How To Complete Abyssal Chaos Deductions In Love And Deepspace

How To Complete Abyssal Chaos Deductions In Love And Deepspace

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Abyssal Chaos is a special low-resource battle stage in Love and Deepspace. Unlike other battle stages, Abyssal Chaos does not require Stamina to enter, and cannot be swept. In Abyssal Chaos, you and your companion uncover clues and make deductions to solve Chaos Cases and investigations.


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As you complete these Cases, you will uncover secrets, enjoy surprise encounters with your companion, pass challenging puzzle stages, and earn items and codes to be spent on companion upgrades. You can play Abyssal Chaos Deductions with multiple versions of the companions, upgrading their skills each time.

Updated on January 27, 2025, by Eva Csaki: We’ve returned to this guide to add the new deduction, Final Farewell.

What Is Abyssal Chaos?

Love And Deepspace: An image of the Abyssal Chaos entrance screen

Abyssal Chaos is a special, investigation-based battle mode that incorporates story elements and combat stages to create a fun and multi-faceted side mission.

In Abyssal Chaos, you will choose a companion to take with you as you investigate clues in different Deductions assigned to you either by contractors or the Deespapce Hunter’s Association.

Abyssal Chaos resets every two weeks and features a new trial companion each cycle. Currently, there are two Abyssal Chaos Cases to play through: Find Tobias and Final Farewell.

There are also two modes of Abyssal Chaos to complete: Easy Mode and Hard Mode. Completing Deductions in Hard Mode will give you more rewards than in Easy Mode.

All Abyssal Chaos Companions

Love And Deepspace: An image of Xavier: Lightseeker in the Companion screen.

Abyssal Chaos Companions are combat companions you can bring with you on Deductions.

These Companions have different skill sets and can be upgraded using Companion Genes. Companions can only be taken on Deductions if you have unlocked their regular combat counterparts. You cannot use Companions you have not unlocked unless they are the Trial Companion.

Trial Companions are separated between Deductions. You will have different Trial Companions in Final Farewell and Find Tobias.

Find Tobias

Love And Deepspace: An image of the first lines of Find Tobias I.

The first Abyssal Chaos Deduction is Find Tobias. In Find Tobias, you have been contracted by a wealthy businessman to find his son, Tobias. Tobias is suffering from Protocore Syndrome, the same affliction the MC suffers from.

Because of Tobias’ knowledge and skill set, he is a highly valuable person and his intellect has earned him the ire of one of the N109 Zone’s many gangs. You must infiltrate the N109 Zone to find and retrieve Tobias before someone else does, and before his Protocore Syndrome turns him into a Wanderer.

Because this Deduction was added before the release of version 3.0, you cannot use Caleb as a companion in this Deduction.

Final Farewell

Love And Deepspace: An image of the Final Farewell Deduction Screen.

In Final Farewell, you and your companions must investigate signals originating from an abandoned building in the suburbs. Rumors and reports from the surrounding area suggest that the building may be more than meets the eye.

Unfortunately, your first challenge is getting past the steadfast guard at the building’s front entrance. Even more frustrating, the guard refuses to talk about who or what could be residing in the building.

This is the first Deduction you can use Caleb as a companion in.

How To Complete Abyssal Chaos Deductions

Love And Deepspace: An image of the Case map for Zayne's Find Tobias Abyssal Chaos Deduction

Abyssal Chaos Deductions are one of the easier combat types to complete. In Abyssal Chaos, there is no entrance fee for stages, and you can replay, restart, and cancel Deductions at any time without resource penalties.

When you start an Abyssal Chaos Deduction, you can choose between the limited-time Trial Companion or any of your regular companions. Trial Companions will earn more Companion Factors than regular companions.

After choosing a companion to bring with you, your team is automatically created for you from the highest rarity memories you own. These memories will be maxed out for the Deduction.

You can only use companions that you’ve unlocked outside of Abyssal Chaos. That means that if you have not unlocked Xavier: Lumiere, you cannot use him in Abyssal Chaos unless he is the Trial Companion.

You do not need to level, rank, or ascend your memories or improve your combat team to succeed in Abyssal Chaos. Your team is fully upgraded and chosen automatically upon entering the Deduction.

If you would like to, you can customize what memories you bring into the Deduction, but since your highest-strength memories are automatically equipped, there isn’t any reason to do so unless you are aiming for a specific combat buff.

When you have finally entered Abyssal Chaos, you can begin completing story stages, combat challenges, Incidents, and puzzle stages. These stages are known as Cases.

Every few Case branches, you’ll start a story stage that includes special choices you can make and gives you information on the overarching story of the Deduction.

The storyline will change depending on which companion you choose to bring with you. Companions all have special choices, items, and story branches to explore.

Most Deduction stages will be combat stages. Combat stages work the same as any other combat stage in the main game, but here, your team is already prepared at the beginning of the Deduction and cannot be altered between Cases.

When you pass a combat stage, you earn Chaos Keys.

Other than stories and combat stages, there are also Incident stages and Challenge stages. Incidents are random encounters in which you can make special choices or earn special Items, upgrades, or Chaos Keys to improve your team. Some Incidents reward you with useful items, while others offer only penalties.

Challenge stages are similar to combat stages in the sense that they are three-dimensional, but they do not center around battle. In the Challenge stages, your companion is usually locked up, and you must challenge special puzzles to release them. Challenges can include memorization puzzles and obstacle courses.

