Ryu Hayabusa’s second 3D outing has been remastered for a new generation in Ninja Gaiden 2 Black. The Dragon Ninja must once again carve through the forces of evil, whether they be humans, fiends, or other beasts. This adventure brings him into conflict with rival Genshin, a capable ninja, and Elizebét, a woman who seeks to reawaken the Archfiend.

Ninja Gaiden games have gone from the arcade into the 3D home console space, but which are the best games in the series?
The narrative is a bit all over the place, but ultimately, it serves to facilitate the outstanding combat system. However, the Ninja Gaiden series has a long history with rereleases, each substantially altering the game structure. Just how much content is in 2 Black, and how long will it take you to finish?
How Long Does It Take To Beat Ninja Gaiden 2 Black?
You can expect to blaze through Ninja Gaiden 2 Black in a few sittings. According to HowLongToBeat, you’ll be rolling credits around the nine-hour mark.
This may cause some concern considering the length of previous versions of the game; the original 2008 release clocks in at 14 hours, while Sigma 2 comes in at 11. This time discrepancy could be linked to 2 Black cutting some content from prior releases, but it’s more likely due to a decreased difficulty level resulting in fewer deaths and quicker completion.
How Many Chapters Are In Ninja Gaiden 2 Black?
Ninja Gaiden 2 Black has 17 chapters in its campaign. Each chapter will take you about half an hour on average, giving the game a very episodic feel and providing great opportunities to set the controller down if you want to savor the experience (though we doubt you’ll want to stop playing).
How Long Does It Take To 100% Ninja Gaiden 2 Black?
Completing Ninja Gaiden 2 Black will take a bit more time, bringing you closer to the twenty-five mark. This takes into account not only multiple campaign playthroughs on different difficulty levels but also collectibles and bonus content, like finding the Crystal Skulls and clearing Tag Missions.

10 Things We Wish We Knew Before Starting The Ninja Gaiden Master Collection
Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection harkens back to an older, more difficult era of gaming. These tips will help you overcome that challenge.
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