Shock Mimics have invaded The Tomb, Black Ops 6 Zombies‘ Season 2 map, which brings even more special enemies into the fight to make that rush to high rounds all the more difficult. Mimics have always been quite the pain to fight since their introduction in Black Ops Cold War, but now with their elemental synergy thanks to electricity, it’s going to take a bit of firepower to take them down.

Black Ops 6 Zombies: How to Complete the Main Easter Egg in The Tomb
Here’s a walkthrough of Black Ops 6’s The Tomb Zombies’ main easter egg for those who want help in completing it themselves.
To kill Shock Mimics in Black Ops 6 Zombies, players are going to need to know not only the best weapon to use against them but also the Ammo Mod that serves as their weakness to effectively take them out and stop them from causing further chaos in The Tomb.
What Ammo Mod Are Shock Mimics Weak To?
Shock Mimics are only weak to the Brain Rot Ammo Mod. Other Ammo Mods still have their desired effects with the right Augments, but Brain Rot will increase the base damage of every bullet dealt to the Shock Mimic. In that case, when it comes to fighting Mimics, a weapon with Brain Rot along with Deadshot Daiquiri is the recommended method of defeating them for quick headshots and superior critical hit damage. However, Light Mend is still a great choice thanks to its random effect of taking a sizeable chunk of health from the Shock Mimic, and it will also help with Doppelghasts.
How to Deal with Shock Mimics & How They Work
Other than the Ammo Mods mentioned above, Shock Mimics seem to have the same health pool, if not a tad more, than a Doppelghast. As such, anything with a high fire rate, or an explosive weapon, will easily take them out before they can charge the player. However, when it comes to a strategy for killing them, it’s in the player’s best interest if they deal damage a few meters away. The best guns for fighting Shock Mimics will be the Staff of Ice to freeze them, or an explosive weapon like Sally & Forth for quick eradication, or an Assault Rifle with Pack-a-Punch to focus rapid fire on their critical hit spots, which are the Shock Mimic’s open mouths.
Getting too close to the Mimic will see the Mimic grab players to cause extra damage to them, which in some instances can even be an entire armor plate or two, all, while zombies continue to hit the player in this, grabbed state. Mimics also have a ranged attack where they can shoot electrified orbs, and that can certainly be annoying when trying to regain health. When a Mimic does spawn, it’s best to try and avoid loot from the floor that looks out of place, as Shock Mimics will usually hide as the following:
If a piece of loot is on the floor that looks enticing, it’s probably best to shoot it just to be sure. If a Shock Mimic does pop out, focus on it instead of the zombies, as the Shock Mimic will do its best to deter and stun players and disrupt their flow.
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