What Materials Do You Need To Rebuild Winter’s Edge In Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter?

What Materials Do You Need To Rebuild Winter's Edge In Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter?

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Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter requires you to gather the requisite expertise and materials as you help Arlo rebuild Winter’s Edge. Once you’ve recruited your Smithy and Chef and then enlisted the help of a Beaver Builder, you can turn Arlo’s attention back toward his home of Winter’s Edge as you make the land habitable for your subjects again.


Without The Whetstone, Tails Of Iron 2 Is Great Again

Tails of Iron 2 is back on track after overhauling the whetstone.

However, rebuilding the four major resources is a long and arduous undertaking, so Forge and Stove will start with the two biggest essentials: the Kitchen and Smithy. Your people need to be armed and well-nourished to defend themselves against the Darkwing threat, so head over to your builder and get cracking.

How To Rebuild The Kitchen And Smithy

Once you complete A Builder’s Yard, return to your throne room to begin Forge and Stove, which tasks you with building up your Smithy and your Kitchen.

The Beaver Builder you recruited will be your main point of contact as you work together to get things back up and running.

These resources will be key against further Darkwing attacks, arming and empowering both you and your subjects to fight back.

Head outside to the Winter’s Edge yard and talk to the Beaver who will help you build a Smithy Base and Kitchen Base.

To build the upgrades, you will need a Chef’s Pot for the Kitchen and Smith’s Tongs for the Smithy. For now, you should focus on the base versions and keep the other materials you’ll need in reserve.

What Do You Need To Upgrade The Kitchen And Smithy?

While certain unique items must be acquired by completing upcoming quests, you can gather the rest of the materials during your journey across the lands as Arlo.

Plot Type

Upgrade Level

Prerequisite Requirement

Materials Required



Builder’s Yard Base

  • Chef’s Pot (acquired from Recruit Chef)
  • Five Stones
  • Five Wood Logs
  • Ten Gold


Builder’s Yard Upgrade One

  • Five Stones
  • Five Wood Logs
  • One Slither Scale Tail
  • 20 Gold


Builder’s Yard Upgrade Two

  • Marco The Farmer
  • One Slither Scale Tail
  • Giant Death March Fire Tail
  • 30 Gold

Eating a delicious meal in the kitchen increases your maximum health.

Plot Type

Upgrade Level

Prerequisite Requirement

Materials Required



Builder’s Yard Base

  • Five Stones
  • Five Clay
  • Ten Gold


Builder’s Yard Upgrade One

  • Smith’s Tongs
  • Five Stones
  • Five Clay
  • Stealth Claw Lamp
  • 20 Gold


Builder’s Yard Upgrade Two

  • Smith’s Apron
  • Smith’s Tools
  • Five Stones
  • Five Clay
  • 30 Gold

What Rewards Do You Get From Forge And Stove?

The Forge And Stove Quest Complete in Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter.

Once you’ve finished building the Kitchen and Smithy on their respective plots, you’ll complete Forge and Stove, earning the following crafting materials in addition to access to the new resources:

  • Five Iron Ore
  • Fire Copper Ore
  • Five Tin Ore
  • Five Small Bones
  • Five Large Bones
  • Five Wood Logs
  • 20 Gold


Tails Of Iron 2 Preview – Groundrat Day

Tails of Iron 2 retreads a lot of the same ground to its detriment, but it refines an already incredible foundation even further.

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