The Best Zielonka Farm Plots To Buy First In FS25

The Best Zielonka Farm Plots To Buy First In FS25

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Getting a fresh start in Farming Simulator 25 can be exciting. It’s the point where you can look to the sky and see infinite possibilities, any kind of farm you can imagine on the landscape. Whether or not it will work out, you’ll eventually see. But for the moment, it’s in the realm of possibility.


Farming Simulator 25: Best Starting Lots In Hutan Pantai

Get your start in Farming Simulator 25’s Hutan Pantai.

One of the most fun things about starting a new run is doing so on a map you haven’t played on before. Farming Simulator 25 has three different maps to choose from, and Zielonka is a map with some of the most organized fields and tightly concentrated farmland available.


Lot Fifty-Four

A Big Lot For A Big Farm

If you want to make a big entrance with your first purchased lot in Zielonka, Lot 54 is going to be where to make your splash. It’s the biggest lot available, and while the price tag of €555,624 is steep, it’s possible with the right starting situation. (Or, if you use cheats to give yourself a head-start in the money department.)

Lot 54 is a perfect choice for someone looking to plant and harvest a lot of crops right from the get-go. It is going to be a very effort-intensive process, especially if it’s a solo undertaking, but the better machines you eventually get, the easier it’s going to come. It also has a few more lots connected to it, making it easy to expand into a bigger operation.


Lot Sixty-Nine

Small, Manageable, And Expandable

Lot 69 is one of the smallest lots available, and because of this, it is one of the easiest lots to keep on top of in the early going. You won’t need to worry about having help, or about not having time to keep on top of things. It’s also one of the cheaper ones around, coming in at €60,887 overall. While that’s slightly more expensive than other lots with similarly-sized ready-to-go farmland, Lot 69 also comes with the adjacent empty field, perfect for buildings, if need be.

Aside from being small, Lot 69 is extremely conveniently placed. There are a multitude of other small and medium-sized lots nearby to expand to, along with another lot we’re going to be mentioning next, which will be great for forestry. Overall, Lot 69 is an absolutely great starter lot and an especially good one for players new to Farming Simulator.


Lot One Hundred And One

Lot 101, For Forestry 101

Very close to the previous mention of Lot 69, Lot 101 is a great lot for those wishing to start in forestry. Valued at €412,032, it’s not a cheap investment, but forestry can be very lucrative once you get into it. Not to mention, this lot covers a pretty sizable portion of land to grow more trees on, and conveniently shaped longways, making cutting and grabbing those trees much less of a hassle than it could be.


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Alongside that, Lot 101 is right next to a cluster of smaller lots that are perfect for farming smaller portions of crops. This can be a good way to lessen the blow of the initial investment and let you get your legs under you to really get going in forestry the right way. It also provides some variance in tasks so you aren’t doing the same thing over and over.


Lot Thirty-Four

For Regular Trips To The Animal Dealer

For farmers that have a love of animals, Lot 34 is a perfect choice. With the Animal Dealer right next door, it’s easy to get back and forth from that to your own lot, making planning and the in-between jobs go a lot quicker and much more conveniently. At €118,560, it’s a pretty good price for a lot with that size and location.

There are virtually no downsides to Lot 34; even if you aren’t looking to do anything related to animals, it’s a great lot for simply farming crops, as well. With close proximity to quite a few other lots of similar size and shape, it’s easily expandable. It’s also centrally located, meaning virtually no location that you need to travel to is going to be too big of an ask.


Lot Forty-Nine

An Excess Of Convenience

Anybody looking to farm crops, and in particular looking to farm grains, Lot 49 is quite possibly the best choice on this map, or possibly any map in the game. Valued at €257,639, it’s a medium-priced lot for a size that’s bigger than it looks. The long rectangular shape can be deceptive, and it’s right around half the square footage of Lot 54 for slightly less than half the price.

The long shape of Lot 49 makes it a very easy field to tend to, letting you take longer lines with your tractor across the field, ensuring you don’t need to spend nearly as much time turning around. But possibly the biggest convenience of it is the proximity to the Grain Mill; you’ll be heading here often to sell grains if you choose to grow them, and with the Grain Mill essentially right in your backyard, trips to and from could not be more convenient.

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