- The Ancient Weapons Poseidon and Pluton have been shown or talked about while Uranus remains a mystery.
- A theory speculates on the connection between the Haki types and the powers of the Ancient Weapons.
- Uranus may amplify the Voice of All Things ability, leading to speculation on its significance.
The Ancient Weapons are some of the most powerful and important plot devices in the entire story of One Piece. However, despite this importance, information about them has been incredibly scarce and, even after over 1100 chapters, only one of them has ever been shown. As such, Poseidon and Pluton’s devastating power has been the stuff of legend, and they remain weapons that are incredibly sought after in the world.
However, Uranus has never been shown nor has its power been talked about. This is something that One Piece fans have been theorizing about for ages, since it should be so powerful that it can easily match up to Poseidon and Pluton, and a certain theory could explain just what Uranus can do and why it’s so dangerous. So, let’s take a look at this theory and try to break down the relationship Uranus could have with the Voice of All Things.

One Piece: How The Ancient Weapons Could Be Connected To Haki
The Ancient Weapons from One Piece are incredibly mysterious, but there’s a theory that could potentially connect them to Haki!
The Connection Between These Concepts
Are Uranus and the Voice of All Things Related?
Uranus First Mention |
One Piece, Chapter 650, “Two Changes to be Aware Of” |
Voice of All Things First Mention |
One Piece, Chapter 507, “Kizaru Arrives” |
Fans first found out about the Ancient Weapons very early on in the series during the Alabasta arc, since Crocodile was searching for this mythical battleship. However, since then, the mentions of these weapons have been incredibly brief, with only one being shown in its entirety along with a demonstration of its power, which is Poseidon. Even then, it was brief and the series made it clear that its full use will only be shown at the end of the story when it is needed most.
Even though Pluton remains shrouded in mystery, it is still known as a massive and powerful battleship that can destroy an island in one shot. So, clearly, Uranus is the outlier, since it has rarely been mentioned in the series, even less so than the other Ancient Weapons. However, a hint of its power can be thought about in a specific theory that connects these weapons to Haki.
Three Ancient Weapons… each bearing the name of a God… “Pluton”, “Uranus”, and “Poseidon”.
This theory states that the 3 forms of Haki are indicative of the special powers of the Ancient Weapons. The connection here is that Conqueror’s Haki represents Poseidon’s power, as it can dominate others by allowing the user to exert their will externally. Similarly, Poseidon can exert her will on the Sea Kings and order them to do whatever she wants. On the other hand, Armament Haki can be seen as a representative concept of the power of Pluton, since it’s an ability that makes one’s attacks far more potent, and Pluton’s specialty is a deadly offensive attack that can destroy an island with a single shot.
If this trend is followed, then Observation Haki and Uranus would go hand-in-hand, as it would be a weapon that would allow the user to be hyper-perceptive. Theories regarding its application state that Uranus would allow the user to locate anyone or anything on the planet, making it perhaps the most valuable of the 3 Ancient Weapons. Because of this, many believe that it could be connected to the equally vague Voice of All Things.
The Voice of All Things is an incredibly rare ability only a few people possess that allows them to communicate with or understand people, inanimate objects, or animals through telepathy without the need for traditional language. Only a few notable characters possessed this power, and its uniqueness was exhibited by Gol D. Roger, who understood the importance of the Poneglyphs upon contacting them or understanding the Sea Kings.
While this seems to exist separately from Uranus, the theory states that this is a trait inherent to everything, but only a few people naturally have it attuned to a level where they can use it. Through Uranus, this ability for everything is amplified, making it so that anything around the world can be found or communicated with and that this was originally kept as a tool to be used by Joyboy to find the One Piece. While this sounds like wishful thinking, it should be noted that another Ancient Weapon, Poseidon, was also allied with Joyboy in his time.
One Piece: 7 Characters Who Have The Potential To Gain Sky-Splitting Haki
Only the most powerful Conqueror’s haki users can split the sky. Here are some One Piece character who have the potential to achieve that.
How Likely Is This To Be The Case?
Wishful Thinking or a Plausible Theory?
In the case of this theory, it is admittedly pure speculation until something is confirmed by Oda, although there are some plausible connections. Currently, fans theorize that Uranus belongs to Imu and the World Government, and it was the thing used to destroy Lulusia, which does have some strong evidence behind it since the blasts came from a massive figure in the sky. This all adds back to Uranus since it is named after the God of the sky from Greek mythology, so a connection there can be seen.
However, the powers of the two confirmed Ancient Weapons so far, Pluton and Poseidon, are pretty different from one another, so it’s unlikely that Uranus would function the same as Pluton as something that can destroy islands. If that were the case and the World Government had it, they wouldn’t have made such an effort to retrieve the Pluton blueprints from Franky and Iceberg during the events of the Water 7 arc, so speculation around Uranus may still be in full swing.
One Piece can be streamed on Crunchyroll.

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One Piece
- Release Date
October 20, 1999
- Network
Fuji TV
- Directors
Hiroaki Miyamoto, Konosuke Uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tokoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshihiro Ueda, Kenichi Takeshita, Yoko Ikeda, Ryota Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kakudou, Takahiro Imamura, Toshihiro Maeya, Yûji Endô, Nozomu Shishido, Hidehiko Kadota, Sumio Watanabe, Harume Kosaka, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Yukihiko Nakao, Keisuke Onishi, Junichi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou
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