In Phase 2 of Version 2.2, Reverse: 1999 introduced a new limited character to the roster, and her name is Lopera. As a Beast Arcanist who deals Reality DMG, Lopera is a great member for any team you wish to build. Her main role is in the Support field, and she works amazingly well as a Critical buffer who increases her team’s damage output.
For a 6-star Reverse: 1999 Support character, she’s extremely versatile and knows how to cater to her team’s needs. She’s not only a great Support on universal teams, but also a great Support on Burn teams. Lopera is relatively easy to build, but you do need to be careful when finding the right resources to capitalize on her skills and playstyle. Here is everything you need to know about Lopera’s Build, Skills, and Team Compositions in Reverse: 1999.

Reverse: 1999 – Best Anjo Nala Build (Psychubes, Team Comps, & Skills)
Reverse: 1999 players looking to effectively make use of Anjo Nala’s versatile Sub DPS abilities can refer to this guide.
Lopera Skills, Explained – Reverse: 1999
Lopera is basically a Support who specializes in Burn teams. However, this does not make her limited to only Burn teams, as she’s extremely versatile and can fit into practically any team you have. She’s what players would call a ‘god-tier’ Support, and here’s a breakdown of all her skills.
Lopera’s playstyle revolves around firing ‘bullets’ which carry various effects and buffs that can not only be used on herself, but also her teammates. Her most important skill is her Ultimate, More Than Alchemy, and it’s what players need to focus on when using her.
Her Ultimate essentially creates an array that greatly boosts the Critical Rate of her allies and also gives them an unlimited amount of bullets (buffs). This converts any excess CRIT Rate they have into CRIT Damage. Additionally, she can also buff the damage of her teammates’ Incantations and Ultimates. This means she’s a crucial Support, needed in DPS teams for long-term survivability, as increasing her Insight levels grants her Moxie and Healing abilities. Her Moxie can be further shared among allies, and her Healing ability can be triggered at the final level.
Best Psychubes For Lopera In Reverse: 1999
When it comes to Psychubes, The Third Commitment is Lopera’s best-in-slot as that is her signature Psychube in Reverse: 1999. It increases her CRIT DMG when firing a ‘bullet’ and this is a much-needed ability, as Lopera will share her CRIT DMG with her allies when she deals her Follow-Up Attack. All in all, this Psychube enhances her Support ability, which in turn enhances her team’s power by amplifying their skills through the arrays she creates. Lopera’s next best choice for a 6-star Psychube may be Stray Off The Path, and this is only if you want to incorporate a DPS Lopera build. It focuses on enhancing her single-target abilities and her role as a Critical Support. With this Psychube, she’ll stack up on her CRIT DMG without ever losing it to her allies, so you can expect to deal high impact damage when using this on her.

Reverse: 1999 – Best Kaalaa Baunaa Build (Psychubes, Team Comps, & Skills)
Reverse: 1999 players looking to make use of Kaalaa Baunaa can use this guide for tips on how to make her the best DPS character in their roster.
Outside The City is the third option you can use for a Psychube, as it amplifies Lopera’s ability to stack buffs over time. This works perfectly with her critical damage-focused playstyle and is great for battles that need to be sustained over a prolonged period of time. Lastly, Blasphemer of Night is a Psychube you can also use on her when it comes to teams that prioritize rebuffing enemies. It boosts her damage potential against debuffed enemies and her synergy with status-inflicting allies as well.
Best Team Compositions For Lopera In Reverse: 1999
Quite frankly, you can slot any character from Reverse: 1999 with Lopera, as her versatility is amazing. However, certain characters compliment her abilities in teams, so what you want to look for are the ones who gain an advantage off of the critical buffs she gives out.
Lopera + Spathodea + Isolde + Tooth Fairy
Spathodea is one of the best damage dealers in the game, and she synergizes exceptionally well with Lopera’s Critical Hit buffs. Spathodea can apply Burn effects to her enemies and, since Lopera does exceedingly well in Burn teams, she buffs Spathodea’s Burn damage. Isolde works similarly as a Burn applicator who also debuffs her enemies. Together with Lopera, they will both boost Spathodea’s damage, whilst Tooth Fairy acts as the Healer.
Lopera + Lucy + Isolde + Kakania
With Lucy as your DPS, you are taking a bit of a risk with this team as Lopera can turn Lucy’s [Ammunition] skill into a permanent effect because of her Array. You’ll be relying on Lopera and Kakania for healing, as Isolde will bring in an additional Burn while Lucy optimizes the CRIT DMG brought in by Lopera’s Ultimate. Quite frankly, you are free to forego Lucy here and use another DPS like Melania, Centurion, or Jiu Niangzi.

Reverse: 1999 – Current Banner, Next Banner, And Past Banners
Here’s everything you need to know about Reverse: 1999’s variety in banners and what characters players can aim for.
Lopera + Windsong + Vila + Flutterpage
This team solely focuses on controlling Windsong’s cycles and utilizing her Follow-Up Attack output efficiently. Windsong and Flutterpage will be the stars of this team, as Flutterpage is required to bring down Windsong’s number of cycles, generate her FUA, and have her Flutterpage’s Forcefield buff intact to increase Windsong’s damage. As with every Support role, Lopera is only there to stack her buffs and further increase Windsong’s damage. The same goes with Vila. If you don’t have either of these characters, swap out Windsong with Jiu Niangzi, or you can even swap out Flutterpage with Anjo Nala. Vila can be swapped with Tooth Fairy or Kakania.
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