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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
has added a new LMG to the sandbox with its latest season. Named the Feng 82, this LMG is closer to a battle rifle than a light machine gun, featuring a high damage profile and slow rate of fire. It’s the perfect weapon for fighting enemies at longer distances without dedicating your loadout to a marksman rifle or sniper.

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While the Feng 82 is quite easy to control out of the box, it becomes a menace once you throw on some attachments. Today, we’ll be looking at two builds that allow the Feng 82 to reach its full potential, both in Multiplayer and Zombies.
How To Unlock The Feng 82
As with most seasonal weapons in Black Ops 6, the Feng 82 can be unlocked through the Season 2 Battle Pass. It’s the last reward on Page 3, requiring at least 14 Battle Pass tokens to unlock. You earn tokens through in-game time, regardless of activity. So long as you’re actively playing BO6, you’ll
progress the Battle Pass
and unlock this weapon.
Once Season 2 ends, the Feng 82 will be moved to the Armory Unlock system. Select the weapon from the Armory menu to tag it as your current unlock goal, awarding the weapon once you’ve earned enough XP.
Multiplayer Feng 82 Build
Feng 82 Build |
Attachment |
Pros And Cons |
Advanced Stats |
Willis x3 (Optic) |
Compensator (Muzzle) |
Long Barrel (Barrel) |
Vertical Foregrip (Underbarrel) |
Quickdraw Grip (Rear Grip) |
The Feng 82 is surprisingly powerful from a distance, capable of three-tapping opponents from roughly 50 meters away with this build. To do this, you’ll need a Long Barrel to extend your damage falloff, a Compensator to lower the weapon’s vertical recoil, and a Vertical Foregrip to clamp the weapon’s horizontal recoil.
This will make the weapon have virtually no recoil while in use, so we can now focus on other stats. For your optic, we highly recommend the Willis x3. It offers a clean cross-shaped optic and a major reduction to visual recoil. Complete the build with a Quickdraw Grip for faster ADS speed.
Loadout Recommendations
Perks | |
Specialty | Strategist |
Column One | Flak Jacket, Tac Mask |
Column Two | Fast Hands |
Column Three | Guardian |
Equipment | |
Wildcard | Perk Greed |
Lethal | Preference |
Tactical | Stim |
Field Upgrade | Trophy Systems |
There aren’t any perks required for this build to work, although we generally recommend the Strategist specialty in this instance. Flak Jacket and Tac Mask are two of the strongest perks in the game, mitigating the effectiveness of all enemy equipment. You can then run Fast Hands for instant swap speeds to your knife and secondary. The third column is up to you.
Zombies Feng 82 Build
Feng 82 Build |
Attachment |
Pros And Cons |
Advanced Stats |
Merlin Reflex (Optic) |
Compensator (Muzzle) |
Long Barrel (Barrel) |
Ranger Foregrip (Underbarrel) |
Extended Mag II (Magazine) |
Quickdraw Grip (Rear Grip) |
Infiltrator Stock (Stock) |
Target Laser (Laser) |
Using the Feng 82 in Zombies can be tricky due to its slow rate of fire and mobility stats. While Rapid Fire doesn’t help much with the RPM, we can buff the usability of this gun greatly with an Infiltrator Stock for more strafe speed and a Ranger Foregrip to buff your sprint speed. This should make the Feng feel closer to an AR.
Beyond that, we’re mostly using the same attachment configuration as our Multiplayer build. An optic, Compensator, and Long Barrel help fix the weapon’s overall effectiveness at range. Finish the build with an Extended Mag II attachment and your favorite laser; we recommend the Target Laser for lower reticle bounce while strafing.

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