The Most Powerful Countries In Thedas In Dragon Age

The Most Powerful Countries In Thedas In Dragon Age

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  • Power in Thedas is complex; not just about control, but loyalty and unity.
  • Free Marches’ power lies in individual freedom and fundamental importance.
  • Tevinter’s power stems from magical prowess and pursuit of perfection.

The immersive sensory experience players enter into when traversing the mighty continent of Thedas has always been unrivaled by any other fantasy RPG. From Origin’s release back in 2009, all the way up to 2024, entire kingdoms have fallen spectacularly only to rise once more from the ashes. Aside from an honorable mention of the Qunari, the different kingdoms of Thedas find themselves in a bloodthirsty and ever-changing battle of wills and wit for control, notoriety, and power in every game’s release.


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But what of power? In Dragon Age lore, power consists of so much more than simple control over the realm, and instead involves a more complex understanding of the underpinnings of each country.



Loyalty To Fellow Men

  • Southern Thedas
  • Capital: Denerim
  • Inspired by Medieval England

A chaotic government that can be, theoretically at least, overthrown by mere freeholders doesn’t overtly scream strength. It has to be said, however, that during peaceful times, political struggles within the heart of Ferelden are almost always readily resolved by a power play of an entirely different kind.

Dedicated faith, unwavering loyalty towards their kin, and naturally, their revered Dog Lords, all speak volumes to the tenacity and internal drive of the Fereldens. Should a unifying and resolute resistance to change and iron-clad ties to those around them be considered powerful? Perhaps. Especially due to the fact that, when their way of life is threatened, the Fereldens will band together like no other nation, demonstrated perfectly by their relatively speedy recovery after the Fifth Blight.


Free Marches

Freedom Is Power

  • Eastern Thedas
  • 11 Independent States
  • Inspired by German City States

When it comes to the monopoly on trade, Free Marches have it nailed. Although the city-states that make up the kingdom rarely unite, aside from The Grand Tourney every thousand days, the uninhibited and celebrated freedom each Free Marcher enjoys holds its own unique brand of power.


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Couple this with the strain of barbarian blood still flowing in each and every citizen, Free Marchians will fight for their right to freedom above anything else, no matter what the cost. The power in the Free Marches therefore, lies not in intimidatingly large armies and huge stores of coin, but in its fundamental importance to the continent of Thedas on a larger scale. The Free Marches is a steady constant in an ever-changing power struggle and should not be underestimated.



Spoils Of The Dragon Crusades

  • Central Thedas
  • Capital: Nevarra City
  • Inspired by Balkan States

Victorious in their desire for independence from Orlais and the climb to become an official nation during the Exalted Age, Nevarra is often compared to its aforementioned master in terms of both strength and power. Mages hailing from the country have substantially more influence than anywhere else in the realm, bar Trevinter, and when war shows its face, as it often does, the fertile central plains offer plentiful sustenance to its people.

Even though artistry is valued over more political pursuits here, Nevarra’s annual Wintersend tournaments transform its citizens into competition-winning sword fighters and thus swell the ranks of their able-bodied fighters. Is power only effective if it is visible, and therefore threatening, to others? If so, then the dragonbone Nevarran kings wear, weaved into their armor, will always remind both friend and foe of their successful dragon-hunting crusades.



Human Dominated Stronghold

  • Southwestern Thedas
  • Capital: Val Royeaux
  • Inspired by France

The most dominant human nation on the continent, the Blessed Age was absolutely the time when Orlais reigned supreme and certainly the period whereby nothing nor nobody could ever breach its borders. In later years, however, the sturdy strength of Orlais has now been challenged numerous times, not least during The Orlesian Civil War and the much-anticipated elven insurgency.


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With an impressive landmass, Orlais dominates the whole south-western area of Thedas and nobody in the Orlesian Empire will acquiesce even a small part of their hard-won territory. Undeniably, Orlais has lost both respect from rival factions and at least some of their historical dominance, but the sheer volume of fighting loyalists keeps the home fires burning strong. The manner in which Orlais is still able to heavily influence, and even rule, other nations in the southern parts of Thedas due to the heart of the Chantry being housed within is indicative of power enough to still mean the area is a huge force to be reckoned with.



Feathered Assassins

  • Eastern Thedas
  • Capital: Antiva City
  • Inspired by Renaissance Italy

With the kingdom’s most magnificent naval force and huge stores of questionably earned treasure, Antiva has risen through the ranks over the ages to become a threatening and obvious powerhouse. Unlike other more liberal nations on Thedas, Antiva’s wealth is held by the fortunate few, namely renowned merchants of monarchical status. The city of Rialto serves as the flagship destination for the rich and wealthy to enjoy the fruits of their labor and will undoubtedly instigate envy and even anger. Members of other nations can only dream of experiencing what wealthy Antivans enjoy within its walls.


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So, where is Antiva’s power? Two words: The Crows. An officially sanctioned army; perhaps not. But the razor-sharp Houseof Crows run Velabanchel as their very own torture house, with words of their deeds and nefarious activities reaching all four corners of the continent.


Tevinter Imperium

Magical Perfection

  • Northern Thedas
  • Capital: Minrathous
  • Inspired by the Roman Empire

Battered and bruised, Tevinter Imperium remains mightly victorious. Tevinter, although ensconced in a complicated and, at times, unpredictable war with the Qunari for centuries, holds on firmly to the Circles of Magi and therefore the monopoly on all things mystical and magical. Governed exclusively by the Magisterium, more common aspects of running a country are set aside in favor of complex and highly manipulative plots to undermine and overthrow threatening factions, both inside the country’s borders and further afield.

As all Tevinters strive for perfection in every area of their life, both in battle and at home, unlike other kingdoms of the realm Tevinter doesn’t operate on a class-based infrastructure, making the country all the more powerful for it. Tevinter Imperium is the most powerful and, as one would expect, simultaneously the most hated nation on the continent of Thedas. With their aforementioned army of mages, this hardly looks set to change any time soon.

Dragon Age Tag Page Cover Art


November 3, 2009


Electronic Arts

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