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Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter wastes no time throwing you into the deep end as Arlo, a young rat who is forcibly thrust into the spotlight as the new ruler of Winter’s Edge. Once you’ve repelled the attacking enemies, you’re tasked with helping to rebuild Winter’s Edge from the ground up.

Tails Of Iron 2 Preview – Groundrat Day
Tails of Iron 2 retreads a lot of the same ground to its detriment, but it refines an already incredible foundation even further.
To return Winter’s Edge to its former glory, you’ll have two key issues to address: recruiting a Chef, and a Smith to help make weapons and armor for your kingdom (a.k.a. the ratdom).
How To Recruit Smith
Once you select your quest via the throne in Winter’s Edge, you’ll be instructed to head to the Rift to find a new Smith.
Go to the left from the entrance to Winter’s Keep to gain access to the boat that will allow you to fast travel to other lands.
Once you arrive in the Rift, go right through the areas, stopping to fight the Rift Shield and Rift Spear Frogs.
Pick up the Poison antidote and jump up to follow the top path forward, passing a save point.
How To Defeat Ron The Legendary Merman Smith Of Bogmire Forge
Enter Bogmire Forge and face Ron the Legendary Merman Smith of Bogmire Forge.
Be careful to dodge Ron’s deadly poison bottle tosses and spews, as they can cause massive damage if they connect.
The poison effect can linger on the ground, so be careful to avoid the bubbling purple pools.
Let him jump at you and land face down, taking advantage of the brief period to attack without fear of retaliation. After thrashing the merman, he will stop attacking you, and thank you for bringing him to his senses.
Follow him inside and agree to help Ron by saving his wife and daughters.
Follow Ron back where you came from and then take the bottom path you bypassed before reaching the Forge.
Fight the Tailspinners in the area and loot them, then continue to the lower path into the next area. Defeat more Tailspinners then enter the newly opened threshold in the background
Take the Two-Handed Iron Hammer from Ron, then head back to the previous area, using the hammer to break the wooden planks that block the path to the right.
Defeat the enemies that emerge, then progress further right toward the frog camp.
Climb the ladder hidden among the webs to enter The Whale Boneyard.
Witness Ron’s horrible discovery and follow him as he enters a rage, dashing forward into the next area. You’ll need a key to progress further right, so for now, interact with the open archway just before the gate.
Keep heading right until you come across a Rift Lancer. This large enemy carries both a shield and a Lance, making it especially difficult to land hits.
Dodging and counterattacking are the best ways to deal with it, so wait for your openings when the little red lines appear around the Lancer’s head.
Unlocking Ice Elementa
Head to the end of the area and enter the threshold to meet an old rat who will bestow a gift upon you: Ice Elementa.
Hold LT/L2, then press A/X to activate your newly acquired Icy Tornado ability, which freezes enemies on contact.
Activate your Icy Tornado as you see fit to defeat the enemies, then progress further right until you jump across some platforms held up by frog statues.
Defeat another Rift Lancer and two Rift Riders and the way forward will be clear.
Continue right along the path, where you’ll encounter a merchant along your path who sells various items, including a Whetstone and other useful items.
If you need an ice-imbued weapon, this merchant offers one for sale, and is your last reprieve before the coming battle.
How To Defeat Patriarch Grundelboil Leader Of The Rift Frogs
Ascend the path using your grapple, then jump across into the Temple Toadspire Ruins.
Ron’s head will tumble down the stairs toward you – approach the source to encounter Patriarch Grundelboil Leader of the Rift Frogs.
This enemy is weak to Poison and Ice, so switch to those weapon types if you have them.
Avoid spear throws and diving attacks from both enemies, which deal massive damage. Avoid the electrical residue on the ground and dodge behind the Patriarch to unleash damage before the next barrage.
After the Patriarch is knocked off his mount, hit him while he tosses electric projectiles at you, then dodge his ground slam attack, which is telegraphed by red lines.
Use your ice magic to freeze the Patriarch in place to deal burst damage.
Loot the Grundelboil Key from your defeated foe and free Rita & Ruby –Ron’s daughters.
What Rewards Do You Get For Recruiting Smiths?
With Patriarch Grundelboil defeated, you’ll receive the Frog Blueprint, unlocking the frog set, which includes weapons and armor, as well as Rita & Ruby’s loyalty as your new Smiths.
This will complete the quest, earning you crafting materials and the following rewards:
- Natural Rift Helm
- Natural Rift Armour
- Natural Rift Pauldron
- Natural Rift Shield
From here, you can return to Winter’s Edge to embark on the next quest to recruit the Chef, if you haven’t already.

Without The Whetstone, Tails Of Iron 2 Is Great Again
Tails of Iron 2 is back on track after overhauling the whetstone.
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