How To Play As Aoi Umenokoji In Virtua Fighter 5 Revo

How To Play As Aoi Umenokoji In Virtua Fighter 5 Revo

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Virtua Fighter 5 Revo has many unique and fascinating characters, allowing you to find the one that clicks with you and your play style. While, on the surface, the game is a bit simplistic in its design, you will quickly learn that the skill ceiling is much higher than you anticipated.


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Overall, this is welcoming, as that means players of any skill level can hop in and feel rewarded, as you will constantly be learning new strategies and ways to outsmart your opponent, which meshes well with the cast of fighters that can shake up the gameplay quite drastically, despite it only being a three-button fighter!

Aoi Umenkoji Overview

Aoi landing a Throw on Sarah in Virtua Fighter 5 Revo.

Aoi Umenkoji has seen some substantial changes regarding the massive balance patch that impacted every character in Virtua Fighter 5 Revo to some degree, changing the properties of many moves and even adding some, making characters much stronger or a bit weaker than they ever were. And, in Aoi’s case, she went from one of the worst in the game to now one of the best.

She won’t have the most complex combos in the game; she can deal tons of damage in short bursts, using her various Grabs and Reversals that make her immensely hard to get in on if you’re being too obvious or predictable with your attacks. Aoi’s ability to Counter just about every action in the game sets her apart from the rest of the cast, making her defense scary to deal with.

However, this comes with a pretty hefty trade-off: You must know your match-ups to get the most out of her, making her not all that beginner-friendly. Her Throws are also pretty complex, so we strongly recommend taking her into Training Mode first if you plan on playing her, as she has A LOT going on that you must learn if you want to see success!

Aoi Umenkoji Important Moves

Aoi entering her Tenchi In'you Stance to evade an incoming attack from Lion in Virtua Fighter 5 Revo.

Now that you know what makes Aoi shine in combat, it’s time to put the spotlight on her more common and crucial moves, as you will want to take full advantage of them whenever you can in combat to demolish your opposition. For the most part, you will be using her Reversals or Grabs to deal tons of damage, but she has some other actions that can also lead to considerable damage.

Her move list is much larger than what we’re about to highlight, so load into Training Mode and get the complete rundown of everything she has available, as you will need to learn her Reversals and Grabs if you want to thrive in combat with her. Nonetheless, the moves below will get you situated with her basics!

d/f = Down Forward (3, ⭨)

u/f = Up Forward (8, ⭧)

Important Moves For Aoi Umenkoji

Move Name


Attack Type


b d/f P+K

Mid Attack, 16 Frames

Jousei Ryusenshou

d d/b b P+K

High Attack, 19 Frames


d/f d/f P+K

Mid Attack, 18 Frames


ff K

Mid Attack, 18 Frames


b f P+K

Mid Attack, 23 Frames

Tengu Otoshi

D d/f P+K

Mid Attack, 15 Frames


f b P

Mid Attack, 25 Frames

Tenchi In’you Stance

(Hold) P+K+G

Aoi Umenkoji enters her Tenchi In’you Stance.

Sundome Stance

P, P, P, d K, G

Aoi Umenkoji enters her Sundome Stance.

This is only the tip of the iceberg whenever it comes to everything Aoi Umenkoji can do, as it doesn’t even touch on her Reversals or the attacks she can perform after entering her stances. Again, we urge you to hop into Training Mode to see all of her moves to get a deeper understanding of her toolkit!

Aoi Umenkoji Combos

Aoi landing a devastating combo on Jacky in Virtua Fighter 5 Revo.

Now that you have the general overview and outline of Aoi Unemkoji’s playstyle and some of her best moves, we can focus on her combos, as you will need to learn how to capitalize on Counter Hits or other situations outside of her traditional Reversal and Throw strategy, which you will need to learn on top of this.

Generally, her combos aren’t overly long or complex, but they are decent and give Aoi the opportunity to apply her pressure and trap her opponent into throwing out a move she can Counter, leading to massive damage. While this playstyle won’t be for most, it’s gratifying once you get it down!

Aoi Umenkoji Standard Combos

  • d d/b b P+K > f K+G > d K, P > f K, K
  • d d/b b P+K > f K+G > f K > f b P+K, P
  • d/f d/f P+K > F P > P, P, f P, P
  • d/f d/f P+K > f K+G > b b P > (Backturn) d K, P, P
  • ff K > ff > d P > P, P, f P, P
  • b f P+K > P, P > P, P
  • b f P+K > d K, P > f b P+K, P

Aoi Umenkoji Counter Hit Combos

  • b d/f P+K (Counter Hit) > d K, P > d/f K+G
  • b d/f P+K (Counter Hit) > d K, P > P > f K, K
  • b d/f P+K (Counter Hit) > d K, P > f b P+K, P
  • f b P (Counter Hit) > f K, K
  • f b P (Counter Hit) > P, P, f P, P
  • D d/f P+K (Counter Hit) > P > f K, K
  • D d/f P+K (Counter Hit) > P > P, P, f P, P

Aoi Umenkoji Tips And Tricks

Aoi's victory screen in in Virtua Fighter 5 Revo.

As we covered extensively in the sections above, Aoi Umenkoji isn’t for everyone and will take lots of time and effort on your end if you want to take full advantage of her complex yet very rewarding kit. Despite her receiving some buffs to her Standard Attacks, she is still a defense-heavy character, so ensure you’re up for that task if you want to play her.

Umenkoji’s entire gameplay philosophy centers around Reversals and Throws, and she is the only character in the game that can Reverse just about every move in the game. While some other characters have Reversals for High, Mid, or Low attacks, they cannot Reverse attacks where the opposition uses both of their arms or propels themselves at them.

In Aoi’s case, however, she can Counter the two-handed attacks and can even use her Reversal on headbutts and other unique actions. Her Tenchi In’you Stance (Hold P+K+G) is immensely powerful and allows her to evade most High and Mid Attacks, placing her in a massive advantage for follow-up attacks. Utilize it and everything else highlighted to begin your impenetrable defense as Aoi!


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