After Winter’s Edge is left without a ruler and several key resources, it’s up to Arlo to restore it to glory in Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter. After the Darkwing attack, Arlo’s life is thrown into disarray, as Winter’s Edge desperately needs his help to replace the smith and chef to keep their kingdom afloat.

Without The Whetstone, Tails Of Iron 2 Is Great Again
Tails of Iron 2 is back on track after overhauling the whetstone.
Arlo can inspect his progress as the designated heir to the crown and embark on new adventures by selecting quests via the throne in the banquet hall. After you select the option to “Recruit Chef,” you must journey to the Golden Forest, where you’ll meet the Night-Eyes and seek out a new cook to keep your people fed.
How To Recruit A Chef
Begin the quest to recruit a chef by sitting on your throne in Winter’s Edge, where Leif will tell you to head to visit the Night-Eyes of the Golden Forest.
Head to the docks and fast-travel to the Golden Forest in the west.
Follow the path left to The Bug Farm, pursuing a call for help in the distance.
Dispatch the Mushroom Frog Archers and Samurai that leap out to ambush you, then speak to Erika the ranger, and follow her to the hidden village.
Once in Nestminster, you’ll hear the tale of a chef’s daughter, Frey, who is missing.
Head out to the Moonlight Pond with Erika to rescue Frey.
Go left from the entrance to Nestminster to cross the bridge with Erika, and receive a bow to strike quietly (using LB/L1).
Ignore the path blocked by two guards and use your grapple to follow Erika further west.
Mine the ore and other resources along the way to use in crafting.
You’ll come across a white feather to confirm you’re going the right way, along with an ambush by two Frog Samurai.
Once you defeat the enemies, continue left (resting at the save point along the way) and soon you’ll reach the Mushroom Farm, where another ambush awaits.
A pair of Stripe-Snout farmers will emerge after you defeat the frogs and encourage you to continue left toward the pond.
Once you arrive at the Moonlight Pond, where you’ll meet Frey, who will run off in search of an egg.
Follow Frey to the right (where you just came from), until your path is blocked by a farmer.
Grab the Badger Basement Key from the farmer, then go inside the farm and head into the basement.
Use the key to exit the basement, and you’ll be on the path to follow Frey.
How To Unlock Fire Elementa
You’ll encounter a statue that will teach you to use Fire Elementa (Hold LT/L2 + Press Y/Triangle), which you can test on the two enemies who attack immediately after.
Continue along the path until you reach a cliff above you – use your grapple to get to the top.
How To Defeat The Big Spore Miniboss
Climb down the ladder, then head right until you reach the Big Spore miniboss, which is weak to Fire and Ice.
Use your newly learned Fire Magic to do massive damage to the boss and avoid the slam attacks indicated by the red lines.
Once defeated, progress right and down the ladder into the next area, continuing until you encounter a merchant where you can stock up before venturing forth.
How To Fend Off Slither Scale
Go right into The Slither Scale Pit, and you’ll encounter the Slither Scale boss enemy, which is weak to Fire and Electric.
Be careful of this snake’s poison-laced attacks. This is where some poison-resistant armor will come in handy.
Dodge the quick attacks and counter when the Slither Scale is stuck after each strike until it flees.
With Frey’s egg hunt now complete, you can head back to the parliament.
Head right and follow the path up a series of ladders leading back to The Bug Farm.
From here, head left to get back to Nestminster and witness Frey & Erika’s declaration to help provide food for Winter’s Edge.
What Rewards Do You Get For Recruiting Chefs?
With the quest to recruit chefs complete, you’ll unlock the Slither Scale Blueprint and earn the following rewards:
- Dull Slither Scale Shortsword
- Rough Slither Scale Shield
- Rough Slither Scale Armour
- Rough Slither Scale Helmet
You’ll also receive additional crafting materials and gold.

Tails Of Iron 2 Preview – Groundrat Day
Tails of Iron 2 retreads a lot of the same ground to its detriment, but it refines an already incredible foundation even further.
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