With Silent Hill 2 Remake’s Success, Konami Needs to Get a Clue and Revive Kojima’s Silent Hills

With Silent Hill 2 Remake's Success, Konami Needs to Get a Clue and Revive Kojima's Silent Hills
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VGChartz’s Lee Mehr: “As game scripts expand in size and the technology to capture performances improves, blockbuster game companies are under tremendous pressure to get the right fit for a leading role. In some cases, said actor essentially becomes the face of that franchise; their mug may be digitally altered or cropped in select ways, but they’re – more or less – in the same spot as a film actor at this point. As a result, there’s also a keener interest in how those performers sound if they’re replacing somebody else.

Perhaps the most glaring example of that was Bloober Team’s Silent Hill 2 remake. Alongside a bevy of other gameplay & story alterations, Luke Roberts replacing Guy Cihi’s original James Sunderland was a major point of distress for long-time fans before release. Sure, Cihi wasn’t a trained actor at the time (and it shows), but he carried a type of unique charm that meshed perfectly with the game’s strange world. A similar situation was Troy Baker assuming the mantle of Indiana Jones. How similar could he actually sound to a younger Harrison Ford? Judging by the collective staff & community acclaim, both of them fared quite well, and so too did the others who made up our final five.”

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