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In The Sims, having a baby isn’t as obvious as in later games. There’s no woohoo here, although the vibrating bed offers a close alternative, and no try for a baby option to choose. Instead, you’ll need a strong relationship and a little bit of luck.

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We take a look at how to have a baby in The Sims 1. Just be warned that looking after it won’t be easy, so think carefully before you hit that dialogue button.
Pre-Made Babies
In The Sims 1, there are no pre-made babies, and you can’t create babies in Create a Sim. The only Sims you can create are adults and children.
There are no pregnancies either, which also means there’s no waiting for your bundle of joy. Instead, babies arrive in a shower of petals after your Sims choose to have or adopt a baby via a pop-up menu option.
How To Have A Baby
In order to trigger the pop-up dialogue to have a baby, you first need a male and female couple. You’ll then need to build their relationship through social interactions in order to level it up.
How To Level A Romantic Relationship
You’ll need to level friendship first through talking and entertaining. Once you have this to around 40-50, then you can move to making the relationship romantic using hug, kiss, and flirt interactions.
Small icons on the relationship bar show the relationship type. A smiley face is friendship, a pink heart is an early romantic connection and a red heart is a deeper romantic relationship.
How To Trigger The Option To Have A Baby
Once your relationship has hit the point where you have a red heart, then you need to perform romantic interactions with your partner.
The easiest way is to continually kiss romantically or passionately. You should then get the ‘should we have a baby’ pop up. There is an element of chance at play here. The higher your relationship and the better your Sim’s moods, the more likely the dialogue will appear.
If you have the Vibromatic Heart Bed on your lot, you can select ‘vibrate’ then get both Sims to choose ‘play in bed’. This is The Sims’ equivalent of woohoo, and can also trigger the dialogue.
If you select no, then nothing changes. If you select yes, a baby in a crib will appear in a shower of petals wherever you are standing. You can move the crib using buy mode, but only if the baby is asleep and not being interacted with.
Can Same-Sex Couples Have A Baby?
Yes! You can build a romantic relationship between same-sex couples in exactly the same way as above. Get the relationship to the highest level and then keep performing those romantic interactions.
In same-sex relationships, you will instead hear the phone ring. Upon answering it, you will be asked, ‘do you want to adopt a baby?’
The adoption agency call usually happens around 4pm, although it can come at any time.
How To Name Your Baby
After you have selected ‘yes’ to either having or adopting a baby then you’ll first see a flutter of petals before a crib appears and a dialogue box pops up.
The pop-up menu will tell you the gender of the baby and allow you to type in your preferred name. Select ‘ok’ once you are done and your baby is now named.
Babies in The Sims are classed as objects in the code. This means that if you evict a family who has a baby in the house, then the baby will not move with them. A sim is only registered as part of a family once they have grown into a child.
Your baby will remain a baby for 72 in-game hours before they become a child. You’ll need to feed them and sing to them frequently or Simcity Social Services will come to remove them.

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