What Are Chaos Keys Used For?

Love And Deepspace: An image of the Code collection screen

Chaos Keys are used to purchase Codes. Codes are special combat skill upgrades that improve your or your companion’s combat abilities and add special buffs to battle. There are eight types of Codes: Active, Charged, Combo, Negative, Shield, Summon, Dodge, and HP. Each Code category upgrades a different combat ability.

After passing certain stages, or upon encountering a Code Purchase stage, you can use your Chaos Keys to purchase new Codes or upgrade existing ones.

Codes cannot be upgraded infinitely and will eventually reach a Code-level cap.

As you unlock and earn Codes, you will gain collection points to be redeemed in the Codes tab of the Records menu. Hitting certain Code milestones will reward you with Diamonds.

If you’re aiming for a specific combat technique or are using companions who cannot utilize certain code types, you can choose to prohibit two code types at the beginning of the Deduction.

There are also three categories of Codes. The first category is the General Category. General Codes are Codes that can be applied to any combat companion.

The second category, Exclusive Codes, are Codes that are exclusive to certain companions. These Codes cannot be applied to any companion by the one they are assigned to. Each Companion has five exclusive Codes.

Finally, the third category is Code Sets. Code Sets are sets of three codes that, when acquired, give a permanent buff to your team. Completing sets will also give you Diamonds. The tutorial set will give you an Empyrean Wish as well.

What Do Items Do?

Love And Deepspace: An image of the Item collection screen

Items function similarly to Codes in the sense that each item provides a special combat buff or adds a combat or Case-specific ability. Each Item has a different ability associated with it and some items can only be used a certain number of times, while others are permanent buffs.

You will earn a reward in the Records screen for the first time you obtain an Item.

You can also collect special Items that are unique to your chosen companion. These items, once collected, can unlock special story branches in the Deduction. These stories are usually little side quests that end the Deduction early, but teach you new things about your companion, almost like a Date.

Sometimes, you need to collect specific Items during reward offers. You won’t know what these items are until you reach the later stages of the Deduction. These items are used to unlock special story branches needed to complete the Abyssal Chaos Case branches for the companion you chose.

For instance, in some Abyssal Chaos Deductions, you need to grab the Projector to give to the Director. Giving the Projector to the Director will unlock a special choice and give you special rewards.

What Are Incidents?

Love And Deepspace: An image of the Incident Collection screen

Incidents are random encounters that will appear at certain points during the Deduction. There is no way to predict what Incident you will encounter. Incidents can either offer you a special reward or hinder your progress by removing or downgrading your Codes.

Just like with Items and Codes, Incidents also have a special Collections menu under the Records menu. After encountering a certain number of Incidents, you can claim a Diamond reward.

You can revisit and replay Incidents and Abyssal Chaos story stages from the Records tab after you’ve completed them in a Deduction. This is a great way to recap for subsequent playthroughs.

Upgrading Genes

Love And Deepspace: An image of the Player and Zayne, Master Of Fate in the Deduction entrance screen

Along with Gold, Chaos Keys, and Deduction Points, you’ll earn Genes as you complete Deduction stages. Genes are special currencies that can be used to upgrade companion abilities and stats.

There are two difficulty levels in Abyssal Chaos: Easy and Hard. You must complete the deduction in Easy mode before you can progress to Hard mode. Hard mode offers more rewards at the end of the Deduction, but the battles are significantly more difficult to complete.

What Are General Genes?

Love And Deepspace: An image of the General Gene upgrade screen

General Genes can be used in the General Gene tab to upgrade genes for all companions. These upgrades will roll over from Deduction to Deduction no matter what companion you choose.

You need General Factors to unlock General Genes. You can earn General Factors during every Deduction. General Factors, unlike Companion Factors, aren’t tied to any one companion.

Unlocking General Genes can be done in a bracket system. You can choose which Genes to upgrade in a branch, but eventually, you will hit bottlenecks in the bracket.

There are 22 General Genes to unlock in total.

Both Companion and General Genes are specific to their Deduction. That means that your upgraded genes will not roll over from one Abyssal Chaos Deduction to another.

What Are Companion Genes?

Love And Deepspace: An image of Lumiere's Companion Genes menu with every Gene upgraded

Companion genes are genes that can be upgraded only for certain companions. These genes are not universally shared and can only be used during the specified companion’s Deduction runs.

Each companion has five Companion Gene Nodes to unlock.

You can unlock Compainon Genes with Companion Factors.

Remember, Trial companions will earn more Companion Factors than regular companions during their specified Abyssal Chaos cycle.

You can only earn Companion Factors for the companion you are completing deductions with. You can’t earn another character’s Companion Factors if you are running the Deduction with a different character.

Abyssal Chaos Rewards

Love And Deepspace: An image of the Deduction Points rewards screen

On top of the various currencies you earn for completing Deductions (Gold, Companion Factors, General Factors, and Deduction Points) you will also earn Diamonds and Outfits.

You can earn up to 2,000 Deduction Points per Abyssal Chaos cycle. Deduction Points can be used to complete Deduction level milestones. Each milestone has a corresponding reward. There are 120 Deduction Reward levels per Deduction.

Deduction Point rewards include Ascension Crystal Boxes, Bottles of Wishes, Diamonds, Magnets, Energy Capsules, Accessories, Outfits, and Core Energy.


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