How Rift of the NecroDancer Handles Its Unique Rhythm Game Twist

How Rift of the NecroDancer Handles Its Unique Rhythm Game Twist

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Brace Yourself Games is back with another innovative rhythm game with the upcoming Rift of the NecroDancer. As a follow-up to Crypt of the NecroDancer, the game features many fan-favorite characters and familiar monsters packaged into a more traditional-looking rhythm game that more strongly emphasizes musicality than its locked-on-beat predecessor. Rift of the NecroDancer might appear to be a typical Guitar Hero-style rhythm indie game at first glance, but the way it utilizes classic NecroDancer monsters makes it a cut above the rest. This is no ordinary rhythm game, and its unique mechanics will present some novel challenges for even hardened rhythm gamers.

Rift of the NecroDancer‘s big twist is in its monsters: rather than static notes on a track, each monster in Rift of the NecroDancer has unique characteristics that players must consider as they perform. Some monsters might require multiple hits to take down, others can move around the track, and others may indicate specific rhythmic structures. In an interview with Game Rant, game design director Aaron Gordon spoke about how the game’s qualities presented unique challenges for rhythm game development, and how the team strove to achieve authentic musical accuracy with its cast of creatures.


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The following seven rhythm games will truly test a player’s hand-eye coordination.

Making Rift of the NecroDancer’s Monsters Musically Accurate

Most popular rhythm games have the luxury of placing each note precisely where it ought to land on the chart in accordance with the music. Rift of the NecroDancer could have gone this route, but that would subvert the entire premise of its monster-based gameplay. One of the main challenges faced by Brace Yourself Games was ensuring that the roster of monsters covered the breadth of potential musical motifs while remaining intuitive during gameplay. Gordon says that there was a lot of back-and-forth between the level design team and the musicians to achieve this:

“Level design will come to Danny, and we’ll have a jam session where we’re like, “We’re struggling to nail this one part.” Sometimes we can’t fully figure out the issue in the moment, but it just takes one listen, and Danny will say something like, “You’re trying to use a shielded skeleton, but its mechanics only work in duple meter tracks. This section is in triplets, so it’s never going to land the way you want. You’ll need something else.”

Then we’ll realize, “We need a new monster.” And Danny will add, “Not only do you need a monster for triplets, but if it’s swung triplets, you’ll need a variation for that too. And while you’re at it, why not create one for this other pattern as well?” “

One noteworthy example Gordon provided was the soundtrack’s occasional use of triplet pairs. In music composition, triplets are a group of three evenly spaced notes that fit within a space where there would typically be four. To complicate matters, a “swung” feeling can be achieved by leaving out the second triplet. With most of the game’s monster designs fixed to a duplet grid, the chart couldn’t possibly reflect these musical sequences. This led to the creation of special monsters that indicate that it’s time for a swung groove.

How Rift of the NecroDancer’s Monsters Put Focus on the Music


The team also leveraged its cast of iconic NecroDancer monsters to emphasize musical themes or specific instruments within each track. A guitar solo might be accompanied by a series of bats that move from side to side when hit, resulting in a section that flows effortlessly along with the leading melody. Gordon says that thinking in these terms was critical to Rift of the NecroDancer‘s design:

“Our main focus is to make each chart feel like the player is playing along with the music. That’s the one thing we always ask: “Does it feel like you’re playing along to the music?” We also make sure the monster placement is musically accurate. For example, when you hit something, you should hear that it matches the lead guitar if the monsters follow that instrument. And if we want to switch to a different instrument, we make it a big, dramatic moment. We might even introduce a new monster to show that this one is now following the drums, while the other is still following the guitar.”

In one of Rift of the NecroDancer‘s more memorable songs, a metal breakdown erupts accompanied by a series of shielded skeletons—monsters that indicate a duplet of notes—which intensely corresponds to the powerful guitar chugs. Meanwhile, a full row of monsters can help emphasize an impactful single hit within the song. Thanks to how Rift of the NecroDancer cleverly uses its monsters, it’s a standout rhythm game that feels like playing an instrument while delving into a dungeon.

Rift of the NecroDancer Tag Page Cover Art

Rift of the NecroDancer


February 5, 2025


Brace Yourself Games, Tic Toc Games


E for Everyone

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