How To Get Shiny Mega Medicham

How To Get Shiny Mega Medicham
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Pokemon GO players can get a powerful Shiny Mega Medicham by winning Mega raids. Mega Pokemon are powerful variants with boosted battle capabilities, and as a Mega raid boss, their power level boosts even more. And so, defeating Mega Medicham in raids can be challenging due to the increased power.

Pokemon GO Shiny collectors must first catch a Shiny Medicham to get their hands on a Shiny Mega Medicham. Apart from the Mega Medicham raids, one can get its Shiny variant by catching and evolving a Shiny Meditite. In contrast, Mega raids can potentially reward a direct encounter with Shiny Meditite’s evolution, i.e., Shiny Medicham. But defeating a Mega raid boss requires proper meta-knowledge and access to strong monsters. Trainers must prepare a powerful battle roster to win Mega Medicham raids and get their hands on its Shiny variant.


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Pokemon GO: Get Shiny Mega Medicham Through Mega Raids

Get Pokemon GO Shiny Mega Medicham by winning Raids

Mega Medicham’s maximum Pokemon GO CP of 2821 gets a notable boost as a Mega raid boss. With a fantastic stat spread comprising 205 ATK, 179 DEF, and 155 STA, the monster inflicts damaging attacks on its opponents. One must team up with other players and avoid attempting to clear the raid solo.

Selecting counters for a Mega raid boss requires a deep understanding of the game’s meta. One must study Mega Medicham’s weaknesses and resistances before preparing their battle roster. Select monsters with moves that trigger the Same Type of Attack Bonus (STAB) and fall under the Mega Monster’s weaknesses. The STAB effect can inflict bonus damage to the raid boss and triggers when the counter’s attribute type and attack type are the same.

Once Pokemon GO trainers defeat Mega Medicham in raids, Shiny Medicham may appear near the raid location. While the Shiny encounter isn’t guaranteed, players can win multiple raids to increase their chances. The more Standard variants spawn, the faster trainers might catch up to its Shiny odds, resulting in a Shiny Medicham encounter.

Mega Medicham’s Weaknesses And Resistances In Pokemon GO



Fairy-type moves

Fighting-type moves

Flying-type moves

Rock-type moves

Ghost-type moves

Pokemon GO: Best Mega Medicham Raid Counters


Fast Move

Charged Move

Mega Rayquaza

Air Slash

Dragon Ascent

Dawn Wings Necrozma

Psycho Cut

Moongeist Beam

Mega Genagr


Shadow Ball

Mega Gardevoir


Dazzling Gleam

Shadow Chandelure


Shadow Ball

Incarnate Forme Enamorus

Fairy Wind


Mega Salamence

Dragon Tail


Mega Banette

Shadow Claw

Shadow Ball

Shadow Mewtwo

Psycho Cut

Shadow Ball

Shadow Moltres

Wing Attack

Sky Attack

Mega Alakazam

Psycho Cut

Shadow Ball


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How To Mega Evolve Shiny Medicham In Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO Shiny Medicham and Shiny Mega Medicham

Those who catch a Shiny Medicham can get their hands on a Shiny Mega Medicham. One must initiate the Mega Evolution process in Pokemon GO to do so. Mega evolving Shiny Medicham into Shiny Mega Medicham costs 100 Mega energy the first time. For later Mega Evolutions, the requirement drops to 40 Mega energy. Collect the required Mega energy by winning multiple Mega Medicham raids.

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