Roothold Dungeons are a new type of activity in Diablo 4 Season of Witchcraft, and they’re one of the better places to farm for gear and resources. These are relatively fast and easy to clear, but if you plan on farming these dungeons regularly, you’ll need to stock up on Roothold Keys.
Players should be able to get a few Roothold Keys (also called Whispering Wood sigils) after they start the Diablo 4 Season 7 quest, but come later in the game, getting these keys is going to be a pain. Here’s what you need to do to get Roothold Keys.

Diablo 4: How To Get Kessime’s Legacy Unique Pants
Kessime’s Legacy is one of the most powerful items added to Diablo 4 in the Season of Witchcraft. Players can learn how to farm it here.
Diablo 4 Roothold Key Farm
As of writing, the best way to get Roothold Keys is to farm Whispers in Headhunt areas across Sanctuary. Headhunt zones are indicated by a sickly blue-green color over an area on the world map. These work much like Helltides in Diablo 4 — they’re active only for a short time, and once that timer expires, a new Headhunt zone appears somewhere else.
All Headhunt zones will have several Tree of Whispers bounties active. If you want to make the most out of your time farming for Whispering Wood sigils in Diablo 4, we strongly recommend doing these bounties while you’re at it, since you’ll be getting the usual Tree of Whispers rewards by doing so. Slay monsters, finish bounties, and complete events, and you’ll find some Roothold Dungeon keys in no time.
Whispering Wood Sigil drop rates are very low as of writing. Players can spend hours farming Whispers in Headhunt zones and get only a few keys at a time, if any at all. The drop rate does seem to improve on Torment I difficulty, but until Blizzard buffs the drop rate for these items, don’t expect to get a lot of these.
Silent Chests
The locked Silent Chests in Headhunt zones have a chance of dropping a Whispering Wood sigil along with some loot, but you’ll need to get Whispering Keys in order to open them. You can get Whispering Keys by opening Whisper Caches from the Tree of Whispers or by spending Obols at Purveyors of Curiosities in the major towns.
What Are Roothold Dungeons?
A Roothold Dungeon is basically a regular dungeon with a twist — here, you’ll be removing rotten roots from the Tree of Whispers, and you’ll be able to pick modifiers that alter monster stats and other conditions in exchange for better rewards, similar to how the Infernal Hordes activity works.
Once you get a Whispering Wood Sigil, you can use it from the Keys tab in your inventory. This will give you the option to teleport to the key’s associated Roothold Dungeon, much like how a Nightmare Sigil would.
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