Pokemon Pocket is more than just a great way to do battle on the go. It’s also a chance to pull from packs with the hopes of getting a card with gorgeous art. This way, you can show others all the best cards you’ve pulled and even select your favorites to put on display. In battle, you can substitute your standard card arts with some true gems just to flex on your opponent.

Pokemon Pocket: Best Pokemon Abilities
These Pokemon abilities have the potential to change the tide of battle.
Of course, collecting cards is not as easy as it sounds. While ex Pokemon are already rare enough, you’ll need to open plenty of packs to complete the entire collection of special arts and immersive delights. So, which cards are the hardest to find in Space-Time Smackdown?
Yanmega ex Rainbow Bordered Special Art Rare
A Beautiful Sunset
Yanmega would be terrifying if it weren’t for how gorgeous the card art is. A giant insect hanging from the side of a tree would normally give anyone a startle, but here, it is serene and majestic.
Like many of the rarest cards in Pokemon Pocket, this one has a rainbow border. As far as power goes, it’s also pretty easy to use with only Colorless Energy requirements. So show it off in any deck for some Grass damage.
Infernape ex Rainbow Bordered Special Art Rare
The Monkey King
Infernape ex’s special art rendition resembles something out of the Chinese tale, Journey to the West. With an orange sun in the background and an almost tapestry-like style, this is a must-have for your collection.

Pokemon Pocket: 12 Best Energy Acceleration Cards
These are the best Energy Acceleration cards in Pokemon Pocket.
It also helps that Infernape ex is one of the best Fire-type Pokemon in Space-Time Smackdown. So if you pull this, you’ll get plenty of use out of it as you burn your way through the competition.
Pachirisu ex Rainbow Bordered Special Art Rare
Sparking With Charm
Pachirisu ex matches Pickachu ex’s capabilities quite well. So how does the special art rare hold up? This is a pretty cute Pachirisu and the card art makes you appreciate Sinnoh’s chu in a whole new light.
That’s also literal with rays of light descending through the tree tops and onto Pachirisu itself. It’s also fun when the card arts portray the Pokemon living in packs. Just look at all those squirrels.
Mismagius ex Rainbow Bordered Special Art Rare
A Hidden Love Story
Ghost Pokemon often come in two different forms. They either try to be scary or they have an elegance to them. Mismagius falls into the elegant category as it surrounds itself with cherry blossoms.

Meanwhile, the background of this card has a romantic story to tell. Will love come out on top this time? Based on Mismagius’s smile and the heart-shaped rings the petals in the background are making, it looks like a happy ending.
Gallade ex Rainbow Bordered Special Art Rare
A Fighting-type Deep In Thought
Fighting-types are often known for their brawns. After all, these Pokemon focus on hitting hard to win you the match. However, Gallade ex has a more reflective depiction in its special art rendition.
What could Gallade be thinking about in the reflective pool? Perhaps it is thinking something deep and profound. Or maybe it is just wondering why you keep seeing everyone else pull the god packs, yet you never see them.
Weavile ex Rainbow Bordered Special Art Rare
Gorgeous And Relevant
There is nothing better than a rare illustration that’s not only good-looking, but is relevant in one of the most powerful decks the set has to offer. Weavile ex is ready to come after your opponent’s weakened Pokemon.

The art depicts a group of Weavile looking down at a lonely Swinub. Surely they only mean to befriend the little Pokemon, right? Regardless, this is a top tier card in every way.
Darkrai ex Rainbow Bordered Special Art Rare
Don’t Get Nightmares
Is there a shadow in your room or is that just Darkrai? Everything seems bigger in the dark and Darkrai ex’s special art knows how to make those nightmares come alive.
This card is terrifying as it watches the young Pokemon trainer sleep. Perhaps it will even feast on his dreams. This card is also equally frightening for your opponent the moment it hits the Bench and starts activating its Ability.
Lickilicky ex Rainbow Bordered Special Art Rare
A Silly Rampage
Not every Pokemon card needs to look cool or mysterious. Some can just be silly and get plenty of love. Lickilicky ex’s special art has it sneakily stealing fruit from a passing truck. By the looks of it, it has collected enough for a nice meal.

Pokemon Pocket: 10 Best Display Boards
Do you have these rare and beautiful cards, but don’t know how to display them? Use one of these display boards in Pokemon Pocket.
Of course, its Move is no laughing matter as it can easily spoil the victory for your opponent. At least by the end of the match, one of you will be left laughing.
Palkia ex Immersive Rare
A Sketchy Rare
It’s not every day that you want to see sketchy Pokemon cards coming out of booster packs. Usually, that just means they’re fake. However, Palkia ex’s immersive art is meant to look like a sketch.
In particular, this mimics the appearance of an M. C. Escher painting as the space around Palkia becomes warped. As an immersive rare, you can also enter the card art for a special animation showing just how confusing the world around it really is.
Dialga ex Immersive Rare
Time Keeps Moving
If you ever wanted a Pokemon card that makes you feel small, then Dialga ex’s immersive art will do the trick. While the initial art makes it look like Dialga is looking at a lake, start the animation, and you’ll see its powers at work.

Pokemon Pocket: 12 Cards That Can Heal Themselves
Who needs a potion when you have these extraordinary Pokemon that can heal themselves?
It’s not really looking at the lake itself, but the flow of time. As days and years pass, the lake dries up and becomes filled again as lush forests grow from where once there was nothing. It’s pretty heavy stuff so don’t think about it too hard or you’ll stay up all night.
Palkia ex Crown Rare
Space Dipped In Gold
Crown rare is a special type of card with a golden background and the signature Pokemon popping out of it. This rarity is the hardest to find and is reserved for the Pokemon the sets revolve around.
Palkia ex looks particularly good with the golden swirls in the background and lines that highlight its body. If you’re lucky enough to snag one of these, then you must have the golden touch.
Dialga ex Crown Rare
Time Is Golden
Dialga ex is the second Pokemon to get a crown rare variant in Space-Time Smackdown. It’s just as hard to get as Palkia ex, so even pulling just one is a stroke of good luck.
Whether you choose to run this card or show off your immersive art variants is up to you. However, getting this card will be the hardest task if you’re trying to complete the entire set.
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