Every Hidden Personal Item In Sniper Elite: Resistance

Every Hidden Personal Item In Sniper Elite: Resistance

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One type of collectibles you can find in Sniper Elite: Resistance are hidden personal items. These include Propaganda Posters, which we covered in our Propaganda Mission Guide, as well as other various items that lend lore to the story.


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Some of these items will be part of either the main objective or optional objectives, but a few of them are not and can be difficult to locate, especially on the dark maps. But don’t worry, we’ve tracked them all down for you so you can collect every single personal item in the game.

Dead Drop

Map Locations Of Personal Items During Dead Drop In Sniper Elite: Resistance.

In every mission, one of the hidden personal items you’ll find is a Propaganda Poster, which unlocks a special challenge for each mission. This guide will cover the other hidden personal item collectibles you can find.

There are three other hidden personal items in this mission, and all of them can be found as a part of the hidden Optional Objective to Find Stolen Resistance Files.

As you proceed through the library, eliminating enemies, the locations of each document should be highlighted for you when you get close to them.






Police Report: #222

On the main level at the western end of the library, this item is on a small table next to a large pile of books and maps.

Finding Police Report 222 On Small Table At Back Of The Library During Dead Drop In Sniper Elite: Resistance.


Police Report: #223

From where you find the first document, go up the stairs on your right, then turn right into a meeting room. You’ll find a small alcove with a window in here, and on the table is the item.

Finding Police Report 223 On Small Table By Window In The Library During Dead Drop In Sniper Elite: Resistance.


Police Report: #224

The final report is in a small office under the lobby at the main entrance.

Finding Police Report 224 On Desk In Office During Dead Drop In Sniper Elite: Resistance.

Sonderzuge Sabotage

Map Locations of Personal Items In Sonderzuge Sabotage In Sniper Elite: Resistance.

Though this map is dark, finding the other hidden personal items shouldn’t be too difficult, and they can be found very early in the mission, leaving you free to look for other collectibles.






Resistance Flag

Inside the first safehouse on the main floor, go into the room at the northern side of the building. Just inside this room, on your right, the Resistance Flag is on top of a stack of crates.

Finding Resistance Flag Personal Item During Sonderzuge Sabotage In Sniper Elite: Resistance.


Gestapo ID Badge

From the safehouse, take the zip line to the bridge. About halfway up the bridge, on the left side, the badge is on one of the boxes next to a pair of bolt cutters.

Finding Gestapo ID On Bridge During Sonderzuge Sabotage Mission In Sniper Elite: Resistance.


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Collision Course

Map Locations Of Personal Items During Collision Course In Sniper Elite: Resistance.

The additional two personal items to collect during Collision Course are located near mission objectives, which makes it much easier to locate these items.






Wine Bottle

On the northern side of the train tracks there is a small train station near one of the main objectives. Go up the stairs at the back to find a dining area with a bar. On the corner of the bar, to your left as you enter, is the wine bottle.

Finding The Wine Bottle At Train Station During Collision Course In Sniper Elite: Resistance.


Gas Mask

In the basement of the Manor House, when you go down to eliminate the last source of intel. The gas mask is on a table to the right of the basement.

Finding Gas Mask On Table In Manor House Basement During Collision Course In Sniper Elite: Resistance.

Devil’s Cauldron

Personal Item Locations On Map For Devil's Cauldron In Sniper Elite: Resistance.

Devil’s Cauldron proved to be the most difficult in terms of locating the personal items. Not only does it take place during the night again, but this time, the personal items aren’t near main objectives. However, we’ve got you!






Playing Cards

In the center of the map you’ll notice that there’s a point where the road curves in a hairpin turn to the right, like a switchback. Head over to that switchback, and you’ll find a small area with some tall grass, a fire in a barrel, and some crates, just to the left of the turn. The playing cards are on the corner of the stack of crates to the right of the fire.

Finding Propaganda Poster On Side Of Church During Devil's Cauldron In Sniper Elite: Resistance.


Laboratory ID

To find this hidden item, follow the road from where you found the playing cards. Just before the road curves to the right, turn left to go up the mountain. You’ll find yourself at a blocked gate, but if you have a pair of bolt cutters you can cut your way through the fence and crawl through. Keep going forward to the tunnel, turn left through the yellow door, then turn into the first room on your right. The item is on the table inside.

Finding Playing Cards During Devil's Cauldron In Sniper Elite: Resistance.


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Assault On Fort Rouge

Map Locations Of Personal Items During Assault On Fort Rouge In Sniper Elite: Resistance.

Finding the personal items during this mission is easy compared to the previous mission. The first one, along with the Propaganda Poster, you’ll be able to find early in the mission near your starting point. The last one, however, you’ll get as one of the final main objectives.






Todt Uniform Badge

You should be able to find this one early in the mission. At the bottom of the fort, to the right of the main road, is a cluster of buildings. From the main road turn right, then walk down the stairs on your left. From there, go straight into a room with a long box on the floor. At the end of the room the badge is on the small table.

Finding First Item On Table During Assault On Fort Rouge In Sniper Elite: Resistance.


Commitee C Map

You’ll find this one during the progression of the main mission. When it’s time for you to gather intel on Kleine Blume, one of the intel you gather is to take a photo of the map, which you’ll find underground. Taking the photo will get you the hidden item.

Finding Committee C Map During Assault On Fort Rouge In Sniper Elite: Resistance.

Lock, Stock And Barrels

Map Locations Of Personal Items In Lock Stock And Barrels In Sniper Elite: Resistance.

Though the map for this mission is rather large, the locations of personal items aren’t too obscure, so finding them won’t be difficult. The first personal item is located near one of the targets for the Optional Objective: Eliminate The Elite Snipers, while the other one is near a main objective.






Engraved Lighter

This hidden personal item is inside the Western Farmhouse, which you can also unlock as a starting location.

Finding The Engraved Lighter In Farmhouse During Lock Stock And Barrels In Sniper Elite: Resistance.


Gold Pocket Watch

To the left of the large building where your main objective is, there’s a large grassy field. In this field you’ll find a small building with a generator that you can sabotage if you want. The pocket watch is on a table inside the building.

Finding Gold Pocket Watch On Table During Lock Stock And Barrels In Sniper Elite: Resistance.

End Of The Line

Map Locations Of Personal Items During End Of The Line In Sniper Elite: Resistance.

In the final mission, all personal items, including the Propaganda Poster, can be found early in the mission. You can actually find the poster and the second item first, in the same general location, and then the final item isn’t too far away.






AA Repair Manual

To the right of the train station, go up the stairs to go through the wall on the right edge of the map. On the other side is a small bunker. When you exit the first hallway, the AA Repair Manual is on top of the box next to the ladder.

Finding AA Repair Manual In Bunker During End Of The Line In Sniper Elite: Resistance.


New Tank Blueprints

From the starting point, go down the ladders, then cross the train tracks and head inside the building to your right. In the far right corner, the blueprints are on top of a box near the door.

Finding Personal Item On Box During End Of The Line In Sniper Elite: Resistance.


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We cover what you need to know before diving into Sniper Elite: Resistance.

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