How To Beat Garm, The Giant Gravedigger In Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist

How To Beat Garm, The Giant Gravedigger In Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist
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You’ll encounter many different Homunculi and Mutants during your travels in Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist, and most of them will be ready to give you a hard time with their patterns. But overcoming these challenges will be needed to continue your journey, no matter how difficult they can be.



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One of them is Garm, The Giant Gravedigger. This boss is one of the game’s biggest early walls, as he’s a considerable step up from previous encounters. But at this point, you have more than enough tools to deal with him, so lock in and prepare to do some dismantling.

How To Find Garm, The Giant Gravedigger

Garm's location in Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist.

You’ll meet Garm once you reach the Floral Cavern at the top of the Magicite Mine on the left side of the map. The Cavern can be accessed by taking the elevator on a lower floor, next to the Squad Guardian boss fight.

Fight your way through the enemies and keep heading west until you find another resting bench, marked as the Floral Cavern. Garm will be waiting for you as soon as you take a few more steps, so prepare for combat.

Garm Attacks And Moves

One of Garm's attacks in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist.

Garm is a bit harder than other enemies you most likely fought until now, as he gets fiercer and starts adding new moves as you deplete his health. The attacks he can use are:



Wave Impact

Garm punches the ground and creates two waves that damage everything in his front and his back. Dodge through the waves and use the chance to hit him. He sometimes jumps before hitting the ground, so beware.

Front Kick

Garm kicks in front of him. Dodge either away or in his direction (to hit him from behind).


After dealing enough damage to Garm, he becomes invulnerable for a few seconds and knocks you back. Once he’s vulnerable again, he gains access to a new attack. Doesn’t deal damage, but throws you at the corner of the arena. Happens twice throughout the fight.

Rock Throw

Used once he’s around 70% health. Garm drills the ground and throws rocks in all directions. Touching the drill also damages you. The pattern is always the same, so try to learn a fixed method of dodging that works for you.

Wave + Rock Throw

Used once he’s around 40% health. Garm uses a Wave Impact, but keeps drilling the ground, flashes in a red tornado, and throws even bigger rocks at you.

How To Defeat Garm, The Giant Gravedigger

Garm getting ready to fight in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist.

We suggest exploring the whole Magicite Mine before dealing with Garm, which includes beating the (much easier) Squad Leader. This gives you the Experimental Amplifier, which unlocks a new attack for one of your Homunculus.

Be around Level 9 and equip the Tarnished Tag (also found in the Mine) to reduce all damage received. Other Relics are also great if you’ve bought extra slots in the Old Market, but this one is crucial.

Use the Experimental Amplifier to give Glacial Fist to Lito. This attack is weaker than the Blazing Fist, but can freeze Garm if hits.

Glacial Fist is quite different from Blazing Fist, so take a few seconds to get used to it before heading into the fight.

Phase 1

The first phase of the Garm fight in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist.

During Garm’s first phase, you shouldn’t have much trouble. He’ll try to kick you if you’re close, and otherwise will simply jump around throwing some waves. Don’t be afraid to dodge through these. You won’t take damage by touching him, so there’s no problem with that.

Use your regular sword attacks with the occasional Glacial Fist. If you’re lucky to freeze him, you can even cancel his attacks, which is huge. He’s most vulnerable after the Kick attacks, so abuse these chances as much as you can.

Have the Seeker ability active at all times, as this is essentially free damage. Using Yolvan’s Barrage is also great for poking him if you don’t want to commit to being too close.

Phase 2

The second phase of the Garm fight in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist.

Problems start once he’s throwing rocks. This attack hits you in all directions. Stay calm and don’t dodge preemptively, or you’ll risk being hit in the air. We found it easier to dodge by standing on the right side of the arena.

From this phase onward, it’ll be a bit harder to hit Garm. That’s when Glacial Fist comes in hand. Freezing him can create the opening you need to slash him down.

He’s briefly vulnerable after the rocks, but be careful with possible Waves. The more you fight, the more you’ll learn the best moments for hitting him.

Phase 3

The third phase of the Garm fight in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist.

Once you get him low enough, he gets even fiercer. He’ll get a new move that combines his most annoying attacks. The good news is that the rocks are much slower, but they still cover a huge portion of the arena.

Dodge the combo as far as you can from him, even if it means dealing less damage. Use your ranged options during this time, then wait for a regular Wave or Rock Throw attack to hit him normally.

You’ll always have time to heal through his attacks. In particular, he’ll be standing in place for a long time after he throws the Wave + Rock Throw combo, so once you’re in a safe spot, you can heal as needed. If you don’t need healing, then use this chance to slash him. Repeat this until he’s down.

Rewards For Beating Garm

Garm defeated in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist.

You get the Garm’s Iron Stake ability, a new dive attack that deals more damage the higher you are. This also lets you break through growths (the previously unbreakable barriers on the ground) if you use it from a high point.

With the Iron Stake, you’re able to reach many new areas and find various hidden items. Many of them are in the Magicite Mine and are shown on your map, so take a few minutes of backtracking to grab them.



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