Do You Need PS Plus to Play GTA Online?

Do You Need PS Plus to Play GTA Online?
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Grand Theft Auto Online continues to be one of the most successful and popular multiplayer games of all time. The release date of Grand Theft Auto 6 currently remains unannounced, so Rockstar Games continues to support the multiplayer juggernaut that is Grand Theft Auto Online. The recent Lunar New Year Update added a set of collectibles to find scattered across San Andreas and new stunt races. There have also been brand-new Agents of Sabotage updates filled with new top-secret spy missions. If you have been away from the game for a while or are jumping in for the first time, there is an absurd amount of content for you to enjoy.

If you are looking to play Grand Theft Auto Online on modern consoles, there is a current-gen version. You can even purchase the multiplayer version in a standalone package or as a bundle with the single-player game. Playing Grand Theft Auto Online is free once you have bought the game on PC. It works differently on the Playstation Console ecosystem though. Continue reading to learn if you need PlayStation Plus to play Grand Theft Auto Online, and the separate subscription that is GTA+.



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Do You Need PS Plus to Play GTA Online?


Yes, you must be subscribed to PlayStation Plus to play Grand Theft Auto Online on PS4 and PS5. This follows the guidelines of the majority of games with online functionality on PlayStation consoles. Free-to-play titles such as Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Rocket League do not require PlayStation Plus if you are still looking to play with friends on a budget. There have been a few occasions where Grand Theft Auto Online has been made free to access for a weekend. Keep an eye out for those events if you want to give the game a try.

You can play the single-player story mode, but the entirety of Grand Theft Auto Online ​​​​​​will be inaccessible. You must be a subscriber to one of the following PlayStation Plus tiers listed below with their respective prices in USD.

  • PS Plus Essential – $9.99 for 1 month, $24.99 for 3 months, $79.99 for 1 year
  • PS Plus Extra – $14.99 for 1 month, $39.99 for 3 months, $134.99 for 1 year
  • PS Plus Premium – $17.99 for 1 month, $49.99 for 3 months, $159.99 for 1 year

GTA+ Benefits


GTA+ is a separate subscription that Rockstar Games has added for diehard fans. For $7.99 a month, you gain access to the exclusive Vinewood Car Club, RP, and 500,000 GTA$. You also get the ability to play a rotating library of past Rockstar Games such as Bully and Red Dead Redemption. This subscription is completely optional and unnecessary for your enjoyment of Grand Theft Auto Online.

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