Best Attribute

Colorless, High damage

Yanmega ex functions more like a Fire-type, featuring a high-damage burst attack with the drawback of discarding an energy. As a Stage 1 that can deal 120 damage, it provides Grass decks with much-needed mid-game power, which they often lack. However, Yanmega ex doesn’t synergize well with many of the established meta picks from Mystical Island.

What gives Yanmega ex immense potential is its reliance on colorless energy. Rather than fitting into the current Grass deck meta, its true strength may lie in merging with other deck types to maximize its versatility.​​​​​​​



Weavile ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.



Complimentary Cards

Darkrai, Cyrus, Rocky Helmet

Best Attribute

Energy efficient

At first glance, Weavile ex may seem underwhelming. While dealing 70 damage for just one energy is highly efficient, it requires prior damage on the target. Fortunately, Sneasel is a solid Basic Pokemon, averaging around 20 damage per attack and boasting a respectable 60 HP. If drawn in the first or second turn, it’s possible to attack with Sneasel and then evolve into Weavile ex to maximize its effect on the following turn.


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Weavile ex gains consistency through cards like Darkrai ex, Weezing, and Rocky Helmet, all of which can apply chip damage to opponents with minimal effort. While Weezing is the most resource-intensive option, Darkrai ex and Rocky Helmet are easy to integrate into a Weavile ex-based deck.​​​​​​​


PalkiaPalkia ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.



Complimentary Cards

Manaphy, Misty, Mythical Island Vaporeon

Best Attribute

Bench damage, water typing, basic Pokemon

For now, Palkia ex decks will likely rank higher than their Space-Time Smackdown rivals in tournaments. However, this is largely due to water decks having more viable options than other types, with Manaphy being the most impactful recent addition. More than Palkia ex itself, Manaphy shaped the Water deck meta during Space-Time Smackdown’s tenure.

While Palkia ex’s stats aren’t game-changing on their own, it remains one of the strongest Pokemon in its set. It can deal 30 damage for just one energy, which is quite high for a low-cost attack. Its main attack also outdamages Mewtwo ex when factoring in its splash damage to Benched Pokemon. With Water’s strong energy generation options, Palkia ex can maintain its offensive pressure with great consistency.​​​​​​​



Dialga ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.



Complimentary Cards

Dialga ex, Wigglytuff ex, Mew ex, Mythical Island Tauros

Best Attribute

Energy generation, basic Pokemon

Steel had only Melmetal and limited options during Genetic Apex, but Dialga ex significantly strengthens the type and also benefits Pokemon that use Colorless energy. It may take some time to fully discover Dialga ex’s optimal deck, but it stands out as the most flexible energy battery in Pokemon Pocket.

Dialga ex deals a modest 100 damage, but its ability to energize a second copy of itself makes it highly consistent. It pairs well with cards like Mew ex, Pidgeot ex, Yanmega ex, and Melmetal—powerful, energy-intensive Pokemon that can benefit from Dialga ex’s support.​​​​​​​



The Pokemon card Darkrai ex by Planeta Yamoshito.



Complimentary Cards

Weavile ex, Cyrus, Greninja

Best Attribute

Basic Pokemon, passive damage

Fans of Dark types have been eagerly waiting for an ex monster, and Space-Time Smackdown delivers with Darkrai ex, the first Dark-type ex card. As a Basic Pokemon, Darkrai ex offers solid damage, comparable to Articuno ex in terms of attacking efficiency. What makes Darkrai ex exceptional is its Nightmare Aura ability, which deals an impressive 20 damage to your opponent for every energy added to Darkrai ex.

By the time you’ve fully charged Darkrai ex, it will have dealt a passive 60 damage to the opposing Active Pokemon. This ability also triggers Weavile ex’s Scratching Nail Attack, allowing it to deal 70 damage for just one energy. Darkrai ex pairs well with Cyrus, giving you the flexibility to choose the ideal Pokemon for a decisive strike.

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