Town of Salem 2 brings online social deduction gameplay to Android and iOS

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  • Town of Salem 2 is a multiplayer strategy and deception game where 7 to 15 players work to expose or keep their identities hidden.
  • The game offers over 50 unique roles, each with unique abilities and strategic win conditions, along with exciting game modes, two phases, and more.
  • It also supports cross-platform play and cross-progression, with regular content updates shared across all platforms.

Digital Bandidos has announced the sequel of their popular social deduction strategy title, Town of Salem 2, now available on both Android and iOS. As the Sequel to the beloved original released back in 2014, the game is also set to release on current-generation PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles later this year.

Step into a unique role and either protect or bring the downfall of Salem in Town of Salem 2

Town of Salem 2 is a free-to-play online multiplayer strategy and deception title set in Salem, where 7 to 15 players work to either expose or conceal hidden identities. Blending strategic gameplay with immersive storytelling, it offers a similar gameplay experience to Among Us, but with more content and engaging elements.

In this game, you can take on 50-plus unique roles to play, such as Sheriff, Jester, Werewolf, and more, each with its own special abilities and strategic win conditions. Your goal is to either identify and eliminate the Coven and other threats or if you are part of Coven or Neutral factions, you must outwit the town to claim victory.

The game features various game modes, two phases, and more content

It unfolds in two phases: the Day Phase, where you discuss, vote, and put suspects on trial, and the Night Phase, where everyone acts in secret to influence the outcome of the game. I am thrilled to try out the various game modes, including Dracula’s Palace, VIP, Ghost Town, and Ranked, which seems very exciting.

Not only that, but the Full Night element, where roles like Werewolf and Berserker gain devastating powers, sounds very fun. With cinematic mid-game moments, cross-platform play, cross-progression, and regular content updates, including a new Season 4 ranked season, the game is definitely worth giving a try.

Town of Salem 2 is now available on both Android and iOS. If you are interested in this title, you can download it from the Google Play Store or App Store.

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