The Corrupt Hand Of The Church Campaign Chapter Four Walkthrough In The Stone Of Madness

The Corrupt Hand Of The Church Campaign Chapter Four Walkthrough In The Stone Of Madness

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In the previous chapter of The Stone Of Madness campaign, The Corrupt Hand Of The Church, you went to great lengths to heal the Abbot. First, you entered the Library, met the doctor, and read two important volumes.


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Then, you began a scavenger hunt for materials like golden teeth and mandrakes, crafting medicine in the lab to heal the Abbot. Finally, you reached him and discussed the final stage of your plan. With time running out to stop the Inquisitor, you must storm his office, uncover his sinister plans, and take swift action.

How To Find The Book Of Mechanism

Your first objective in the final chapter is to find the Book of Mechanism. To do so, you must first head to the building where the nuns are located in Laundry. Upon arrival, a cutscene will play. Start by using Alfredo to climb the ladder beside the Nuns’ building. Then, dress him in priest robes and enter the garden of the building through the main gate.

If you haven’t found the key to the building yet, it can be located in the southern cell. If you encounter an obstacle after climbing the ladders, use Alfredo to follow the footprints near the stairs leading to the Nuns’ Garden.

The player checks the statue that grants to access to the Inquistor's Office entrance in The Stone Of Madness.

Once in the garden, interact with the switch near the newly added iron bars to remove them. Then, bring Leonora to Alfredo’s location and throw a rope onto the ledge near the shield above. Next, bring Eduardo to the area and have him climb the rope. While doing this, use Alfredo’s Sermon skill to distract the guards outside.

Finally, have Eduardo use the crowbar to hit the shield, which will reveal the Book of Mechanism. Next, head to the Library’s trapdoor with Alfredo. As always, make sure he is wearing priest robes. Your goal is to climb the stairs to the second floor and place the Book of Mechanism on the statue.

When Mother Superior is outside, use Alfredo’s Investigate skill to follow the footprints at the library entrance. The footprints will end at a wall, where you’ll discover a hole. Use Amelia to pass through the hole or have Leonoro throw a rope to the higher ledge on the other side. Press the button there, which will temporarily disable one of the iron bars around the statue.

During this time, have Alfredo place the Book of Mechanism on the statue. This will open a passage below, leading you to a new area called the Scriptorium.

How To Enter The Inquisitor’s Office

Your first objective in the Scriptorium is to take the plank found here and place it over the watery area to create a bridge. However, you may want to eliminate the guard first. Agnes’s Goetia skill is highly effective for taking him out directly. Then, unlock the area with the plank using either a lockpick or a crowbar. Once Eduardo places the plank, cross to the other side.

It’s also beneficial to eliminate the patrolling soldier there. Next, with Alfredo, follow the tracks near the brazier using his Investigate skill. The tracks will lead you to a button on the upper wall. Align the big crate under the button with Eduardo, climb up, and press the button. This will remove the metal gate near the statue, allowing you to progress further.

An orange-colored circle shows the location of the angel statue that unlocks the Inquisitor's Office in The Stone Of Madness

From here, ascend to the upper section of the Scriptorium, leading to the next area: the Inquisitor’s Office. Inside the office, your goal is to hide one of your team members in the wardrobe. Start by using Agnes’s Light and Darkness skill to burn the figurine near the window with the blowing wind. This will unlock the office door.

If you’ve already opened it, use Agnes’s Possession skill to take control of the gargoyle in the office, allowing you to cast spells from a distance and deal with the guard inside.

Agnes is searching the Crypt Key inside the in The Stone Of Madness.

You can use Agnes to extinguish the lights in the office and take out the guard with her Goetia skill. Once the guard is dealt with, nothing will stop you from hiding in the wardrobe.

After viewing the cutscene, proceed to the next day and receive your new objective. Don’t forget to pick up the Crypt Key in the office before leaving.

How To Solve The Crypt Puzzle

The Crypt is located below the Cloister. You can reach this area by using the stairs in the south. Start by eliminating the soldier guarding the door to the Crypt. Once inside the Crypt, you will need to interact with the illustrations and press the buttons to place them in the correct order.

These illustrations are located in the Cloister, and each one will display a number indicating its position when you interact with them.

Since this order can change with each save, you need to check them yourself.

The following table shows where these illustrations can be found:



Brown knight with scales

This illustration is located in the other cell below, to the south of the Cloister.

Red knight with sword

This illustration is located inside the green-door room that leads you from the Cloister to the Library.

Pale knight with skeleton

This illustration is located on the second floor of the Cloister, in the room with a nun.

White knight with bow

This illustration is located in the room with a nun, near the Abbot’s room.

After inputting the correct combination, press the button in the hidden room that opens up. This will complete the Crypt puzzle, and the day will automatically come to an end.

How To Deliver The Doctor’s Dead Body To Sister Elvira

Leonora is standing next to the Cloister Caverns cellar door in The Stone Of Madness.

Your final task is to transport the doctor’s body and deliver it to Sister Elvira. You can do this in two ways:

  • The Cloister Caverns -> Wine Cellar -> Nuns Garden
  • The Cloister Garden -> Laundry -> Nuns Garden

Sister Elvira will be waiting for you at the Nuns Garden area in Laundry. Remember, you don’t need to bring the doctor’s body all at once, so don’t panic. The best route is through the Cloister Caverns to the Wine Cellar, then from the Wine Cellar to the Laundry Garden’s Nuns Garden. This will get you directly near Sister Elvira.

Start by eliminating the armed soldier and the inmate in the experiment room in the northern part of the Wine Cellar. This will create a shortcut to the Cloister Caverns. Then, take the shortcut and press the button in front of the dead body in the Caverns to open a passage between two sections.

Bring Eduardo to the Caverns, place a plank near the cellar door area, and use this route to transport the doctor’s body from the Cloister Caverns to the Wine Cellar. After bringing the body to the experiment room in the Wine Cellar, take it to the Ancient Oven. The Ancient Oven is located where Panecillo is.

From there, carry the body down to the lowest level of the Wine Cellar and deliver it to the Nuns Garden. However, since there are many people in the lower levels of the Wine Cellar, you must act quickly to incapacitate them. If you have enough planks, use Leonora to knock them out. Eliminate the armed soldiers with Agnes’s Goetia skill.

Once you reach the Nuns Garden, all you have to do is climb the stairs and reach Sister Elvira. You can distract the last soldier on the stairs using Agnes’s Flies skill or other methods. Once you deliver the body to Sister Elvira, the campaign will end.


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