Grand Theft Auto Online continues to be one of the biggest multiplayer games in history. The release date of Grand Theft Auto 6 is still a mystery to fans of the franchise, but in the meantime, Rockstar Games keeps on updating Grand Theft Auto Online regularly. The recently released Luna New Year update has added new collectibles and goodies that you can get until the event ends on February 12th.
If you go AFK (away from keyboard/controller) in a game of Grand Theft Auto Online, your character will be kicked from the session. This takes around 15 minutes of idle time. There are a few reasons why you might want to go idle and let your game run for a while. Continue reading to learn how to go AFK in Grand Theft Auto Online.

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Reasons to Go AFK in GTA Online
If you have just started your criminal career in Grand Theft Auto Online, you will have a business to run. There are nightclubs, arcades, and auto shops you can use to clean your dirty money. Complete missions for your business to upgrade it and earn daily cash. These cash deposits are made to your business safes every in-game day. A day in Grand Theft Auto Online is 48 minutes of real-time. Once you have a business making a decent profit, it can be beneficial to let your game run for a while to rake in some steady cash. You then need to go and collect your money from your business safes, as they do have a limit to how much cash can be stored inside them.
How to Go AFK in GTA Online
The first step to going AFK is by starting a private session. Pause the game in Grand Theft Auto Online and start a new session. Choose a Crew, Friends, or Invite Only Session. You don’t want random players in a public game to kill your character and ruin it.
Bring up your character’s mobile phone and call the Downtown Cab Co. This will bring a cab to your location. You will need some cash on your character to access the taxi. Hold the Triangle/Y button to enter the back of the cab. Avoid tapping the button, as you may steal the cab by accident. Do not press anything on the location selection screen and just stare awkwardly at the driver. You can remain AFK like this. Make sure to turn off any idle, power, dimming, or screensaver settings on your console before doing this. Make sure to also plug in your wireless controller, as you will get kicked if it turns off.
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