Best Heroes In The Last Flame

Best Heroes In The Last Flame
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  • Rinji is a key character with debuffs that synergize well with team builds, offering potent advantages.
  • Leeam is an essential hero due to his unique critical strike ability that allows him to release extra arrows.
  • Magmis is a powerhouse character for burn compositions due to his effective burn amplification debuff and attack speed increase.

The Last Flame is an interesting mix of Teamfight Tactics and Slay the Spire, with the auto-battling of the former and the roguelike progression of the latter. And, of course, the unique heroes of both games. With an impressive roster of 65 characters, there’s an endless number of possible five-member permutations (more with a certain relic). You definitely have options.


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Though none of the characters are bad, especially if you build them just so, some simply stand above the others. Whether they’re powerful regardless of your team composition or especially powerful in certain setups, these are the best heroes in The Last Flame.



A close up of a hex board. A hydra is covered in damage numbers in the center, on the left is Rinji a purple mushroom man casting spells in The Last Flame.

Base HP


Base Mana


General Traits

Ranged, Support, Ethereal Damage Dealer

Debuffs are an important factor in this game, since they have potent synergies that you can capitalize on with the right build. A lot of your builds will utilize at least one debuff, and because of that, Rinji is a good pick for any team comp. His active ability is simple, adding four stacks of any debuff already on all enemies.

With enough attack speed and max mana reduction, he can actually cast this quite often, leading to the rest of the team to melt afflicted enemies since the debuffs are additive. To add insult to injury, his default passive makes his attacks scale with the number of debuffs that are on his target.



A close up of a hex board. A red mushroom man fires some arrows (upper left) at a big demon dog monster. On the bottom left, friendly units join the fight in The Last Flame.

Base HP


Base Mana


General Traits

Ranged, Physical Damage Dealer, Crit Mastery

The quintessential attack damage hyper-carry, Leeam’s type should be familiar: an archer that attacks fast and scales hard. While this type of archer archetype is plentiful in this game, Leeam is the beast for one simple reason: he can get the most arrows downrange.

His active ability, passively loads an arrow every time he lands a critical strike and then releases every stocked arrow on cast. These extra arrows are functionally the same as his regular attack save for the fact that they cannot normally critical strike.

Build enough critical strike and you can spit out a staggering amount of arrows, whose damage skyrockets when combined with the Bleed or Burn debuffs.



A hex board with friendly units (green bars) fighting some cornered enemies (red bars). On the bottom left is a winged woman with green hair, having just sent out a purple orb (center of the screen) in The Last Flame.

Base HP


Base Mana


General Traits

Ranged, Caster, Stunner

Kasara’s kit is as simple as it is powerful, having one of the most reliable ways to stun enemies in the game and dealing a lot of damage to boot. Her active ability throws a bolt that increases in damage as it travels, stunning the first enemy hit.

Here’s the kicker though: she also has a small mana pool, so whether by attack speed, shrinking her mana further, or both, she’ll be casting quite often. This not only leads to a lot of stuns, but her default passive increases her spell damage on cast, leading to even more damage.



A giant rock monster crackling with energy. It's in the middle of two partially overlapping spells, one in bright gold light and the other in wisps of wind and leaves in The Last Flame.

Base HP

1.200 (Rose) / 1,150 (Elriel)

Base Mana

9 (Rose) / 5 (Elriel)

General Traits

Ranged, Support, Healer (Rose) / Ranged, Support, Caster, Healer (Elriel)

These two occupy the same niche: bog-standard healers, which are in short supply in this game. They’re in this list together because of how similar they are, being casters who heal over a large area and empower allies. Which one is better largely depends on your team composition, with Rose being better in spellcasting teams and Elriel in auto-attacking teams.



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Rose targets allies, increasing the spell power of anyone she heals. Elriel targets enemies, damaging them and healing allies in the area. Elriel also increases the team’s attack speed on a critical hit. While Elriel heals for a little more and damages enemies, Rose’s buff is far easier to apply. If you need a healer, just pick up the first one of these two that you see.



A giant ogre enemy, crackling with energy. On its immediate left, a hooden woman swiftly approaches. A red slime travels towards it on the lower left in The Last Flame.

Base HP


Base Mana


General Traits

Melee, Hybrid Damage, Crit Mastery, Self-Shielder, Self-Healer, Stunner

Kara is one of the more complicated heroes you’ll find, at least until you unlock the Surge and Reborn mechanics. Her active ability stuns her target before vanishing and reappearing in the corner furthest from enemies before running up and building up damage and healing per tile travelled. The important part is that it also gives you an empowered automatic critical hit and then three seconds of guaranteed critical hits after.


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There are plenty of powerful items that proc on critical hits, which are no longer a gamble with her. You can also build plenty of crit damage, which usually comes with a penalty to crit chance on her with no drawbacks. She’s also surprisingly tanky, since her default passive gives her a shield on critical hits for a percentage of the damage. Which, it should be noted, is huge.



Five friendly flame creatures (green bars) firing spells at an enemy obscured by giant blue damage numbersin The Last Flame.

Base HP


Base Mana


General Traits

Ranged, Ethereal Damage Dealer, Burn Debuff

If you want to set the world on fire, you’ll want Magmis. His kit is as straightforward as it is powerful. His passive ability increases his attack speed when he casts, meaning the longer the fight goes, the quicker he’ll cast his active. This is already a great effect on most characters, but his active ability takes it from good to ridiculous.

It not only does a good amount of damage and applies plenty of burn stacks, but it also afflicts enemies with a Burn Amplification. This makes burn damage more 100 percent more effective, basically pouring gasoline over your enemies in a burn composition, especially if you consider that Burn Amp stacks.


Mr. Pumpkins

A group of friendlies (green bars) attack a cornered enemy. A pumpkin flies towards them in The Last Flame.

Base HP


Base Mana


General Traits

Melee,Tank (Defense), Tank (HP), Stunner

Mr. Pumpkins is the most unusual hero in The Last Flame, but he’s more powerful for it. Unlike most heroes, you don’t actually want him to cast. Every second, he gains a stack of Pumpkin Storm, each of which increases his chances of stunning his target by three percent. However, these stacks are cleared every time he casts. This means that the longer he goes without casting, the more often he stuns enemies.

The best way to delay casting? Increasing his max mana. And it just so happens that there are many powerful items that increase or scales off max mana. Usually, this is a balancing factor since it delays casts. However, it’s 100 percent profit for Mr. Pumpkins. While other heroes also benefit from high max mana, they eventually need to cast to be effective, a non-issue for the pumpkin-headed terror.


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