Avatar & Korra: Best Female Characters, Ranked

Avatar & Korra: Best Female Characters, Ranked

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  • Avatar franchise showcases powerful and important female characters, like Lin Beifong, Ty Lee, and Suki.
  • Lin Beifong, daughter of Toph, displays strong earth bending skills and seismic senses in Legend of Korra.
  • Ty Lee, a Chi-Blocking Master, and Suki, the Kyoshi Warriors Leader, are formidable non-benders in the Avatar series.

Avatar: The Last Airbender and Avatar: The Legend of Korra both showcase a wide array of interesting and compelling female characters.


Who Was the Best Villain in Avatar: The Legend of Korra?

I’d have to say, Amon. Seeing a storyline involving Bloodbending was really interesting, as this Bending style fascinated me in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Plus, I really like how this villain encounter ended up feeling extremely close to home with Korra, considering Amon ended up being from the Water Tribe and actually related to her as Tarrlock’s brother. This entire storyline including both the childhoods and demise of Tarrlock and Amon is particularly dark, and every part of it and how the brothers interact with one another and manipulate Korra in different ways was really well done, keeping me invested the entire time.

The female cast in the Avatar franchise, for the most part, hold important roles that cannot be understated or replaced, and many of them are incredible fighters, both with their bending powers and with their pure physical prowess.


Lin Beifong

The Chief of Police

Lin Beifong Fighting The Equalists
  • Bending Element: Earth
  • Series: The Legend of Korra

With The Legend of Korra taking place after Aang’s death and the reincarnation of the new Avatar, fans get to see the children of their favorite characters in action. Lin Beifong is none other than the daughter of Toph, a beloved character from The Last Airbender.

While her earth bending skills are shy in front of her mother’s, Lin is still a powerful earthbender who can use seismic senses and Metal Bending. She plays a secondary role in most of Korra, making her a recurring character.


Ty Lee

A Chi-Blocking Master

ty lee avatar-2
  • Bending Element: N/A. Non-Bender
  • Series: The Last Airbender

Ty Lee is a powerful non-bender in the Avatar series who formally fought alongside Azula. Ty Lee is a cheerful girl who just wants to stand out from her sisters, who all look like her, making her join the circus. Her agility and flexibility are unmatched, making her a fearsome enemy to even the strongest benders out there.

With her agility, she combines chi blocking, which puts benders in a state where they cannot even bend. This makes her a powerful enemy, especially if someone is unaware of her chi blocking. After betraying Azula and the conclusion of the war, she joins the Kyoshi Warriors.



The Kyoshi Warriors Leader

Suki in Avatar the Last Airbender
  • Bending Element: N/A. Non-Bender
  • Series: The Last Airbender

Suki is the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, a group of warriors who reside on Kyoshi Island whose job is to protect it. This group of warriors was created by none other than Avatar Kyoshi. Aang, as well as Katara and Sokka, get to meet Suki when they visit this island.

Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors eventually leave the island and play an important role near the end of the series. She and the other warriors protected Appa from Azula and later on saved Sokka and Toph.



The Last Avatar

Korra Avatar
  • Bending Element: Water, Fire, Earth, Air (the Avatar)
  • Series: The Legend of Korra

Korra is the main character in The Last Airbender’s sequel, the Legend of Korra. She is the avatar that was born after the death of Avatar Aang and had to face many challenges in her series.


Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 2 Could Feature A Beloved Character

An executive producer of Netflix’s adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender hints at the inclusion of yet another beloved character from the original.

As the Avatar, it’s obvious that her power is pretty much unmatched. She is the only Avatar, other than the first Avatar, Avatar Wan, to have talked directly with Raava. With her, though, the Avatar connection was broken, making her the last Avatar in Wan’s line, but the first in the new world with 10,000 years of light she managed to protect.



The Fire Nation’s Princess

  • Bending Element: Fire
  • Series: The Last Airbender

Perhaps the most interesting antagonist in the Avatar franchise, Azula is a villain not many people can hate. She faced off against Aang and his crew many times during his adventure, and often overpowered them. She is the only person to have killed the Avatar during the Avatar state, although the latter was saved thanks to Katara.

Her fire bending is at such a level that her flames are blue, something no one else can achieve. Her Agni Kai against Zuko and Katara is a fight most fans will never forget.



A Master Waterbender

  • Bending Element: Water
  • Series: The Last Airbender

Katara is one of the very first characters fans are introduced to in The Last Airbender. She, alongside her brother Sokka, is the first person to accompany Aang on his journey to learn the four elements and defeat Fire Lord Ozai.

At the start of the series, Katara’s water bending skills are very rough. However, she quickly becomes a water bending master and teaches Aang how to bend water. She has mastered many sub-elements of water, and can even make use of Bloodbending, even though she opposes it.


Toph Beifong

The Blind Bandit

Toph Beifong
  • Bending Element: Earth
  • Series: The Last Airbender

Toph is easily one of Avatar’s most beloved characters ever. Her power as an earthbender cannot be understated, as she is considered to be the strongest earthbender to have ever lived, and that was back when she was only a 12-year-old.

While Toph is blind, that only makes her stronger, with how she senses her environment through the earth with her seismic senses. She was able to invent one of the most incredible sub-bending types of earth—Metal Bending.

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