How To Use Binoculars In Sniper Elite Resistance

How To Use Binoculars In Sniper Elite Resistance

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Binoculars are an essential reconnaissance tool in Sniper Elite Resistance that helps players scan a location to identify threats and various objects of interest. In addition to allowing players to scan enemies, the binoculars also let you see their equipment. It’s a genuinely handy tool that adds another layer of planning to your espionage into Nazi territory. Here’s everything you need to know about the binoculars and how to equip and use them in Sniper Elite Resistance.


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How to Equip the Binoculars in Sniper Elite Resistance

Equipping the Binoculars in Sniper Elite Resistance

If players open the weapon wheel, they won’t see the binoculars in the list of weapons and tools. This is because the binoculars are mapped on a specific key on both controllers and a keyboard. Here’s how to use the binoculars in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Equip Binoculars



The “B” Key

The mouse scroll wheel “Up” and “Down” to zoom in and out respectively.

Controller (PlayStation/Xbox)

The “RS/R3” Button

D-Pad “Up” and “Down” to zoom in and out respectively.

What Can You Use Binoculars For?

The binoculars in Sniper Elite Resistance have a multitude of functions that enable you to know everything about a location and enemies without ever stepping foot in the area.

  • For starters, players can zoom up to 20x through the binoculars, which is even farther than any starting sniper rifle scope you’ll have equipped. You can see far and wide and identify threats from a safe distance. Surprisingly, you can also eavesdrop on conversation between two enemies from a great distance.
  • On the topic of identifying threats, the binoculars can also scan enemies, revealing what type of weapons and gear they have. In addition to their equipment, you can also know their names, distance, and lore hints just by scanning once.
  • You can also tag enemies with your binoculars, revealing their locations in real-time, even through walls. Although you can do the same with a normal rifle scope, binoculars’ high zoom capabilities give it an edge.

So, binoculars are one of the best tools to use on the battlefield to carefully plan out your mission. The more information you have on the enemy and the location, the better chances of you completing the mission without raising any alarms.

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