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One of the most annoying enemies you can find in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist are the rats. These tiny rodents can make simply crossing a bridge a living hell with how fast, annoying, and completely obnoxious they can be, especially if this is your first time trying to get through them.

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They can be a huge setback for you sometimes, but it’s not like you can’t fight back against the pack. Sure, it’ll take some extra effort, but you can put those little guys in their places if you’re persistent enough. At worst, it’ll only cost you a few attempts.
Rats In Ender Magnolia, Explained
You’ll start to see some rats once you get to the Subterranean Waterway zone. You can first reach it by defeating Garm in the Magicite Mines and getting its Iron Stake move. Use it to break the growth in the Old Market’s lower zone and find the hidden sewer area.
Once you’re there, after crossing the first few water portions of the map, you’ll be greeted with some tiny rats waiting for you in various halls and corridors. While they first look puny and just some more regular enemies, they’ll probably be a headache for you for a while.
Rats are fast and always come in packs. To make things even worse, they usually come out of a machine that must be destroyed to make them stop coming. But the rats won’t let you get any closer to it, and the situation quickly snowballs into a fairly irritating death.
How To Deal With Rats
These rats will be all around the Waterway zone, so you’ll have to learn how to deal with them. And there’s a bit more than you can do aside from trying to dodge every single one of their attacks.
Your main goal is to destroy the machines first, but you need to find a way to pass through these pests before you do it. Here are some tips that can help you bring an end to this plague.
Respect The Rats
Whenever you see a machine, your first impulse is to destroy it. But instead of jumping in (and probably dying), pay attention to how many rats you’re facing. Sometimes there are too many for you to handle, so step back and take them one by one.
It might be slow, but it’s better than losing your progress and being thrown back onto the bench. But once you see an opportunity, a full combo might be enough to break the machine, depending on your current level and upgrades.
Learn The Rat’s Timers
Despite being hugely annoying, rats only have a single attack: leaping at you. This is a fast attack, though, and it can be hard to dodge it when you have too many rodents on the screen at the same time.
For that reason, keeping your distance is the best strategy. This gives you some time to observe them and learn their patterns until you learn how to dodge them. Try taking a maximum of two rats at once, and run if you see more. Otherwise, dodging them all becomes a bit more dangerous.
Raise Your Defenses
Make sure you’re upgrading your equipment whenever you have the chance. New items can be added to the Old Market shop by finding Grimoires around the game. Some useful bangles are the Bone Bangle and the Thrist Bangle.
Aside from those, you can also collect more Charmed Fragments to increase your overall health. Rats can usually two or three-shot you around Level 15, so every extra Health point counts.
Use Lito More Often
Lito is one of your first Homunculi allies, and you shouldn’t sleep on him. While his attacks have a longer cooldown than others, they’re some of the best tools to use against rats.
The basic Blazing Fist attack hits in a direct line, and it’s perfect for cleaning both rats and machines at once. Variations such as the Glacial Fist are also great here, if you can aim it properly.
Swap Your Main Attack
If your regular sword hits aren’t cutting it, you can change Nola’s hits for something else. The Soul Harvester scythe attacks, obtained with the Unidentified Amplifier (first obtained from a boss in the Magicite Mines), are faster and cover a bigger area, so they’re a good choice for dealing with rats.
We wouldn’t recommend the Vanquisher Axe (if you’ve unlocked it), as it’s much slower than the other options, despite its huge power.
With superior range, you can take more rats out at once, which will be essential for your survival. Combine it with Lito’s attacks and any of Yolvan’s moves, and you’ll have no trouble destroying those little rodents before they touch you. At the very least, you’ll be able to break their resistance to them to finish the job later.

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