The Gate Of Saint Jerome Campaign Chapter Three Walkthrough In The Stone Of Madness

The Gate Of Saint Jerome Campaign Chapter Three Walkthrough In The Stone Of Madness

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In the previous chapter of the Stone of Madness campaign, The Gate of Saint Jerome, you met Brother Pedro, a man obsessed with chickens. He tasked you with finding three brown chickens, but then lost control and attacked the guards. However, he kept his word and threw the emblem of Santa Ana.


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In this chapter, your goal is to explore new areas of the monastery to locate this emblem. Along the way, you will encounter mysterious characters, supernatural events, and a tragic storyline. The events will grow even darker—are you ready?

How To Find The Crack On The Wall

In this chapter, your first objective is to reach the inmate courtyards, located south of the area where Brother Pedro shot at the guards in the previous chapter. There are two ways to get there:

  1. With Leonora, exit through the Cells cellar door and lower a rope to climb down.
  2. Take the stairs down, pick up a plank with Eduardo, and place it towards the southern inmate courtyards to reach the area.
Leonora is using a lockpick to the unlock a iron fenced door in The Stone Of Madness.

Once you’re there, you’ll encounter Grimore. Stay as far away from it as possible, as it reduces your sanity value. Climb the ladder to the north of the inmate courtyards and interact with the cellar door to unlock a shortcut. In the northwest part of the area, you’ll see inmates circling a column, and a cutscene will play.

On the wooden platform above, you’ll notice the crack where Brother Pedro threw the emblem. Head up the stairs to the south of the area where Grimore is located, and move towards the wooden platform with the chest. Next to it, you’ll find an iron gate. Open it with Eduardo or Leonora to reach Panecillo.

Alfredo investigates the final clue on a ledge in The Stone Of Madness.

To the left of Panecillo, press the button on the wall to remove the obstacle on the stairs leading downward. Bring Alfredo here, ensuring he is dressed in the priest outfit. Use his Investigate skill to follow the tracks and climb the ledge. A button will spawn above, and a hole will appear below for Amelia to pass through.

Send Amelia through the hole and press the button above. This will remove the iron gate blocking the way to the inmates circling the northwest column. Since there is a doctor among the inmates, you can safely move around and climb the wooden platform.

Once you’re on top, interact with the eerie blue eyes inside the crack. This will introduce you to the Shadow, also known as Maria, and your objective will update.

Where To Find Shadow’s Presents

Shadow will ask you to find two presents: a music box and earrings. Once you have them, you’ll need to bring them back to Shadow.

Where To Find The Earrings

The earrings are located in the refectory. In the northern part of the dining hall, you’ll see a rose window with mosaics above. You can reach it with Leonora by climbing the vines outside the building or by using the ladder inside the building, if you’ve already spawned it.

Leonora is pressing a button next to the dead soldier in The Stone Of Madness.

Additionally, for the wooden platform in front of the mosaic window to spawn, you need to press the button in the area where the soldiers playing cards on the upper floor are located.

Break the window with Eduardo or Leonora, causing the earrings to fall along with shards of glass. Then, with Alfredo dressed in a priest outfit, pick up the earrings from below.

Where To Find The Music Box

Eduardo is searchinh the music box in The Stone Of Madness.

Go to The Cells area and approach the western cells with a gargoyle on them. Your character will notice that the music box is broken. If the door isn’t already open, unlock it with Eduardo or Leonora while distracting the guards outside. After obtaining the broken music box, head to the Inmate Courtyards.

Go to Panecillo, located in the southwestern part of the area where you pressed the button with Amelia. You’ll need to buy Music Box Parts from him for 150 coins. If you don’t have enough money, make sure to sell valuables at night using Leonora’s Black Market skill, then return to Panecillo.

Once you have the parts, wait until night and use Eduardo to repair the music box. Eduardo will also need 20 Wood to repair it. If you don’t have enough wood, look around the area or buy some from Panecillo.

Return The Presents

Amelia returns to the Shadow's presents inside the Great Wall in The Stone Of Madness.

Go to The Great Wall area, where Shadow will be waiting for you in the dark section under the wall. A cutscene will guide you to the location. Use Eduardo or Amelia to enter Shadow’s area.

If you want to save resources, have Amelia crawl through the hole outside the wall to reach Shadow. Remember, Shadow only appears after sunset. Give the presents to Shadow to complete the objective.

How To Confront Mother Superior

Your current objective is to confront Mother Superior. She is located in the Cells area, walking around the central hub where the inmates are gathered. What you decide to do with her is up to you. Shadow is in the basement of the building where Brother Pedro shot at the guards.

To get there, go back to where Brother Pedro was in the previous chapter and interact with the switch on the roof. Then, with another character, enter through the iron gates on the right side of the map and find the key to Shadow’s location.

If you choose to kill Mother Superior, you’ll need to wait for the right moment and take out the guards in the area first. Once she’s dead, you’ll need to bring her to Shadow. However, this is a challenging method as there are many guards on your way to Shadow.

Leonora picks up the key of the Mother Superior's office in The Stone Of Madness.

The easier option is to dress Alfredo in the priest outfit and have him talk to Shadow. Wait until sunset as usual, then ask Shadow to absolve her sins. After this, you’ll need to enter Mother Superior’s office which is located on the area where Panecillo is located.

If you haven’t already obtained it, the key to her office is in Inmate Courtyards, in the area where the inmates are circling a pillar. The key is hanging above the pillar. However, it’s difficult to take the key without dealing with the guards first, so eliminate them if necessary.

Alfredo searches beneath the floor tile in Mother Superior's Office in The Stone Of Madness.

Once you have the key, enter Mother Superior’s office and deal with the guard inside. Head to the second floor of the office, unlock the office’s door with a lockpick or a crowbar. You will find the Evidence of Immurement beneath one of the floor stones in Mother Superior’s office.

Return to The Cells and show this evidence to her. This way, Mother Superior will mention the Old Storehouse to you. Go to Panecillo’s location and press the button on the wall next to him; this will remove the iron fences leading to the Old Storehouse below the garden. Then, distract the guard in front of the Old Storehouse and unlock its door using a lockpick or a crowbar.

Eduardo breaks the wall of the Old Storehouse in The Stone Of Madness.

After that, have Eduardo break the storehouse wall using a crowbar. This will lead you to a small area called Immurement Cell. Inside, you’ll find a corpse with Baby’s Toy. Wait until midnight, then bring this toy to Shadow. In either scenario, Shadow will disappear, leaving behind an engraving. Interact with it to complete your objective and finish the chapter.


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