How To Beat Dro, Crown Of Tears In Hyper Light Breaker

How To Beat Dro, Crown Of Tears In Hyper Light Breaker
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In Hyper Light Breaker, Crowns, or boss battles, offer an epic and climactic challenge to players. The second Crown you’ll face off against is Dro, Crown of Tears. This lupine-like beast is decently more annoying than his predecessor and can prove tricky if you’re not properly prepared.


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This guide has everything you need to know to take him on. Unlike the enemies in the Overgrowth, Crowns tend to require a lot more finesse and patience. From dodging his attacks to finding the right opportunity to strike, check out these tips and tricks to know exactly how to take on Dro, Crown of Tears.

Hyper Light Breaker is currently in Early Access. The information in this guide is subject to change with the release of the full game.

How To Prepare For Dro

A breaker standing in front of a prism in Hyper Light Breaker.

Dro is a powerful enemy that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Before diving into any Crown battle, you should make sure you have the following items in your inventory.



An Upgraded Blade

Having an upgraded Blade can increase your attack power.

Blades with status effects are helpful for Crowns.

An Upgraded Rail

Having an upgraded Rail can increase your attack power.

Rails with status effects are also helpful for Crowns.


Make sure you have at least one Medkit ready for the battle because it can get tricky.

An Offensive Amp

An offensive Amp that can clear out lesser enemies during the fight is invaluable.

The first incarnation of Dro requires four Prisms to open. If acquiring these Prisms has depleted your health, it is better to extract early and come back in the next run to take down Dro.

How To Dodge Dro’s Attacks

A projectile-fire based attack from Dro in Hyper Light Breaker.

Dro has a variety of different attacks to contend with. As a Crown, his fighting style is much more projectile-based. Dro is also quick and wily, so you’ll want to keep on your toes.

Here’s a breakdown of all of Dro’s attacks and how to dodge them.

Dro’s Attack

What It Does

How To Know When It’s Coming

How To Dodge

Leaping Pounce

Dro leaps across the arena for a devastating melee attack.

Dro will glow bright orange and yellow, and a circle will appear around your Breaker.

The only way to avoid this attack is to parry it. Dashing won’t work.

Sword Swing

Dro swings his sword in a wide, sweeping motion.

Dro will reel back his sword.

You can dash away or parry this attack.

Flame Rings

Dro creates rings of fire, which emerge in a wide radius from himself.

Dro will jump up and down, followed by one to three fire rings sprawling outward.

Jump over the flames, dash through them, or hoverboard back from Dro.

Projectile Fireballs

Dro spits out a spiral pattern of fireballs all over the arena.

Dro screeches and points his nose upward.

Just back away. Dashing by these can prove tricky, but they dissolve through the arena at a distance.

Double Sword Swing

Dro swings his sword once, with a quick follow up attack.

Dro reels back his sword at a lower angle.

You can dash away or parry this attack, but double parries can prove tricky.

It’s okay if you get hit by some of these attacks, but don’t heal too quickly. Wait until you absolutely have to before you use your Medkit.

How To Defeat Dro

One of the breakers in Hyper Light Breaker attacking Dro, Crown of Tears.

Once you’ve got a handle on dodging Dro’s attacks, it’s time for some offense. There are key moments where it’s best to attack Dro.

However, generally speaking, as Dro is pretty fast-paced in terms of combat style, you’ll want to prioritize short bursts of damage rather than big attacks.

Use lighter blades like swords or claws on Dro rather than heavier blades like hammers.

Here’s a breakdown of when you should be attacking Dro.

When To Attack

Attack To Use

After Sword Swing

Typically, after a sword swing, Dro will rest for a moment. This is a good time to get in there with a series of quick Blade attacks.

After Double Sword Swing

As with the single sword swing, Dro usually takes a breather after this attack is complete. Take a few quick Blade attacks, or use your special after this attack is done.

During Projectile Fireballs

As you’re strafing or moving backward from these projectiles, take some shots with your Rail. If you have a long-ranged Rail equipped, even better.

Moving Around The Arena

Between attacks, Dro will often move around the arena slowly. This is a good opportunity to take some Rail shots at him.

Make no mistake, Dro is a tricky boss to defeat. But, if you stay calm and watch his attack patterns carefully, you’ll be able to slowly but surely wear him down.

While it is possible to achieve, taking attacks against Dro after his Leaping Pounce is not advised as he typically follows this move up quickly with a Sword Swing, so proceed with caution.


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